Obamas Class Warfare -


May 17, 2008
So as Obama slam dunks another campaign promise of redistributing the wealth and embarking on any and every kind of entitlement program known to man kind. He wants to pay for it on the backs of those that make the most. Yet those that make the most, pay the most taxes already ie raising taxes on those that make over $250k. Link


So what happens as Obama's government entitlement machine needs more fuel to to burn? You can bet that suddenly that sliding scale will drop down right into the crosshairs of the middle class. :down:
So as Obama slam dunks another campaign promise of redistributing the wealth and embarking on any and every kind of entitlement program known to man kind. He wants to pay for it on the backs of those that make the most. Yet those that make the most, pay the most taxes already ie raising taxes on those that make over $250k. Link


So what happens as Obama's government entitlement machine needs more fuel to to burn? You can bet that suddenly that sliding scale will drop down right into the crosshairs of the middle class. :down:
$250,000 seems like alot of money but all it it does is place you in the upper middle class. It probably makes you a small to medium business owner. It can give you a comfortable living, give a bit of statuts around town, and make you the object of jealousy; yet it does not make one super rich or give much influence out side of the local country club.
The super rich, or super class seldom pay taxes. These families shelter their wealth in foundations. Ford, Rockefeller, Carnegie, Mellon, Pickens, Gates, Soros, they all have one.
Obama will never go after their wealth because he knows it could be dangerous to his political and physical well being. Jealousy is an ugly part of human nature. Politicians like Obama know this and use it to pit the poor against the middle class. Its the timeless game of divide and conquer.
That's their tax bracket, not they actually pay. Warren Buffet makes a little over $380k a yer and he stated that he paid about 19% tax. If Congress closed all the loop holes and people actually paid the taxes they owed we might have a few more dollars in the bank.
So as Obama slam dunks another campaign promise of redistributing the wealth and embarking on any and every kind of entitlement program known to man kind. He wants to pay for it on the backs of those that make the most. Yet those that make the most, pay the most taxes already ie raising taxes on those that make over $250k. Link


So what happens as Obama's government entitlement machine needs more fuel to to burn? You can bet that suddenly that sliding scale will drop down right into the crosshairs of the middle class. :down:

If I remember correctly, these RICH folks that you speak of, will not be taxed any more than they were taxed by the GODFATHER of the GOP................Ronald Wilson Reagan.
(I don't recall those RICH folks back then complainig about ANYthing..RWR did) ????????????

If Obama’s tax plan pulls an extra $12,000 from that business, where do you think that money is going to come from?

Small business owners have choices, they can pay the increased taxes themselves, cut staff, slow expansion or pass costs to consumers. Most likely they will choose a combination of all, which is not good news for those in the middle or lower class.


If I were a small business owner, the 1st option is off the table ! You know, the part that says ."Pay taxes themselves" ! :down:

But I know it's gonna be O.K. because that employee I just laid off is being promised a job building "Wind Mills" by Obama !
I was watching a conservative conference, imagine that, on tv last night and Newt Gingrich was speaking and he had a very keen observation about Obama !

Newt said " Instead of Obama saying he was going to punish companys that outsource jobs over-seas, he should have been saying I'm going to reward companys that insource jobs to the U.S., thus sending a positive position on the matter"!

Option 1 : Lets see here, I'm a business owner and will be punished for outsourcing, screw it, I'll outsource the entire company overseas, along with my bank account ! :blink:

Option 2 : O.K. I'm a business owner and Obama says I'll be rewarded for bringing jobs to the U.S. ! Hell, I'm going to bring back those jobs I outsorced last year ! :shock:
I guess it's a good thing you are not a business owner. If I tell you I'm going to give you six widgets or half a dozen widgets, what does it matter? If Obama says that companies will be punished for out sourcing or companies who do not out source will not be punished, what is the difference? The bottom line is that the playing field will be evened out because outsourcing will not longer benefit a company financially.

His speech was for the idiots on the street who cannot do them math, not the business owner. A business owner does not care how something is said. They will look at them math and do what is best for them financially. I shop where I shop because I get the best value for my dollar. The attitude of the staff is secondary. If they happen to be nice, great.... I won't be treated like garbage (and never have on a regular basis) and I don't want to shop in a pig sty but these things are secondary to value for my dollar.

His speech reminds me of a add where they say they "will beat any price or GIVE IT TO ME FREE." I always wanted to go there and ask them how many times they have given any thing away free? I'll bet nine out of ten don't get that add. I won't ever shop there because that insults my inteligence.

Ginrich is a blow hard in my opinion. He was harping on Clinton for getting a hummer in the Oval while he was banging his secretary. Now is is harping on wording where the end result is the same.

Wake me up when some one says something that actually makes sense.
By all means please explain how said business owner who says, "Screw Obama and his penalty's for out-sourcing, I'm going to move my whole damn company to India", benefits the U.S. ? :blink:
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That's their tax bracket, not they actually pay. Warren Buffet makes a little over $380k a yer and he stated that he paid about 19% tax. If Congress closed all the loop holes and people actually paid the taxes they owed we might have a few more dollars in the bank.

Short term capital gains are at a lower percentage, not at the regular % used for income.
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It’s the theme of the day. I’m sure the tinfoil-hatters will find a way to blame it on the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy. From the letters to the editors page of the Los Angeles Times, another taxpayers goes Galt:

I have employed about 50 people during the last 20 years, and my family’s taxable income is about $300,000. In order to avoid paying a higher percentage of taxes on all of my income, I will decrease output, lay off some staff and still end up keeping the same amount.

I have no incentive to hire people or expand my business, because the more I make, the more President Obama will take to expand government. This discourages expansion of the private sector. It will backfire with disastrous consequences for all.

It is repulsive that Obama is being allowed to take this country backward by pickpocketing the very people who run the private sector through their energy, money and creativity.

Kay Santos
Diamond Bar
It’s the theme of the day. I’m sure the tinfoil-hatters will find a way to blame it on the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy. From the letters to the editors page of the Los Angeles Times, another taxpayers goes Galt:
So let me understand this. This person will forgo making more money, and expanding the business, because she will have to pay higher taxes. She says her 'family' makes more than $300,000/year. How many people would take a $50,000/year paycut in order to pay a few percent in less taxes???

Dapoes, you really need to come up with a real source. A letter to the editor to the LA Times???

You are better off just quoting Rush Limbaugh.

That is like the bozos I used to work with saying that they did not like to work overtime because they would have to pay more income tax. (Hint, you pay more income tax when you make more income)

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CBO: Economic slump will end mid-2009
by Donny Ferguson on Feb 09, 2009

The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office reports the current economic slump will end sometime around mid-2009.

Keep in mind Obama himself admits any effect he thinks his government expansion will have on the economy won't take place until 2010 -- well after the slump will end anyway.

Between that, and the CBO's research last week showing Obama plan will cause long-term damage to the economy, and that the economy will bounce back faster without the package, why is the Senate even considering a $1,100,000,000,000.00 Frankenstein's moster of wealth transfers and fatter government?

It probably has much to do with the fact much of the money lines the pockets of groups that deliver votes to Democrats, and much of that borrowed taxpayer money could even end up in Democrat campaign accounts by way of funneling through labor unions, ACORN and such.

The only thing the package appears to be stimulating are government growth and Democrat vote-delivering mechanisms.

Agreed 100%
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What you fail to see is that the Republicans would be lining their pockets at our expense as well.

No, I actually see it plain as day, and it is not acceptable whatsoever.

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