Obamas Class Warfare -

So let me understand this. This person will forgo making more money, and expanding the business, because she will have to pay higher taxes. She says her 'family' makes more than $300,000/year. How many people would take a $50,000/year paycut in order to pay a few percent in less taxes???

Dapoes, you really need to come up with a real source. A letter to the editor to the LA Times???

You are better off just quoting Rush Limbaugh.

That is like the bozos I used to work with saying that they did not like to work overtime because they would have to pay more income tax. (Hint, you pay more income tax when you make more income)


What you fail to see is that the Republicans would be lining their pockets at our expense as well. SSDD my friend

back in 1990, the Government seized the Mustang Ranch brothel in Nevada for tax evasion and, as required by law, tried to run it.

They failed and it closed. Now we are trusting the economy of our country and our banking system to the same nit-wits who couldn't make money running a whore house and selling whiskey!"

"A real nice dinner for 2 at a fancy restaurant"...$100.00

"Two front row seats at a Yankees Game"............$200.00

Pineys reply to dapoes...................................."P R I C E L E S S " :up: :up: :up:
CBO: Economic slump will end mid-2009
by Donny Ferguson on Feb 09, 2009

The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office reports the current economic slump will end sometime around mid-2009.

Keep in mind Obama himself admits any effect he thinks his government expansion will have on the economy won't take place until 2010 -- well after the slump will end anyway.

Between that, and the CBO's research last week showing Obama plan will cause long-term damage to the economy, and that the economy will bounce back faster without the package, why is the Senate even considering a $1,100,000,000,000.00 Frankenstein's moster of wealth transfers and fatter government?

It probably has much to do with the fact much of the money lines the pockets of groups that deliver votes to Democrats, and much of that borrowed taxpayer money could even end up in Democrat campaign accounts by way of funneling through labor unions, ACORN and such.

The only thing the package appears to be stimulating are government growth and Democrat vote-delivering mechanisms.

bob , your smart man ... do you REALLLY beleive the CBO ? now they do some good work , i like them in fact ... but they are lying through their teeth on this one ...

i maybe a simple baggage handler BUT i can still do very SIMPLE math ....

people , when the US GDP drops by 6.2 percent in one quarter , what does that tell you ? when all of our major banks end up on their knees what does that tell you ?

When the goverment has to funnel hunderds of billions of dollars to the worlds LARGEST third party insurer (and i want all of you to recoginze all of the defeintional scope of the term tird party insurer ) what does that tell you ?

we are now in the midists of another crisis that is just now hitting our country , the commerical real estate crisis ...

no my fellow ameircans , this is capatlism dying , and there's nothing anyone can do , not obama , not mccain , not the congress .... we can't defcit spend our way out of this , and we can't cut our bugets down to cope with this either ....

it is , the end .
That is like the bozos I used to work with saying that they did not like to work overtime because they would have to pay more income tax. (Hint, you pay more income tax when you make more income)

Angle I heard was IRS took out at the higher tax rate.
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So let me understand this. This person will forgo making more money, and expanding the business, because she will have to pay higher taxes. She says her 'family' makes more than $300,000/year. How many people would take a $50,000/year paycut in order to pay a few percent in less taxes???

Dapoes, you really need to come up with a real source. A letter to the editor to the LA Times???

You are better off just quoting Rush Limbaugh.

That is like the bozos I used to work with saying that they did not like to work overtime because they would have to pay more income tax. (Hint, you pay more income tax when you make more income)


It really doesn't matter what you think, as its now the mindset of those who make over 250K. To debate whether "you think" is irrelevant. Obviously people are outraged by it and are acting out in revolt for being singled out.

Upper-Income Taxpayers Look for Ways to Sidestep Obama Tax-Hike Plan
Dr. Sharon Poczatek, who runs her own dental practice in Boulder, Colo., said that she too is trying to figure out ways to get out of paying the taxes proposed in Obama's plan.

"I've put thought into how to get under $250,000," said Poczatek. "It would mean working fewer days which means having fewer employees, seeing fewer patients and taking time off."

"Generally it means being less productive," she said.

Poczatek argued that by reducing her income from her current $320,000 to under $250,000 by having her dental hygienist work fewer days and byl treating fewer patients, she would avoid paying higher taxes on the $70,000 that would be subject to increased taxation if Obama's proposal is signed into law.

Additionally, any interest from a checking or savings account or capital gains from stocks, would also count as taxable income.

"The motivation for a lot of people like me -- dentists, entrepreneurs, lawyers -- is that the more you work the more money you make," said Poczatek. "But if I'm going to be working just to give it back to the government -- it's de-motivating and demoralizing."
It really doesn't matter what you think, as its now the mindset of those who make over 250K. To debate whether "you think" is irrelevant. Obviously people are outraged by it and are acting out in revolt for being singled out.

Upper-Income Taxpayers Look for Ways to Sidestep Obama Tax-Hike Plan

I suppose I could understand the rationale of the cited examples if they were making just a bit over $250k... say $260k. At that point, the principle of not wanting to give extra money to the government could, for those people, outweigh the desire to make an extra $10k and be taxed extra percentage points on that $10k. For the Doctor example, I suppose she is making the same argument but with a much larger sum of money ($70k). It doesn't make since to me because I would rather receive the $70k and pay a few extra thousand dollars in taxes than to not receive the $70k at all. But, all-in-all, I disagree with these tax policies... so I am glad people are making their voices heard on this issue!
It really doesn't matter what you think, as its now the mindset of those who make over 250K. To debate whether "you think" is irrelevant. Obviously people are outraged by it and are acting out in revolt for being singled out.
You put "you think" in quotes.

When you respond to a post of mine, do not put things is quotations attributed to me that were not said.
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Heres more people who think Obamas tax increase is crap:

Corporate oil booms in low-tax Switzerland
* Companies seek Swiss domiciles despite tax row
* U.S. political climate may be helping
* Appeal as corporate location may outlast offshore dispute

ZUG, Switzerland, March 12 (CNN-Reuters) - The tidy towns and mountain vistas of Switzerland are an unlikely setting for an oil boom.

Yet a wave of energy companies has in the last few months announced plans to move to Switzerland -- mainly for its appeal as a low-tax corporate domicile that looks relatively likely to stay out of reach of Barack Obama's tax-seeking administration.
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Look to the wisdom of the past:

Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.
Winston Churchill

Margaret Thatcher

No theory of government was ever given a fairer test or a more prolonged experiment in a democratic country than democratic socialism received in Britain. Yet it was a miserable failure in every respect. Far from reversing the slow relative decline of Britain vis-à-vis its main industrial competitors, it accelerated it. We fell further behind them, until by 1979 we were widely dismissed as 'the sick man of Europe'...To cure the British disease with socialism was like trying to cure leukaemia with leeches. The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money to spend."
You talk about a tax increase as a campaign promise for 250K and higher which will cause price increases and job losses across the board.
What I don't hear being discussed is this lame BS about carbon trading and such which is more and more being proven to be based on BS science......but most likely will come to be unless there is a huge out pouring of voter indignation.
You must realize this scheme is a tax end around to the much ballyhooed class warfare BS being sold by Obama during his candidacy.
Carbon caps will affect every American through increased utility,fuel and food prices.

An across the board tax hike for all..........

Let's spread your wealth around........... :down:
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You dont deserve to be rich anymore!

Rich can afford tax hike

President Obama told Californians during a campaign-style town hall meeting on Wednesday that rich people can afford to pay higher taxes in selling his budget plan as an investment in the nation's future.

Mr. Obama pushed back on people who say he is overtaxing the nation, saying his tax increases on families earning $250,000 or more a year are reverting to the tax system under former President Bill Clinton. The president added he will pay higher taxes himself as a result.

"These folks can afford it. They were rich back in the '90s," he said. "It's not like suddenly they're going to have to go to the poorhouse. But what that does is it allows us to pay for health care reform for a lot of people."

Going after a line of attack Republicans have used against him, Mr. Obama insisted, "I don't think that's unreasonable. I don't think that's socialism.

What a complete a-hole :down:
You dont deserve to be rich anymore!

What a complete a-hole :down:

Obama's quotes drive me nuts. Just because I can afford something doesn't mean I want to buy the product. And when it comes to how Obama wants to use my tax dollars, I don't want to buy what Obama is selling.

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