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eolesen said:
There's a quantum leap ethically between preventing a pregnancy and terminating one.
Only to those who wish to control women and their bodies.  I'm assuming that if you really agree with the statement above, you also do not eat eggs for breakfast because that would be terminating a pregnancy.  If life begins at conception, and not at birth, then eating eggs is killing a baby chicken which (according to the sanctimonious) was created by God.
Dog Wonder said:
Ignoring the benefits they do provide.
You've yet to list a single benefit, so how can you know they're being ignored?
Uh, check your facts a bit, Jim. Eggs sold for consumption almost exclusively come from non-breeding stock. You'd need immaculate conception to get a fertilized egg.

My wife had two miscarriages, and grieved both fairly extensively. I guess she was misguided.
On the Hobby Lobby Decision.
Kids, this is what Liberty looks like. The right to live as one chooses. For example let's say my friend here Glenn and I start Quagmire & Sparrowhawk Widget Company. We become wildly profitable and successful. Have had numerous chances to go public but decided to stay a closely held corporation. Now we have 1,000 employees and it comes time to evaluate our health care coverage. To make it interesting lets say that Glenn and I are devout Jehovah's Witnesses, (now that's funny) and we decide after much prayer and consultation with the elders in the church that we in good conscience just cannot have insurance that pays for whole blood transfusions due to our faith. We understand full well that others will be outraged. BUT, it's our company and our conscience. If the workforce unionizes as a result it's also our consequence. Doesn't matter a hoot in hell what the guy on the shop floor thinks, the media, the government or anyone else thinks or feels, it's our company and our faith and no one else s opinion matters in a free society.
Dog Wonder said:
Read the dissent.  May be beyond your E first world.
The dissent is the side that couldn't sway the others and lost, right?...
signals said:
Actually the unions are pissed because the government has eradicated union shop laws sort of speak. Here's the thing...if a job REQUIRES one to join a union to work there, the SCOTUS has overstepped it's authority by saying that union membership is not required. Sure, this is your dream to eliminate unions, but YOU will be the loser when your company finally finds that monkeys work cheaper than people. Unions and non-unions have a symbiotic relationship where they feed off each other. Love or hate it, when the cheese stands alone it gets eaten by corporate America. Eliminating unions will heighten your workload and turn your buddies in management into the cutthroat rats they really are.

It's only a matter of time, because regardless of your views, those that are higher up than yourself are not for your best interest. The truth comes out once unions are eliminated and corporate America is watching their bottom line that involves 'cheaper' labor!
That's fantastic! Now tell me why a mother should be "Forced" to pay union dues, for caring for her "Own" child at "Her" home?
That's fantastic! Now tell me why a mother should be "Forced" to pay union dues, for caring for her "Own" child at "Her" home?
Much like Wal-Mart, nobody is forcing her to work there.
That is unfair to throw that in.  I never said that pregnancy termination, by any means, is a preferred choice.  But, neither you nor I has the right to say that someone else may not have that choice because we find it distasteful.  But, since you know all about eggs at the grocery store, do you have a posse of do-gooders that raid rural homes that have their own chickens and where they could care less whether or not the egg is fertilized?  After all, we can't have some people eating only unfertilized eggs, and some people killing baby chickens.  That's not equal protection under the Constitution.
jimntx said:
Only to those who wish to control women and their bodies.  I'm assuming that if you really agree with the statement above, you also do not eat eggs for breakfast because that would be terminating a pregnancy.  If life begins at conception, and not at birth, then eating eggs is killing a baby chicken which (according to the sanctimonious) was created by God.
jimntx said:
That is unfair to throw that in.  I never said that pregnancy termination, by any means, is a preferred choice.  But, neither you nor I has the right to say that someone else may not have that choice because we find it distasteful.  But, since you know all about eggs at the grocery store, do you have a posse of do-gooders that raid rural homes that have their own chickens and where they could care less whether or not the egg is fertilized?  After all, we can't have some people eating only unfertilized eggs, and some people killing baby chickens.  That's not equal protection under the Constitution.
I like my eggs over easy, hash browns, toast and coffee.
I think you went off the deep end Jim.
You been eating that Colorado candy bar a lil too much?
😛 xUT
eolesen said:
Hobby Lobby can chose to do business with heathens if they want to. They're not forced to buy from China.
Which only proves that in the end they are business whose only god is the almighty dollar.
It's a stretch to say that buying goods from China is a show of support for their government's policies and actions.

For the most part, the factories set up in China are non-SOE's, many of which are majority owned by non-Chinese interests.
xUT said:
I like my eggs over easy, hash browns, toast and coffee.
I think you went off the deep end Jim.
You been eating that Colorado candy bar a lil too much?
😛 xUT
Hey, E;s the one who suggested life begins at conception, not me.  By that faction''s determination, if the egg is fertilized it is a living being.  Can't kill it.  And, considering that bunch likes to interfere in other people's private lives more than the government, it needs to be in EVERYONE'S life, not just those of us who shop at Kroger and buy unfertilized eggs.  A wrong is a wrong is a wrong.  Can't have it both ways for convenience sake.