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November Load Factor

Hey ITRADE, What's wrong? You "paper pushers" not making enough money off the backs of the WORKING class ?? You whine about the revenue/cost picture..This airline has pumped a TON of money into RJ's and MDA that is STILL a couple of months -MAYBE- from getting off the ground.. I thought that everyone was aware of Siegle's RJ concept. All Mr. Siegle and company are doing now is continuing their "DOOM & GLOOM policy,, looking for EVEN MORE concessions BEFORE MDA gets off the ground...{P.S.}.I see no reason why anyone needs to use the LORD'S name in vain while posting..
I trade:

You're tap dancing! I agree with your assesment regarding revenue/cost. Even a lemonade stand kid understands that concept but thanks for pointing it out. Problem is that the employees can't solve that problem. Siegel has to. And "Jesus H. Christ himself " would most likely have solved that problem long ago had he taken over instead of Siegel.

If the employees can vocalize the mismangagement of this company maybe we can affect a change. You know, like with AMR and Carty. This isn't whining pal. This is presenting the cold hard facts. Siegel can't run the airline or solve this problem. While you could care less about who is running the airline I can assure you that whoever IS running the airline is the only one capable of solving it. That makes it problem 1. And if that problem isn't solved this airline is going to go away.

What I find amazing is this. We live in a world where everyone wants something for nothing...or near nothing.

This prevailing attitude has allowed the LCC's to enter our markets , drive down the price of commercial flight , bringing to the end countless american jobs..yet we in turn buy foriegn made aircraft because they are cheaper up front.

In the next breath we have the elitest of the world willing and scrambling to pay more money to attend a professional sporting event I.E the NFL , NBA and MLB that costs more to attend than a safe flight from this city or that in safety and comfort.

The professionals that make this happen are doomed to work at slave rates...all the while the so-called professional athletes that we are watching dunk a ball or run with a ball , are being payed at levels that should be offered to someone whom has found a cure for cancer or AIDS

My conclussion is that our collective priorities are extremely out of whack in this country. The Wal-mart and LCC domination of the market place is in time going to destroy this country. Eventually we are going to be nothing more than a service society...that actually produces nothing...and then who will be contributing to the tax base? social security? and all the other government programs that have been established over the last 50 plus years?

I have to say that our world as we know it is running out of time for pro-active change. The direction we are being led in is not going to stand the test of time...and change needs to stem from within ...or learn how to live with without down the road.
So here comes the employee angst about upgrades, again. What don't you guys get about "we only get the seat if you can't sell it". I flew extensively over the Turkey Day period, including into and out of Florida via PHL, and transcon to SEA. On all but one segment, nobody sat in the seat beside me in the First Class cabin. What you people should be reflecting on is that this occurred when upgrading would have been available to someone at the cub scout level, and yet there wasn't anything in the back with enough yield that could qualify. Worry about Priceline, not the regulars.
deelmakur said:
So here comes the employee angst about upgrades, again. What don't you guys get about "we only get the seat if you can't sell it". I flew extensively over the Turkey Day period, including into and out of Florida via PHL, and transcon to SEA. On all but one segment, nobody sat in the seat beside me in the First Class cabin. What you people should be reflecting on is that this occurred when upgrading would have been available to someone at the cub scout level, and yet there wasn't anything in the back with enough yield that could qualify. Worry about Priceline, not the regulars.

Where in the name of Henry Ford did I speak out against passenger up-grades? I could careless about issues like that. I do believe that FF's should be offered some perks for thier loyalty BTW.

..I do not believe that air travel in general should be relagated to Greyhound rates..cuz along the way , jobs drop off..safety will become secondary...and service in general will suffer.
As Art at ISP...says...It's the fares stupid...

You must choke everytime a Chairman asks for a receipt and see the fare. $117 base fare for 4 segments = less than $30 per leg. Of course he's in FIRST CLASS on all legs and getting extra miles, and of course he's upgraded another schmuck that has the same type ticket.

It's the REVENUE...We've cheapened our product. We don't need to fly at 100% capacity, but what we need to do is stop giving away the seats. As Art says, We need to get smarter about pricing our product. Dr. Bonner needs to fire David and all his cohorts at the Crystal Palace. Move HQ to Mobile and reinvent the damm airline before it's to late. Unfortunately. this all falls on deaf ears....

Remember ....We could work for free and it still wouldn't be enough for them.

FIRE DAVE and the rest and try one more time to right the ship.

Dr. Bonner are you listening ????????????
I don't know Dr. Bonner, although he seems pretty clever. About now, I figure he's working on a way to declare victory and get out of Dodge with what's left of his returns after this one guts his fund. I don't think that has a lot to do with how many seats they take out or put in. As for yields, they go right on pricing the retail side at twice the competition, drivng the regulars to places like AirTran, while at the same time, making room for those folks by dumping seats in the back of the bus via the likes of Priceline, and pulling the junk off the LCC's. Everytime I sit on a full plane, and hear the overbooks in front asking if they have to pay for drinks, and listen to the F/A's telling people they can't stand when we're on the taxiway, as though they've never been on a plane before, I see all I have to see about where those load factors are coming from (and why those yields are so stingy with such high prices out front). Yeh, that upgrade, and his schmuck wife, or pal, is the reason. Who do they think they are riding up front? Well, if you like us, wait until one of those well heeled German business guys, with the 6 grand ticket, hops an LH codeshare, and you pour him some bar wine in a picnic cup.

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