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Northwest-Delta: We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Pilots

I commend you for not performing struck work. :up:

I hope you guys do not get screwed in this merger. I would not look for the IAM to help you out, as long as they don't lose dues.

FWIW, I did know that we should not have "gone it alone". The other unions on the property should have seen that too. AMFA did ask DePace to honor our line. He rejected that and actually encouraged his (your) group to perform the struck work. If the other unions had stood with us, you (they) would be in a far better position to bargain at this point.
Hey Tech 2101,

Im just curious but, Are you forgetting that it was your group that walked away from the IAM telling them that (we don't need you) and that we'd be better off with AMFA. Or are you just conveniently leaving out that point?
That has nothing to do with performing struck work!

No matter what one feels about another group without unity ALL labor groups will suffer.

FWIW the AMFA did honor the IAM picket line at Ozark airlines.
Hey Tech 2101,

Im just curious but, Are you forgetting that it was your group that walked away from the IAM telling them that (we don't need you) and that we'd be better off with AMFA. Or are you just conveniently leaving out that point?
We elected to have mechanics and related represent mechanics and related in negotiations. I never denigrated the ESE/COFPS group. The majority of us felt kinship with all the other groups. We just wanted to have our own say in our own contract.

That does not mean that when labor is being targeted by a company, you cross picket lines and perform struck work. That is the time for solidarity. That is an entirely different issue. The IAMAW played right into NWA's hands by assisting them in decimating the mechanic work force, only to have NWA come after them and do the same.

I don't expect you to understand that concept.
We elected to have mechanics and related represent mechanics and related in negotiations. I never denigrated the ESE/COFPS group. The majority of us felt kinship with all the other groups. We just wanted to have our own say in our own contract.

That does not mean that when labor is being targeted by a company, you cross picket lines and perform struck work. That is the time for solidarity. That is an entirely different issue. The IAMAW played right into NWA's hands by assisting them in decimating the mechanic work force, only to have NWA come after them and do the same.

I don't expect you to understand that concept.
Tech 2101,

I agree with you for the most part and believe me I'm no cheerleader for the IAM, but I don't believe the issue your refering to (pushbacks) is as black and white as you see it. Espescially with that language already in the contract prior to the strike. Also when you bash the IAM as a whole it includes guys like myself and others who worked in the small stations already performing pushbacks for years prior to the strike. And says nothing about the type of support that we actually did perform for the AMFA; ie. informational picketing, sign carrying etc.

Also, could you tell me what type of support you recieved from your own group (AMFA) from the other carriers?
Tech 2101,

I agree with you for the most part and believe me I'm no cheerleader for the IAM, but I don't believe the issue your refering to (pushbacks) is as black and white as you see it. Espescially with that language already in the contract prior to the strike. Also when you bash the IAM as a whole it includes guys like myself and others who worked in the small stations already performing pushbacks for years prior to the strike. And says nothing about the type of support that we actually did perform for the AMFA; ie. informational picketing, sign carrying etc.

Also, could you tell me what type of support you recieved from your own group (AMFA) from the other carriers?
It was black and white. I was pushing airplanes under the AMFA contract one day...the next day I was on strike and IAM ESE's were pushing them. That is the definition of performing struck work. It is pretty simple. In bashing the IAM as a whole, I bash the organization. They were nothing more than a dues collection agency that had competely lost touch with the membership.

At my station, we did have SWA AMT's picket with us. We received no support from anyone else. That may not have been the case at other stations, I can only speak for mine. If you did lend your support, thank you! The other work groups at my station would hide their faces and use other entrances to avoid having to make eye contact or talk with us. The sad fact is, that within a year or so, almost all of them were gone due to layoff or bumping, or being part-timed. We all should have stood together. We warned them that they would be next. They would not listen.
We all should have stood together. We received no support from anyone else. .
I agree but that didn't happen and I don't blame you for lashing out against those who didn't support your group. But you seem to focus only on the IAM and fail to mention the lack of support from your own group as well as others. Which tells me that you have had a dislike of the IAM long before the strike. Certainly the success of the AMFA strike did not hinge upon whether IAM members did pushbacks or not. I'm not condoning their actions by any means. But, lets give credit/discredit where credit/discredit is due.
I agree but that didn't happen and I don't blame you for lashing out against those who didn't support your group. But you seem to focus only on the IAM and fail to mention the lack of support from your own group as well as others. Which tells me that you have had a dislike of the IAM long before the strike. Certainly the success of the AMFA strike did not hinge upon whether IAM members did pushbacks or not. I'm not condoning their actions by any means. But, lets give credit/discredit where credit/discredit is due.

There is plenty of blame to go around.

Back on topic - I think this merger will happen with or without the pilots blessing. All it will take is one of the larger LCC's to go under - Like Skybus or Jetblue.

Since the conversation here on the DL board is focused on Airlines shutting down, I pose "this" question ?

prospective candidates "might be"

Allegiant ??
Frontier ??

Though time will tell, I do NOT put Midwest Exp. in that catagory, since they're part of BIG RED !


My oppinion is any airline which doesn't have a large enough route system to satisfy most customers traveling needs is at risk. Also as smaller airlines shut down their operations, the flying public will be less apt to purchase a ticket with them. Survival of the fittest.

NHBB, I like how you sign your posts but I think it's spelled Afghanistan.
My oppinion is any airline which doesn't have a large enough route system to satisfy most customers traveling needs is at risk. Also as smaller airlines shut down their operations, the flying public will be less apt to purchase a ticket with them. Survival of the fittest.

NHBB, I like how you sign your posts but I think it's spelled Afghanistan.

The key is who has liquidity, routes (dom and international) and is not hiding maintance records like SWA. That is who will still be flying. Then the feds will reregulate the industry once again.
It seems no matter what aviation board you are on when the DL/NWA merger is discussed sooner or later it evolves into a IAM union you did it no you did it arguement.

Since the conversation here on the DL board is focused on Airlines shutting down, I pose "this" question ?

prospective candidates "might be"

Allegiant ??
Frontier ??

Though time will tell, I do NOT put Midwest Exp. in that catagory, since they're part of BIG RED !


From what I've read Allegiant is actually doing pretty good, even with oil through the roof (relatively speaking, of course).

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