Non Rev

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Something is amiss with your vacation story 'Cods, when your hired as a FNG (or scab in your case) you just don't get time off on the line during the holidays in your first 6 months (for that matter, 6 years). I guess at Scab Air, confusion is the norm more than ever.

Spoken by a true unionist. All I can say Hackman is that I am at home having a very good time. I understand that you being a unionist that it is simply impossible for me to be home during the Holidays for I have no seniority, guess what Hackman, I could care less about seniority. I will not let my life be dictated by a hire date.
Spoken by a true unionist. All I can say Hackman is that I am at home having a very good time. I understand that you being a unionist that it is simply impossible for me to be home during the Holidays for I have no seniority, guess what Hackman, I could care less about seniority. I will not let my life be dictated by a hire date.
I presume then 'Cods you got the time off by making the bosses eyes roll back in his head with "pleasure" in the corner office. Don't let anyone find out, it could be contagous at Scab Air. :shock:

I understand you just rolled over for the man and you need some time to move the 'Cods scab family to Detroitlet. Your not going to keep two households going are you? That gets expensive on a scab wage, and it looks like your wages might be on the decline soon.

Being that an airline is a 365 24-7 operation, someone has to be there. That's why the new hire or FNG (scab in your case) is there. No matter how well you lick the bosses boots, you are working on the holidays suck-ass, very simple.

Your an "at will" wrench gypsy scab, you have no life. How many days have you spent in a scab hotel away from your family this year 'Cods? Right. Like I said, no life.

What a :blink:
Hackman' date='Dec 31 2005, 06:22 PM'
I understand you just rolled over for the man and you need some time to move the 'Cods scab family to Detroitlet. Your not going to keep two households going are you? That gets expensive on a scab wage, and it looks like your wages might be on the decline soon.

I will continue to maintain two households. NWA is going to have to get a few things settled before I move my family up there.

Hackman' date='Dec 31 2005, 06:22 Pm
Being that an airline is a 365 24-7 operation, someone has to be there. That's why the new hire or FNG (scab in your case) is there. No matter how well you lick the bosses boots, you are working on the holidays suck-ass, very simple.

:lol: Boy it is just eating you alive that I am off this Holiday Season. How could a Scab be off for the Holidays when it takes a union member years to get a Holiday off? :lol: Don't worry Hackman I will be back next week.
does every thread on NW have to go to hell because of the strike?

I thought the questions were concerning NRSA travel and I swear that 75% of the posts here aren't...

*user scratches head*

Thank god everyone gets along at my airline... just seeing all this infighting discourages me from traveling on NW
I presume then 'Cods you got the time off by making the bosses eyes roll back in his head with "pleasure" in the corner office. Don't let anyone find out, it could be contagous at Scab Air. :shock:

I understand you just rolled over for the man and you need some time to move the 'Cods scab family to Detroitlet. Your not going to keep two households going are you? That gets expensive on a scab wage, and it looks like your wages might be on the decline soon.

Being that an airline is a 365 24-7 operation, someone has to be there. That's why the new hire or FNG (scab in your case) is there. No matter how well you lick the bosses boots, you are working on the holidays suck-ass, very simple.

Your an "at will" wrench gypsy scab, you have no life. How many days have you spent in a scab hotel away from your family this year 'Cods? Right. Like I said, no life.

What a :blink:
I think you may be mistaken in your assumption that us wrench gypsies (I actually like that term, by the way,) have no life. In the 10 years that I've been contracting, I've been cave diving in the florida panhandle, skydiving in Alabama, And rock climbing in Arizona. I've spent 3 monthes camping on the banks of the Suannee river with just me and my Golden retriever. I've toured Philidalphia while working at a finishing center for Sikorsky. I watched the sun rise over the Rockies, and set over the Pacific. I've walked with the ghosts of Gettysburg, And marveled at the Aura Borialis in Northern Michigan. Ironically enough, I'm now back home in Detroit , the one city I never wanted to live in again....
Just thought I'd throw that out there.

does every thread on NW have to go to hell because of the strike?

I thought the questions were concerning NRSA travel and I swear that 75% of the posts here aren't...

*user scratches head*

Thank god everyone gets along at my airline... just seeing all this infighting discourages me from traveling on NW
Dudes, he's got a point. C-c-cc-ant ww-w-w-wee all jj-j-ust get along?
I know, that was in poor taste, but I just couldnt resist!
For the record, Non rev....the service sucks, but ya cant beat the price!
For the record, Non rev....the service sucks, but ya cant beat the price!

I have no complaints about the service. Thus far I have seen the Flight Attendants perform their jobs with a very professional attitude save once but I cannot confirm that they did what I think they did. Behind the scenes is an entirely different story. When they say "you can't read a book by its cover" it holds very true in this case.

As far as the one incident goes I was issued a seat but was turned back at the aircraft where I was told there were no more seats available. There were a lot of passengers still moving about so it was really hard to tell. I still don't see how the Flight Attendants could tell for sure. I then went back and talked with the gate agent, which was by then confused as hell. Which there was a lot of confusion going on with the aircraft being over booked and two families volunteering to wait on the next flight then one of the families being put back on the flight, there were a few couples involved as well. I can't say there was still an empty seat or not but one thing I do know, that aircraft flew with an inaccurate and unknown count.
I can't say there was still an empty seat or not but one thing I do know, that aircraft flew with an inaccurate and unknown count.
I'm not a CSA, but I think that the physical count vs system count combined with people showing up at the last minute can easily cause a little confusion as to how many seats are "actually" filled until the flight is closed out. Someone with more knowledge could probably explain in more detail, but I think a situation like yours is nothing out of the ordinary.

The CSAs and FA's put up with a lot of crap, but in my experiences they almost always seem to be overly friendly and helpful to non-revvers.
MSP is notorious for leaving non-revs off, even with open seats. The nicest agents I've ever dealt with (besides my home station(s) :D ) were in STL, of all places. The worst? MDW.
MSP is notorious for leaving non-revs off, even with open seats. The nicest agents I've ever dealt with (besides my home station(s) :D ) were in STL, of all places. The worst? MDW.
Good point. The "niceness" factor is definately more evident in the smaller stations. I fly to the Montana cities a lot, and they are some of the nicest poeple I've ever encountered. You pretty much have to fend for yourself and be a lot more proactive in the hubs.

Ever since they automated the verificatin process, I've had very few CSA driven problems. If I remember right, prior to about 3 years ago, you had to have the gate agent verify your listing, and about 1 of every 4 times, either they'd forget or something would get messed up.
I'm not a CSA, but I think that the physical count vs system count combined with people showing up at the last minute can easily cause a little confusion as to how many seats are "actually" filled until the flight is closed out.

The problem wasn't with the CSA but the Flight Attendants I really do not think they had a clue as to how many were on the aircraft. The CSA was certain there were two more open seats. When I looked down the isle there were still about thirty people still standing.

Before departure the physical count and the system count should match. In this case they didn't. Either there were two empty seats or there were two people on board that shouldn't have been there. This was never verified and the aircraft departed with an inaccurate count. When I left the gate they were still trying to figure out who was in the two empty seats and the aircraft had been pushed back from the gate.
Just a thought, but ...

Maybe they could tell you were a disgusting scab and didn't want you on their plane.

Most crewmembers I know would make up a story to keep someone off the plane if they knew he was a scab.

Happy travels!
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