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No Due Process in TWU

Bogey said:
There is no difference. I bet even after they do all that, there is still enough money left over to represent the members and to run the business of the local. Just like 542, there is more then enough to represent and run the business of the local.
Great, then they can lower UNION dues.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
I have been trying to point out the communist way the TWA operates for years. Their belief that everyone should make the same regardless of skill, education, and job function is appalling. 
I meant TWU not TWA. I am sure you figured that out.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Great, then they can lower UNION dues.
They (542) can't lower union dues because they have already have. We used to pay 1.5 percent but now we pay 1.25 percent. They lowered it 4 years ago.

Now if you mean the TWU, we know that won't happen. Need that money for cars and the 180k salaries.
Bogey said:
There is no difference. I bet even after they do all that, there is still enough money left over to represent the members and to run the business of the local. Just like 542, there is more then enough to represent and run the business of the local.
Ok, now let me get this straight…the fact that the members didn’t return the gift certificates amounts to their authorization to wipe out better than half the Local treasury. I hope this isn’t your defense when the Department of Labor comes around. Your officers wiped out over sixty percent of the Local’s assets in less than two months, the same two months that they were planning to leave the Local. Did they tell any of the other sections about their plans? I’m not an officer, staff, or involved in this in any way, but what was going on is pretty clear to me. Your leadership knew they couldn’t take the money with them if they left, and depleted as much as they could on their way out the door. That’s not what fiduciaries are supposed to do.
You now say that all that the resigned officers want is to attend the hearing and state their position on the allegations against the Local. My understanding is that both you and they and any other member will have this right. What the former officers don’t have is the same right to appear and participate in the hearing, as they would have had if they had not resigned.
Board didn't need authorization to spend the money. The members knew exactly what was happening and how much was being spent. Don't underestimate them. Your allegations that the board planned to leave is nothing more then TWU slander. You have no proof of that. The remaining members will be just fine with a per capita treasury of almost 2000 dollars a member. Your poor pitiful me attitude doesn't cut it with anyone on this board or anyone else for that matter.

Keep posting. It's just what NAAP needs to help push the fence sitters. The TWU is going to lose almost 600 dispatchers in the next few months and it's the fear mongering and bullying that you bring to this board that will make that happen. It will be the beginning of the cascade.
Again, you know too much detail. More then has been made public. I don't believe you. Your just another lackey trying not to get screwed by Lomabardo. They guy who hates the ATD.
Actually they did need approval to spend that kind of money, you will see when the DOL steps in and charges them under the LMRDA.
They should have come here to check with all the legal experts.

I guess time will tell. We fully support them now and we will then.
Realityck said:
Ok, now let me get this straight…the fact that the members didn’t return the gift certificates amounts to their authorization to wipe out better than half the Local treasury. I hope this isn’t your defense when the Department of Labor comes around. Your officers wiped out over sixty percent of the Local’s assets in less than two months, the same two months that they were planning to leave the Local. Did they tell any of the other sections about their plans? I’m not an officer, staff, or involved in this in any way, but what was going on is pretty clear to me. Your leadership knew they couldn’t take the money with them if they left, and depleted as much as they could on their way out the door. That’s not what fiduciaries are supposed to do.
You now say that all that the resigned officers want is to attend the hearing and state their position on the allegations against the Local. My understanding is that both you and they and any other member will have this right. What the former officers don’t have is the same right to appear and participate in the hearing, as they would have had if they had not resigned.

I would have to agree with Reality. The facts just don't add up . They raided the savings and gave gift cards for iPads for 500 dollars . When this new union NAAP starts up I wonder how much each member will be assessed .

Where exactly will NAAP stand on seniority ,,?, Is it DOh class and craft like it should be ?..has TWU 542 been looking into somethIng other than that ...?...just curious I'm sure it will all come out
700UW said:
Actually they did need approval to spend that kind of money, you will see when the DOL steps in and charges them under the LMRDA.
NAAP has stated date of hire in the craft and class just like 542 stated.

No assessment.

And yes, it will all come out. They have been guilty with the TWU from the start and nothing will change that. Even if they did not resign, the result will be the same. I don't think they care about that.

As for the DOL. If they want to investigate, we will see what happens. Seems some on here have already found them guilty on behalf of the DOL. All the legal experts.

They took the members money and gave back to the members. No inflated salaries, no cars, no pensions. No parties, no big bar bills, just members getting members money back. No financial distress to the local.
700UW said:
Why dont you call the DOL Enforcement and find out for yourself.
Why are you even getting involved with the dispatchers business? Let me guess here. Your neighbors third cousins son's mailman's sister in laws husband's third wife is a dispatcher for the Almagonated cab company in Omaha, Nebraska. Am I close?
Do you not understand the concept of a message board?

Its quite clear you don't.

Are you a dispatcher?

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