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NTSB Cites Mechanic''s Error in Crash

The reasons for not outsourcing run deep in this and other examples.

Raytheon Corp. whom was the primary "Outsource Maintenance Contractor" in this ordeal , also outsourced to yet another company (SMART) Structural Modification and Repair Technicians of Edgewater Fl.

OK...Here we have a small commuter airline that''s a subsidiary of Mesa airlines..Both are under contract as USAirways Express operators. (Where our interests only begin)

MESA has an LLC in Air Midwest..Raytheon whom is charged with thier heavy maintenance in Huntington W.Va. then subcontracts to SMART , yet another LLC.

For those that do not know what an LLC is? That''s a "Limited Liability Corporation".

LLC are used as secondary operations , in some cases for the main party to remain distanced from legal and some financial obligations in times of trouble , like disasters.

(1) Mesa Airlines..Parent Company of AirMid West (LLC)

(2) Air MidWest saves on in house maintenance by outsourcing to Raytheon whom purchased Beech Aircraft. ( The Maker of the B1900D)

(3) Raytheon subcontracts out yet again to SMART of Edgewater Fl. , yet the work is performed in Huntington W. Va. under Raytheons name.

(4) How with such a conviluted circumstance as this can quality control and training be maintained or retained? Obviously it can''t!! Here is where the un-seen issues to the public become cheaper to certain operators.

(5) This is exactly where the FAA needs to stop being in bed with the airlines.
The FAA (aka) "The Tombstone Agency" needs to shy away to agree from being a promoter of Civil Aviation as it''s charter implies...and return or regain it''s status of a " Safety and Regulatory" body.

Sadly to say..Everything is motivated by money..but who pays when cutting corners rears it''s ugly head? Simply put..21 people and thier combined families did.

(1) The passengers want a cheap ticket

(2) The airlines have to find ways to provide a cheap ticket..and show a profit to their investors.

Where does Safety have an assigned value? , other than in a court room?

In my opinion safety needs to be the first and foremost concern when it involves flying or even driving a car.

The Wal-Mart mentality that has swepted our country in regards to costs is the driving force behind such sub-standard practices taking place..and being allowed to take place.

The ValueJet crash in Florida should have served notice to the FAA , The Industry and the Flying Public..but NO!! It''s all forgotten when it''s time to open up the wallet and fly .

I guess some lessons need to be learned the hard way...To bad that those whom have learned that way , are rarely around to share thier education...and those whom are most responsible for this kind of stuff happening can hide behind legal terms and LLC loop holes.
you guys can all whine about outsourcing until the cows come home.the reason is still some schmuck took it upon him or herself to deviate from
"approved data and/or methods"....you never ever deviate unless you have manufacturers and/or engineering approval....NEVER!!
as you can now see the results can be quite deadly.
trainnee or regular,he was supervised most likely by a licensed A/P mechanic who should also swing by the yardarm.
why don''t you address the real issue.....
I can not understand how anyone can expect their post to be taken seriously when they
post without any concern for proper capitalization and punctuation. They come across
as a two year old.
Flaming" is insulting another user''s post, opinions, subject, grammar, or an attempt to pick an online fight. Please avoid this type of postings.

Thank you!
On 5/27/2003 5:00:39 PM delldude wrote:

you guys can all whine about outsourcing until the cows come home.the reason is still some schmuck took it upon him or herself to deviate from

"approved data and/or methods"....you never ever deviate unless you have manufacturers and/or engineering approval....NEVER!!

as you can now see the results can be quite deadly.

trainnee or regular,he was supervised most likely by a licensed A/P mechanic who should also swing by the yardarm.

why don''t you address the real issue..... 

Nobody was "Whinning" about outsourcing....but I was trying to make a point about how training , records and assurances of approved methods being used , does tend to go out the window when "Outsourcing" becomes the chosen path. This recent crash is but one of a few classic examples.

Your own post only backs up my thinking on this....and then the 1995 Valuejet crash with Sabre Tech involved multiplies or magnifies the point. This should only make people wonder what else isn''t right , when third parties become involved.

Outsourcing is only good for the "Bean Counters"....It''s second rate quality of work....it''s sub-standard training and supervision involved......and this is where the savings comes in...then the added demension of lessor pay scales helps too. The old saying about getting what you pay for rings true yet again..
On 5/27/2003 6:53:31 PM ual06 wrote:

I can not understand how anyone can expect their post to be taken seriously when they
post without any concern for proper capitalization and punctuation. They come across
as a two year old.

On 5/28/2003 12:01:05 AM AOG-N-IT wrote:
Outsourcing is only good for the "Bean Counters"....It''s second rate quality of work....it''s sub-standard training and supervision involved......and this is where the savings comes in...then the added demension of lessor pay scales helps too. The old saying about getting what you pay for rings true yet again..

That may or may not be in this case. But it isn''t necessarily always true. Outsourcing can work well when a non-core function is outsourced to someone who specializes in doing that sort of work. Or if the outsourcer can leverage economies of scale that aren''t available to you.

If something like that isn''t at the root of any promised savings then you''re probably looking at snake oil...
Is this something like USAir outsourcing flying to Mesa, Trans States, Shuttle America, etc. But then they realize how difficult it is to get 10 different Express companies to provide "seamless service" like mainline Does?

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