Non Rev

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caligurl said:
wow, so i guess employees at us airways shouldnt least we dont have to pay $50 fee per non rev passenger

Like i have said all along working at NW is like being a prositute, you go to work, get screwed and then they pay you. The $50 fee was just made active in July as a token of NW's appreciation of their employees.
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chasbatl said:
Like i have said all along working at NW is like being a prositute, you go to work, get screwed and then they pay you. The $50 fee was just made active in July as a token of NW's appreciation of their employees.
hahah, nice analogy
chasbatl said:
flying coach was free when i left, not sure if they have changed it since, there is a $50 fee to be "registered" which you must be before you can non-rev. Parents can fly on a 6p pass but it isnt free. The $50 fee is required for everyone on your list as eligible pass riders, so if you, your spouse, and both parents are on your list then you must pay $200.

Let me add on a bit to this:

If you have 5+ years of seniority, Coach is free. However, as Chas noted, before you can even list, you must pay an annual fee of $50.00 per person, with a cap not to exceed $200.00 per family.

As for an actual trip cost, I haven't flown in awhile, so I'm not sure of the costs (taxes 9/11 fees, etc.). I do know that if a parent flies, it's a bit more.

Frankly, when I was 20 and working at Mesa we had better flight benefits....
PlayTheOdds said:
Do excuse my limited languages, will you please translate that into English?

Some Pal you are DEAD BIRD this would be the proper time for you to tell me to get my foot out of my mouth. Your timing is terrible.
PTO...if you could read you would have seen i replied to you in the 3rd post on this thread.
PlayTheOdds said:


Duhhhhh,,,, You :up: BUFOON .!!!. again.. you butt head... besides, READING comprehension.
Your Spelling, and word comprehension continue to amuse us !!!

SN :up: :D :) :lol:
PlayTheOdds said:
DEAD BIRD, I am aware of post 3 it doesn't say anything about a foot in the mouth.

PTO...sorry i forgot that your manager wasnt there to explain everything to you. Do i have to explain my posts to you just as i explained how to service an IDG? You manager did explain what that post meant right? Or maybe Opie read it to you as you two snuggled in bed.
Sorry DEAD BIRD I would never take your advice on servicing an IDG. You don't even know where it is, and your a self-proclaimed veteran.

How is the scab job treating you? Why do they call you guys MAP's?
Saturdaynite said:

Duhhhhh,,,, You :up: BUFOON .!!!. again.. you butt head... besides, READING comprehension.
Your Spelling, and word comprehension continue to amuse us !!!

SN :up: :D :) :lol:

Sorry saturday I like it just the way it is. It fits the biased and slander filled paper just fine. I do thank you for your concern. I am so glad I can amuse you.
PlayTheOdds said:
I would never take your advice on servicing an IDG. You don't even know where it is

PTO.. you are so funny...Of course i know where it is, Its right behind the access panel you were looking for. Remember? Its the one that wasnt on #1 engine so you went to #2 engine to see of it was on it. What was your pea brain thinking? Was it this? Gee umm i dont see no panel that says PTO look under here for IDG on this engine, umm ummm maybe they just forgot it on this side umm ummm let me go look on the other engine ummm ummm ut oh it aint here either now what do i do umm ummm i wonder if my manager would know umm ummm but if i ask im gonna look like an idiot umm ummm oh well i cant use the MM because i dont know how guess im stuck with looking like a baffoon.

I guess that is why you come here to try and portray yourself as being so smart PTO because everyone you work with knows your stupid and you cant do it there.
DEAD BIRD SCAB, you are still lost aren't you. Every AMT in here knows you are either a ignorant fool or a liar either or you are pathetic for sure.

Did you mow your yard or did you go to your scab job for some OT?
PlayTheOdds said:
Sorry saturday I like it just the way it is. It fits the biased and slander filled paper just fine. I do thank you for your concern. I am so glad I can amuse you.


You do amuse me with your rhetoric.

Your comment above begs the question. "Why would you continue to log onto this forum if you do not like the content ? Morbid curiousity ? Glutton for punishment ?

Oh, BTW, I especially enjoy how you aknowledge that someone has given you what you deserve.

The "Bird". Albeit A Dead One . ( There is that morose side to you again ! )

tsk tsk tsk !!! I will give you a break today, and will let you stay out from under your rock for a while.
But you are such a bad boy, go to your room and sulk !
Because you are still a SCAB !

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