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Non - Rev Travel On Eagle


Nov 30, 2004
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Dear Colleague:

We understand that the impact of an Eagle separation on personal travel privileges is of concern to employees at both Eagle and American, and we've received many questions about travel since the announcement of the planned divestiture of Eagle.

While there are still many details to be worked out, we wanted to share with you our general thinking on travel privileges for both American and Eagle employees following a separation of Eagle. In broad terms, we anticipate establishing a transition period of five years following an Eagle separation, during which our approach to personal travel, including jumpseat travel, for existing AA employees, and for existing Eagle employees who continue to work for Eagle in jobs supporting AA-branded flying, would continue much as it is today.

During this five-year period, employees who continue to work for Eagle in support of the AA operation, and who achieve the required age and service for retiree travel privileges while doing so, would be eligible to receive retiree travel privileges.

It is customary in the U.S. airline industry for mainline airlines (like AA) and their regional partners (like Eagle) to have an employee travel agreement. So, we expect that travel would be part of an overall Air Services Agreement between AA and AE. All of the final terms and conditions of the Air Services Agreement have not yet been established. At the end of the five-year transition period, we anticipate that American and Eagle would negotiate a new employee travel agreement that is consistent with the business relationship between AA and AE and industry standards at that point in time.

While an Eagle separation would not impact interline travel for AA employees, new interline agreements would have to be established between Eagle and the other airlines and would take effect upon the separation. We are hopeful that these would be similar to what's in place for AA/AE today, but we can’t know for sure until the negotiations are complete.

As always, AA retains the right to amend the TRIP Book and make changes to its travel policies and procedures, including those for retirees. We currently expect that any changes made during the transition period would apply equally to employees at both airlines.

Final decisions on travel privileges will not be made until the specific structure of the transaction is known, some time in 2008. More definitive information will be provided at that time. In the meantime, we hope that this high-level information helps you to understand the direction we're expecting to take.


Jeff Brundage Peter Bowler

Senior Vice President President and CEO

Human Resources American Eagle Airlines, Inc.

American Airlines, Inc.
Final decisions on travel privileges will not be made until the specific structure of the transaction is known, some time in 2008. More definitive information will be provided at that time. In the meantime, we hope that this high-level information helps you to understand the direction we're expecting to take.


Jeff Brundage Peter Bowler

Senior Vice President President and CEO

Human Resources American Eagle Airlines, Inc.

American Airlines, Inc.

This would be the part that will be the problem with Eagle employees. I realize that there will be quite a while before anything actually happens... but why not put out there for all to read... Will we end up like US AIRWAYS w/ Chataugua where the Chataugua employees have priority over the "Mainline Employess" or like ASA with Delta where they will end up like a D3 at AA??? Yes the biggest questions are about the Travel Privelages... But tell the employees what they have to look forward to !!! Rumors are already running AMOK that Eagle employees will loose all travel privilages on AA... Flight Attendants and Gate Agents are already threating to quit over this. I believe it is time to try and offer them more information....OR take the HIGH ROAD and say that...as with Continental.. we will be able to fly on AA the same we always have been. Want to look for more Employees... Probably not a good move to Mess with our Travel Privlages at this time. You think your annonuncement about Divesting Eagle from AA has caused a problem with Hiring.... Just take away our travel......... C ~
You've got to be kidding me, all that worries people are the lousy flight bennies. What about health insurance, will Eagle remain self insured, will the price rise , will the level of service drop. How about life insurance.What about just remaining employed,perhaps they will outsource ramp services or maintenance.Holy crap , makes the flight bennies seem so insignificant, besides i don't think there is anything anybody can do to stop this mess so why worry.
You've got to be kidding me, all that worries people are the lousy flight bennies. What about health insurance, will Eagle remain self insured, will the price rise , will the level of service drop. How about life insurance.What about just remaining employed,perhaps they will outsource ramp services or maintenance.Holy crap , makes the flight bennies seem so insignificant, besides i don't think there is anything anybody can do to stop this mess so why worry.

I thought along the same lines - with all else that management wants to do to the people who actually work for a living, we should be worried about flight bennies that are impossible to use anyway due to the loads?

What little flying I've done in the last three years has been on a positive space employee discounted fare. I wouldn't consider trying to non-rev.

Then again, Brundage and company are fools anyway - no great surprise they'd come out with something like this. Must be part of their monthly message sending requirements.
You've got to be kidding me, all that worries people are the lousy flight bennies. What about health insurance, will Eagle remain self insured, will the price rise , will the level of service drop. How about life insurance.What about just remaining employed,perhaps they will outsource ramp services or maintenance.Holy crap , makes the flight bennies seem so insignificant, besides i don't think there is anything anybody can do to stop this mess so why worry.

Final decisions on travel privileges will not be made until the specific structure of the transaction is known, some time in 2008. More definitive information will be provided at that time. In the meantime, we hope that this high-level information helps you to understand the direction we're expecting to take.


Jeff Brundage Peter Bowler

Senior Vice President President and CEO

Human Resources American Eagle Airlines, Inc.

American Airlines, Inc.

This would be the part that will be the problem with Eagle employees. I realize that there will be quite a while before anything actually happens... but why not put out there for all to read... Will we end up like US AIRWAYS w/ Chataugua where the Chataugua employees have priority over the "Mainline Employess" or like ASA with Delta where they will end up like a D3 at AA??? Yes the biggest questions are about the Travel Privelages... But tell the employees what they have to look forward to !!! Rumors are already running AMOK that Eagle employees will loose all travel privilages on AA... Flight Attendants and Gate Agents are already threating to quit over this. I believe it is time to try and offer them more information....OR take the HIGH ROAD and say that...as with Continental.. we will be able to fly on AA the same we always have been. Want to look for more Employees... Probably not a good move to Mess with our Travel Privlages at this time. You think your annonuncement about Divesting Eagle from AA has caused a problem with Hiring.... Just take away our travel......... C ~


I agree with you. I don't really think health insurance is the worry. I do the job I do because I like to travel and I do a fair amount of it on my time off.

For years the company has made it seem as though Eagle and AA was a seamless company within a company. It's nice to know you have benefits on both. The benefits don't seem great to employees WHO DON'T USE THEIR PASSES.

There are employees for both airlines who rely on these benefits to GET THEM TO WORK.

Brundage et al, are laying it out there that we might, but probably won't, always have privileges on each other. I doubt the FA jumpseat policy will still be in effect also because Eagle has no extra jumpseat that AA FA's can ride on.

I have access to many options to get where I need to go using mainline, if Eagle were unavailable. If I worked for Eagle I'd seriously be thinking about applying for another job. Why stay if you like to travel and you can no longer use AA to get there? I know it wouldn't be for the pay in this industry.
If you would have actually read what I said....Most of the Concern is About Non Rev Privelages.... True insurance,wages etc etc are very important... what I was doing was Responding to something I read in JETNET about Travel ...... They havent started talking about Insurance... we will cover that when they tell how they plan on screwing us THERE !!!! Read the WHOLE STORY FIRST!!!!
Back to Non Rev Travel..... This could Greatly affect the AA Crew Members that Commute.... I know for a Fact there are a TON of International Flight Attendants that commute to/From CVG... I've had them(and their Cookies 🙄 YUM) on our Flights.... There's still a lot of information to be had.... Our ORD MEC has sent out an email about her meeting with the "TOP DOGS" She's not too happy with their thinking. I am still placing this as simple Scare Tactics because the Pilots Union is in Negotations..... Hang loose.. and don't make any drastic decisions.... F***ing management is always going to scare people away.... Peter Can't even keep his story straight at the MEC meetings......