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O M G, Buyers Remorse ALREADY ??

Anyone that took to the streets over BaRack, was labeled a racist.
So does that make the Libtards in the street today racist?
It makes them morons. Aren't these the same people that derided Donald Trump saying he wouldn't accept the results of the election if he lost?
I believe "engaged citizens" is what they are refereed to earlier, the hypocrisy is amazing but not unexpected.
Engaged all right. In Snivling, crying, starting fires, smashing windows, stomping on cars, beating up "whitey" cuz he voted Trump? Could you imagine that if Hildabeast won, they would let kids skip school and exams to protest? Hardly! They would be suspended immediately! What a bunch of sissies and whiners. A "cry in"? What the hell is that? These coddled kids and punks better get a grip fast, because this BS is getting fixed real soon.
Commifornia is boasting they are keeping Sanctuary Cities open for illegals? I think they better rethink that one.
God bless PDX- still the greatest city on Earth.

Proud to be a native of what the Bush family referred to as "little Beirut."

hows those engaged citizens in PDX doing Kev? making you proud hmmm?

I bet those small business getting there property vandalized wish they had remain just mere keyboard warriors
Jesus, you guys can't even figure out that it's only a handful of people causing trouble?

C'mon. Even Hackman is smarter than that, so I know the rest of you are.

Oh, and I still contend that those peaceably demonstrating are doing more than any keyboard warrior on here.

Get up, stand up.
Jesus, you guys can't even figure out that it's only a handful of people causing trouble?

C'mon. Even Hackman is smarter than that, so I know the rest of you are.

Oh, and I still contend that those peaceably demonstrating are doing more than any keyboard warrior on here.

Get up, stand up.
A handful of people? I guess your not smarter than that Kevy, no surprise. I got no problem with protest, been in a few myself. However the libtard news and websites are calling for more than that. Calls for the Electoral College to vote against Trump. Calls for disrupting the inauguration ceremonies. Of course, more threats assassinations that the DOJ won't investigate. A civil war is not what the libtard sissies and snivelers want.
Like a 2 year old, you let tantrum go on, when it gets out of control, it gets. stopped. Hard.

Get up, stand up. Then get knocked down.
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Those peacefully marching? You bet.

theyseem to be painfully out numbered.Truth be told likely they are mostly Bernie supporters they should direct their outrage to the DNC and HRC for conspiring to screw their boy
Of course not. It's f'ing InfoWars...
Triggers in the Kevy safe space? I watched Rachael Madcow tonite, and LMAO. It's no wonder your people are in the streets looking like ISIS factions with purple hair and nose rings. You libtardians didn't know what you were up against.

You still don't.
DNTulsa: Try not to break your finger clicking that red X...


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