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NTSB asks if NW pilots nodded off prior to landing

Delta is now saying

Delta said in a statement that using laptops or engaging in activity unrelated to the pilots' command of the aircraft during flight is strictly against the airline's flight deck policies. The airline said violations of that policy will result in termination.

Its obvious how this is going to end.
David Lettermans top 10

10. Bunch of fat guys seated on the right side of the plane made us vector east.

9. We get paid by the hour.

8. Mapquest always takes you the long way, am I right, people?

7. Tired of that show-off Sullenberger getting all the attention.

6. You try steering one of those airplanes after eight or nine cocktails.

5. Wanted to catch the end of the in-flight movie.

4. Activating autopilot and making occasional P.A. announcements is exhausting.

3. According to our map, we only missed our target by half an inch.

2. For a change, we decided to send luggage to the right city and lose the passengers.

1. Thought we saw balloon boy.
Not excusing what ever happened, but before DL fires these guys, maybe we should ask about what happened to the DL 767 a few years back that went on "radio silence" on an IST-JFK flight causing Dutch A/F F-16s to intercept. IIRC the 767 had been out of contact since over Austria. (I imagine a few spilled drinks from window seat pax on the left side.) There are some better links out there, too lazy too look for them:

Never did hear more about that one. If memory serves, the Belgian A/F was also scrambled for another DL flight in a while back, but radio contact was made before the intercept was completed.
Well, this is mysterious. It seems that a Northwest Airlines flight bound from San Diego to Minneapolis overshot its mark by about 150 miles, then had to turn around, come back and land, more than an hour behind schedule.

Now, I know Minneapolis is not Mexico City, but surely something must have been visible even at 37,000 feet. And besides, as I understand it, airplanes are now equipped with instruments that tell the pilots where they are on the globe (your car may have a similar device), so the confusion is, well, confusing.

Maybe they had the woman's voice switched off. You know, the one that says "Turn left in two blocks" or, my favorite, "You have reached your destination." It's hard to imagine that the woman was being annoying, as she sometimes is, because she can't have been saying much. "You're still flying toward Minneapolis. Good going!" That would be unprofessional......
Maybe they had the woman's voice switched off. You know, the one that says "Turn left in two blocks" or, my favorite, "You have reached your destination." It's hard to imagine that the woman was being annoying, as she sometimes is, because she can't have been saying much. "You're still flying toward Minneapolis. Good going!" That would be unprofessional......

They didn't hear the woman say "your printer is out of paper". :lol:
C'mon, boys and girls -- there is only one thing that arouse such intense focus to the exclusion of all else.

(hint: the rear seat at the auto drive-in...)

This is going to be fun to watch unfold!
Now the question becomes...would you want to be on a plane where BOTH pilots were so involved in a "heated discussion" that they failed to hear ATC calls from Denver to Minneapolis?

While you are at it, would you want to be on a plane that lands on a short runway covered in ice and snow with a tailwind? Or how about one that goes through a fence and takes out a gas station? Or how about one that has improper parts installed and ignored inspections?
Just curious.
While you are at it, would you want to be on a plane that lands on a short runway covered in ice and snow with a tailwind? Or how about one that goes through a fence and takes out a gas station? Or how about one that has improper parts installed and ignored inspections?
Just curious.
Why did you try and turn this into an airline versus airline discussion. Obviously you have some vendetta. Just curious.

They screwed up. Period. I don't care what the logo on the plane was.
Why did you try and turn this into an airline versus airline discussion. Obviously you have some vendetta. Just curious.

They screwed up. Period. I don't care what the logo on the plane was.

I have a vendetta? All airlines have screwups so why single out just one as this poster did?
I was pointing out the hypocritical nature of his post. What is it about that you don't understand?
I have a vendetta? All airlines have screwups so why single out just one as this poster did?
I was pointing out the hypocritical nature of his post. What is it about that you don't understand?
This poster? I didn't start the thread...just shared a thought that was on topic and posted it.

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