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' O M A R O S A ' !

Obamascare wasn't meant to help anybody, it was designed to institute crippling premium increases so the masses would beg for single payer pubic option.....case in point, it was supposed to help the poor, down trodden masses, yet it left some 30 million w/o coverage.....

SSI they want to eliminate fraud and channel it back to what it was intended for.

Medicare was going to be pushed back on the states and grant funded from Uncle Sam.

I'm from the south, and there were stories when I was young about "B'rer Rabbit" and "B'rer Fox". In one of the stories, B'rer Fox had caught B'rer Rabbitt, who lived in the briar patch. B'rer Rabbit pleaded with B'rer Fox "Do whatever you want, but PLEASE don't throw me in that briar patch". So B'rer Fox threw B'rer Rabbit into the briar patch - giving him exactly what he wanted.

That's kind of like Obamacare. Obamacare told the American people "you MUST buy health insurance". And private insurers, who were the ones that were running Obamacare put up a big stink. "Oh please B'rer Obama...whatever you do, DON'T force Americans to buy the product I am selling". Obama should have listened to B'rer Coventry and created single payor. Instead - he threw the insurance companies 300 million customers. And insurance companies, getting EXACTLY what they wanted, hiked up rates because all Americans were ordered to buy their product. And when people complained, they pointed to B'rer Obama and said "he made us do it".

And think about the republican plan for Medicare - there was this thing called "Medicaid Expansion", where Medicaid as going to be pushed back on the states and grant funded by Uncle Sam. How many states refused Medicaid expansion? Why would Medicare be treated any differently?
Obamascare wasn't meant to help anybody, it was designed to institute crippling premium increases so the masses would beg for single payer pubic option.....case in point, it was supposed to help the poor, down trodden masses, yet it left some 30 million w/o coverage.....

It cut the number of uninsured in half.
I'm from the south, and there were stories when I was young about "B'rer Rabbit" and "B'rer Fox". In one of the stories, B'rer Fox had caught B'rer Rabbitt, who lived in the briar patch. B'rer Rabbit pleaded with B'rer Fox "Do whatever you want, but PLEASE don't throw me in that briar patch". So B'rer Fox threw B'rer Rabbit into the briar patch - giving him exactly what he wanted.

That's kind of like Obamacare. Obamacare told the American people "you MUST buy health insurance". And private insurers, who were the ones that were running Obamacare put up a big stink. "Oh please B'rer Obama...whatever you do, DON'T force Americans to buy the product I am selling". Obama should have listened to B'rer Coventry and created single payor. Instead - he threw the insurance companies 300 million customers. And insurance companies, getting EXACTLY what they wanted, hiked up rates because all Americans were ordered to buy their product. And when people complained, they pointed to B'rer Obama and said "he made us do it".

And think about the republican plan for Medicare - there was this thing called "Medicaid Expansion", where Medicaid as going to be pushed back on the states and grant funded by Uncle Sam. How many states refused Medicaid expansion? Why would Medicare be treated any differently?

Yes it hiked up rates as planned where your average Joe took a plan with a 10K out of pocket at about $300 a month.....$300 that he was spending on other things.....and couldn't use the plan and pay for it at the same time? Bunch of dickheads plan this or rather a bunch scheming to get single payer?

It cut the number of uninsured in half.
But what about the 30 million left out in the cold? Wasn't this supposed to help the low income crowd? Looks like they weren't much of a concern........lets overburden the people who can 'afford' this and stick it where the sun don't shine and they'll scream for single payer.
Yes it hiked up rates as planned where your average Joe took a plan with a 10K out of pocket at about $300 a month.....$300 that he was spending on other things.....and couldn't use the plan and pay for it at the same time? Bunch of dickheads plan this or rather a bunch scheming to get single payer?

But what about the 30 million left out in the cold? Wasn't this supposed to help the low income crowd? Looks like they weren't much of a concern........lets overburden the people who can 'afford' this and stick it where the sun don't shine and they'll scream for single payer.

As I said - Obama GAVE insurance companies 300 million customers. They were running the show. They took full advantage and jacked up rates and lowered coverages....and blamed Obamacare for it. What to know how to make an insurance executive sh!t his pants? Tell him congress just passed single payor.
As I said - Obama GAVE insurance companies 300 million customers. They were running the show. They took full advantage and jacked up rates and lowered coverages....and blamed Obamacare for it. What to know how to make an insurance executive sh!t his pants? Tell him congress just passed single payor.

And what did those companies do for congress with 300 million customers?

Did you ever see the graph of what congress members were paid in lobbying fees whether they voted for or against? I can't locate the article but believe me, for or against, you got taken care of.
And what did those companies do for congress with 300 million customers?

Did you ever see the graph of what congress members were paid in lobbying fees whether they voted for or against? I can't locate the article but believe me, for or against, you got taken care of.
The Republicans, including the orange wonder boy, were elected to do something about "Obamacare". The truth is, they are the LAST group who wants to do anything about it. They are happy to leave it be while blaming democrats. Something about not having 60 votes, which are needed to stop a filibuster, of which there have been zero.. But they will run on against "Obamacare", even this year. Screwing the very people who voted for them, and blaming democrats. And at one time I had faith in the American people. I thought that they would eventually see just what the republicans have done for them - nothing. Instead, we got Donald Trump and his blaming of Obama for not having this "really great" health care plan that was going to "cover everybody" while costing less. They've done nothing, and that thing that was going to be "repealed and replaced with something terrific" is now a "back burner" issue. Meanwhile, you're rates are still going up because insurance companies can raise them willy-nilly and blame Obamacare.
The Republicans, including the orange wonder boy, were elected to do something about "Obamacare". The truth is, they are the LAST group who wants to do anything about it. They are happy to leave it be while blaming democrats. Something about not having 60 votes, which are needed to stop a filibuster, of which there have been zero.. But they will run on against "Obamacare", even this year. Screwing the very people who voted for them, and blaming democrats. And at one time I had faith in the American people. I thought that they would eventually see just what the republicans have done for them - nothing. Instead, we got Donald Trump and his blaming of Obama for not having this "really great" health care plan that was going to "cover everybody" while costing less. They've done nothing, and that thing that was going to be "repealed and replaced with something terrific" is now a "back burner" issue. Meanwhile, you're rates are still going up because insurance companies can raise them willy-nilly and blame Obamacare.

Not so......Trump is up against all those establishment stooges that suck from the teat of big pharma........on both sides of the aisle......get a grip.
Not so......Trump is up against all those establishment stooges that suck from the teat of big pharma........on both sides of the aisle......get a grip.
The republicans have a majority....they made a token effort to "repeal and replace" Obamacare, but then whined that "we don't have 60 votes". The only reason they needed 60 votes was to end a filibuster, but nobody was filibustering. So they threw up their hands and said "those damn democrats" without even trying, and did nothing since then. T Rump urged them to "go nuclear" on it. They didn't. They have done nothing (aside from blaming democrats when their constituents on the campaign trail complain about the high cost of insurance). T Rump hasn't spoken or twitted a word about it since they made their token effort. Funny...it was supposed to be done "the first day". I didn't realize T Rump gave up so easily.
...what have Republicans done for you lately?
All that crap you wrote and this is where it all falls apart. This is where your stupidity really shines. In short, not a damn thing. Here is where your logic is flawed, you think there is a difference between Republicans and Democrats. When you realize that they are one and the same only then will you see why this country was going to ****. People didn’t vote for Trump because he was a Republican. Republicans lost this election just as bad as the Democrats. They voted for him because he wasn’t a payed for politician puppet. Everything Trump has done has only been for the benefit for the country as a whole. Not so sure what your problem is with that.
All you dick head conservatives on 'here' have me in side-splitting -laughter, by breaking KCFlyers 'stones' !
Why ?
Because here's a guy, raised in the South, lived in Tex Ass, now Kansas, who's got a better knowledge of the disingenuous RE - PLUG party, than ANYBODY here on the 'cooler' !!!
COMPRENDE ???????????
. Everything Trump has done has only been for the benefit for the country as a whole. Not so sure what your problem is with that.
Boy, does he have you fooled. T Rump only looks for the benefit of one person...Donald T Rump.
Boy, does he have you fooled. T Rump only looks for the benefit of one person...Donald T Rump.
Really? What did doubling the individual tax deduction do for him? What did doubling the child income credit do for him? What did doing away with the individual health care mandate penalty do for him? All gains for low to middle income earners. You wouldn’t have gotten that from the Democraps or the Demopublicans.

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