Ok, now let me get this straight…the fact that the members didn’t return the gift certificates amounts to their authorization to wipe out better than half the Local treasury. I hope this isn’t your defense when the Department of Labor comes around. Your officers wiped out over sixty percent of the Local’s assets in less than two months, the same two months that they were planning to leave the Local. Did they tell any of the other sections about their plans? I’m not an officer, staff, or involved in this in any way, but what was going on is pretty clear to me. Your leadership knew they couldn’t take the money with them if they left, and depleted as much as they could on their way out the door. That’s not what fiduciaries are supposed to do.
You now say that all that the resigned officers want is to attend the hearing and state their position on the allegations against the Local. My understanding is that both you and they and any other member will have this right. What the former officers don’t have is the same right to appear and participate in the hearing, as they would have had if they had not resigned.