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"The home-care workers in Harris v. Quinn served individuals with disabilities through the federal-state Medicaid program. They argued they should not have to pay dues for the state's contract with the Service Employees International Union, even though the union is required to represent them and they benefit from its services."
Dog Wonder said:
"The home-care workers in Harris v. Quinn served individuals with disabilities through the federal-state Medicaid program. They argued they should not have to pay dues for the state's contract with the Service Employees International Union, even though the union is required to represent them and they benefit from its services."
YOU LOST! Individual Liberty won. Face it Liberty is popular. Abood was not extended and with good reason.
700UW said:
The sky is falling, the sky is falling........
Basically, this dude and the IAM are pissed because they can't take money from a mother, who does not need or want a union, who cares for "HER OWN SON".
Just goes to show how low unions will stoop to collect dues!
southwind said:
And here's the real reason union's are pissed!
"Harris Ruling Could Cost AFSCME, SEIU Tens of Millions"
Yeah, that's it... It's always-and only- ever about dues...      🙄

Kev3188 said:
Yeah, that's it... It's always-and only- ever about dues...      🙄
It takes money to maintain union golf courses and their corporate jets, last time I checked!
Dog Wonder said:
Read how the union represents them in contract talks, and they don't want to pay for it.
What interests is the union representing them in?

Pay? Set by statute, not contract.

Benefits? They don't and won't get them.

Liability? They aren't covered there, either.

Seniority? Doesn't apply.

Grievances? Doesn't apply.

Work rules? They don't apply, either.

Hiring and firing? Not applicable.

So, aside from those, what, specifically, is the union providing them with in terms of representation services?...
Dog Wonder said:
"The home-care workers in Harris v. Quinn served individuals with disabilities through the federal-state Medicaid program. They argued they should not have to pay dues for the state's contract with the Service Employees International Union, even though the union is required to represent them and they benefit from its services."
Damn liberal media.
Again, exactly, what services are they getting?

Sorry if English isn't your first language, but you've yet to answer what's a pretty basic question.

I'll save you the trouble -- the only services that could be made available by the SEIU to the PA's was the handling of any grievances filed with the State.

Since the State has no employer role other than issuing payment, there's nothing that the PA's could possibly freeload on.

Feel free to contradict it with context and fact if you wish...
This bill was nothing but a vailed attempted at money laudering and fraud. The Legislature gives the Union millions in dues in exchange for money and votes from the union, nothing in it for the home HC workers at all. Typically union and government dishonest BS.

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