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Obamacare Unconstitutional

Wow, big business intervening to screw over the people and protect their self interest. OH, my bad, SCOTUS just ruled that corporations are people.

How does that pertain to his conversation?
Wow, big business intervening to screw over the people and protect their self interest. OH, my bad, SCOTUS just ruled that corporations are people.

How does that pertain to his conversation?

Kinda the same as your death panel in another thread.
Pay attn. Dell, I don't care if you apply for it, you do have to pay for it with your pay roll taxes. Every pay check has a SS tax on it. I do not have an option for not paying for it.

May be she should ask Scallia and his wife. They have been doing it since he was on the bench.

Perhaps but SS and Medicare have already opened that door and no one has been complaining till now.

Big difference between a tax and a mandate to use the service.

And you are wrong on the complaining thing........