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Now that the merger "deal" is closed...


Let me run this by you.

Lets assume that the CVG/MEM "thing" plays out(as both being new DL "Mainline" employees")

CVG non union guys, I'm guessing, who are thrown out into the street, would be less likely to "come back" to cast ANY kind of a vote come representational time, and thats assuming that they even were allowed to.


An IAM (MEM) guy, who took the street, is still an IAM guy eligible to vote, and most likely would stay interested in a representational election, with a YES vote.

If my theory is correct, that would HELP the cause/numbers game

Why are you asking him? He is just a ramp crew chief. You have revealed yourself as someone who is so much more knowledgeable.
Why are you asking him?

Maybe he's asking because he knows more about where I'm coming from than you.

He is just a ramp crew chief.

And you're "just" an AMT. What difference does that make? If anything, it'd make me more knowledgeable about what's going on with the IAM campaign than you, simply because my work group is directly involved, whereas yours is not.

Nice try at a personal attack, though.

You have revealed yourself as someone who is so much more knowledgeable.

Strange, you said this about my man NHBB not too long ago:

"No disrespect intended but you speak with misinformation and speculation."

What made you change your mind?

Also, in the same post, you said this:

"We might as well have a positive attitude and be prepared to work together to keep our company afloat. I know I am. "

What happened to this? Does the above only apply if people agree with your ideas? Does it not apply to those of us who are "just" on the ramp?

"Reveal," "discredit," and "proof" seem to be the words of the day for you. In light of that, I'll say you have again revealed yourself to be a hypocrite, discredited yourself with your own words, and proved that you are doing nothing but grasping at straws.

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