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Non revving on AA

NYCbusdriver, if it's any consolation the LGA agents treat AA employees the same way.  Even when I am working the flight and asking questions that we are supposed to ask--load, any specials (wheelchair passengers, unaccompanied minors, armed), etc--a lot of the LGA agents act like I've just asked them for the corporate finance reports for the last 10 years.  A poorly disguised roll of the eyes accompanies the dose of attitude.
flybynite said:
Good grief...go to USAirways.com.....check flight status...scroll down...check stand by lisings...it's all there.
Maybe you guys have it but we don't.....wise guy. Either that or you are just trying to antagonize and rock the boat.
As an LGA based FA I couldn't disagree more, Jim! In my experience, New Yorkers only give back the 'tude you give 'em. Flash them a smile and a howdy sometime, you just might be surprised what is returned to ya.
mrbreeze said:
Maybe you guys have it but we don't.....wise guy. Either that or you are just trying to antagonize and rock the boat.
Hey Breeze, not sure which side you say doesnt have it????  But for USAirways Flights, IF you check flight Status ON A SMART PHONE, if you click flight status, then click standby list, it gives you the list in order.  It does not show under flight status from a computer but the smart phone it does.  Why not the computer,who knows....
Hope777 said:
Hey Breeze, not sure which side you say doesnt have it????  But for USAirways Flights, IF you check flight Status ON A SMART PHONE, if you click flight status, then click standby list, it gives you the list in order.  It does not show under flight status from a computer but the smart phone it does.  Why not the computer,who knows....
Thanks, Hope
Good info, however, in checking that out, I can see the standby list for USAir, but in checking the AA flights, it will not give me that info. I would guess it's the same for you in reverse.
We have decided to drive the 18 hrs round trip. The flights between DEN and DFW are running full, as best that I can tell, with what little reliable info I can get. So, this is an important trip and driving is the safest bet.
AA Eagle is the only air service at our destination.
I am active US employee...flew  to Buenos Aires about 6 weeks ago and ran into the same trouble of trying to get accurate load info....Kept getting nothing but frowny faces on ID travel....I was suspicious that all flights every day were full so I found a flt on US from Phx to Ont that had 100 open seats.....then I went to ID travel as if I was going to book that flight....and got a frowny face....so I emailed employee travel and was just told that airlines dont want to give accurate information regarding loads.....which of course makes you wonder why that feature is available on ID travel in the first place if it is not accurate.
But anyway, I called AA res a few times and some nice agents told me the flights looked great without divulging any numbers so we made it down and back with no issues.
Was also told by mid summer, we should be able to check loads on AA
once you get access to jetnet it tells you seats available. and as mentioned i think that comes in august. there there is also an app for jetnet that helps at the gate. you can track seats available and taken.
I appreciate the support coming from the AA side. We all know that it depends upon who the res/tkt agent is that you run into at the time. I am sure we will eventually get this all worked out. I just hope that NO-ONE....that's NO-ONE... in this merger takes a grudge out on an employee from the other side of the fence. We are all in this together and will resolve the issues as time goes by.
btw, the trip went just fine.
Hello all -

Non-revving on US then connecting to AA to get to my final destination.  Would the AA leg be considered a through passenger (D2T)?  There are two different record locators so the AA system would have no idea of the US leg.  Would a gate agent be able to change D2 to D2T if I show the US boarding pass?

Thanks much
As of right now, I don't think that the "thru pax" thing is in effect for US to AA.  Or, perhaps you have to prove it to them with a boarding pass?
On behalf of all of the mama's and papa's of our "almost combined" airline, can I please plead with everyone to be kind?  I try my darndest to be nice to all non revs, I don't care where you come from, I mostly fly Intl, and now with AA rules, everything is free, but my smile and "there's an empty row over there-MOVE!" has always been free.  At US, we had 10 years of serious famine, and all we had was eachother so we really tried to look after our own.  Keep in mind, while our numbers have changed ,and our name is changed,  we still have to look out for eachother! 
I know that the agents have a ton of pressure on them, and nonrevs are a pain in the tucus, but that's my kid/ husband/  dad/ mom!  Please, they're a little dumb, but please, please be patient!  I've done my best to drill they bejesus out of them, but they're dumb passengers, and I will be so grateful to you for any kindness you show.  I promise that I will do the same!  I've arranged their "yeah right" upgrade if it happens, the rollover to my best ability!  I don't even let them fly unless there's more than 20 seats available!
They better not hand you a coat and they will tell you that they're a nonrev before you do meal orders!
US agents have done such kind things for my family members, so I always try to return the cosmic favor.  If we can all be kind to eachother, it won't matter who runs US at AA, we will win this game no matter the nonsense.
Just my 2 cents!
The verdict is... yes, when connecting from US to AA you can have an agent change you to a D2T if you show your US boarding pass.  Excellent.
Agree 100% galley princess with your sentiments above.
Under the old rules, you could also get the T status if you flew your inbound leg on a paid ticket or on an ID90 *unless* it was your home city.

The whole intent of the T is for someone in transit to get priority over someone starting out their trip because those folks would incur a lot more disruption if they aren't accommodated than someone who can just go back home.
Don't forget trains, like the Deutschbahn, as long as it has an AA number on it. We still/used to codeshare with them for things like the ICE.

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