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NRA prez calls Obama a fake President

Yes...let's sell guns to nutcases who shoot up schools and movie theatres and blame the mental health system. We can call the dead school kids "collateral damage" in the fight for our freedoms.
Yes...let's sell guns to nutcases who shoot up schools and movie theatres and blame the mental health system. We can call the dead school kids "collateral damage" in the fight for our freedoms.

Once more: Anyone certify you or your glorious "president" as being even remotely sane lately?...Or EVER? 🙂

I don't know if you're aware of this fact, but the USSR was fond of declaring "dissidents" as "insane", abusing and locking many, many thousands up to the heart's content of their glorious State. It "made sense", after all; they HAD to be "insane" not to love the communist leaders' BS...Right? 😉 Do you REALLY want to create a situation where OUR glorious "State" decides who's "sane"...according to whatever their political whims of the moment are?

What I find utterly incredible is the fact that you, or even ANY supposedly sentient creatures, seem perfectly Ok with blindly trusting those in government to do what's in all our best interests...as opposed to theirs! Wake Up and Grow Up! 😉
As I said...drop the background tests, sell the guns to any nut with orange hair that wants to buy them...head for a movie in Denver and become some more collateral damage in our fight for freedom.

Then blame the failure of the government run mental health system.
The funny thing is East that it isn't. What me and other libs like me find incomprehensible is that you don't want the government telling you what kind of weaponry you can own...nor do you want them doing a little look see to find out if you are...crazy. Nope...get that goddamn government out of my life. Then you show up at pro life rally because you think abortions should be outlawed and fight hard to get the government to declare that marriage is between one man and one woman.

Wake up, Obama did an end around on the 4th and 5th with Barry Care.
Yes...let's sell guns to nutcases who shoot up schools and movie theatres and blame the mental health system. We can call the dead school kids "collateral damage" in the fight for our freedoms.

The inverse of your post is 'lets stick it to law abiding citizens who have done no wrong'.................did you notice the recently failed bill didn't address anything other than what law abiding gun owners will have to do?

From the early days of the progressive anti-gun movement, it always has been against the gun and not the individual creating the problem.....not once.
As I said...drop the background tests, sell the guns to any nut with orange hair that wants to buy them...head for a movie in Denver and become some more collateral damage in our fight for freedom.

Then blame the failure of the government run mental health system.

No thanks! Personally?...I'd rather just defend myself and shoot any murderous nut-jobs. You can wait on some magic faery-dust sprinkled from the "mighty" obama above to protect you if you choose...and only if you're sufficiently both stupid and truly insane enough to believe in such to start with. 😉

Umm..."...of the government run mental health system."...? Ah yes! Let us all bow, scrape and grovel in reverent awe to any "government run mental health system." anywhere. Once more: Anyone certify you or your glorious "president" as being even remotely sane lately?...Or EVER? Heck! I've a Masters in Psychology...Do you have any problem with me taking a job as a government agent for determining whether or not YOU are supposedly sane? Oh! That'd be different...Right? 🙂

You have NO idea how incredibly easy it would be for any even half-assedly-trained individual to "diagnose" ANYONE as being pretty much whatever the political whims/keep-their-phoney-baloney-jobs/etc dictate.

What's next on the agenda after disarming the citizenry....the "Thought Police"? 🙂 Seriously: This nation's NOT heading in a good direction for personal Liberty and proper respect for the Rights of indivdual citizens.

You've stil avoided this question: Anyone certify you or your glorious "president" as being even remotely sane lately?...Or EVER? So then..In your world view; it's just fine to become "Commander in Chief" without a psych evaluation...but no else one should be permitted to buy so much as a pistol without one? That's liberal "logic" at it's finest. 🙂
As I said...drop the background tests, sell the guns to any nut with orange hair that wants to buy them...head for a movie in Denver and become some more collateral damage in our fight for freedom.

Then blame the failure of the government run mental health system.
Well KC, you kind of answered your own question. Once we open up Pandora’s Box with a new law, whom is going to manage it? We all know that any law will come with pork and legalese you could fly a 747 through. That’s what they do.
Who is going to make a determination of who is nuts (legalese for competent to be responsible enough to own a weapon or not).
I would believe that there are many fine people in Merika with orange hair that are responsible enough to have a weapon. Do you have proof otherwise?

Think about it.
B) xUT
The funny thing is East that it isn't. What me and other libs like me find incomprehensible is that you don't want the government telling you what kind of weaponry you can own...nor do you want them doing a little look see to find out if you are...crazy. Nope...get that goddamn government out of my life. Then you show up at pro life rally because you think abortions should be outlawed and fight hard to get the government to declare that marriage is between one man and one woman.

Well, being the Libtard movement has infiltrated our government, the rights only course of action is through the government.................Big Gulp, anybody ?
The inverse of your post is 'lets stick it to law abiding citizens who have done no wrong'.................did you notice the recently failed bill didn't address anything other than what law abiding gun owners will have to do?

From the early days of the progressive anti-gun movement, it always has been against the gun and not the individual creating the problem.....not once.

I've never driven drunk, but I don't mind sitting thru a sobriety checkpoint to find out if other have. Does that bother you?
Well, being the Libtard movement has infiltrated our government, the rights only course of action is through the government.................Big Gulp, anybody ?
So I'll take that as a "yes, sell the gun to the orange haired guy and let the Denver moviegoers be thankful for the right to bear arms".
Let's get government out of air traffic control, too.

The pilots will stay on the right side of the sky.
Most folks are ok with government regulating the stuff they do not agree with. That all changes when they start to regulate the stuff they do agree with.

Its another case of "When they came for ..." People do not understand that concept.
Most folks are ok with government regulating the stuff they do not agree with.

Nope. I've no thought that the damn government has any business continuing it's lately inexorable intrusion into individuals' personal Rights...Period!
I will give up my plane when they dig it up out of the earth with another one hundred fifty dead souls who died to protect my right to fly any damned way I wanted. Put that bumper sticker on your BMW.
I've never driven drunk, but I don't mind sitting thru a sobriety checkpoint to find out if other have. Does that bother you?

But you willingly sat inline to usurp the 4th and 5th and you were cool with that......

Franklin had a line for anti Americans like you.......

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.