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nmb determination


Jan 11, 2006
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As a fsa that was outsourced from PHX. I cant wait until he nmb makes a single carrier determination. I have been furloughed again and regardless of what I am doing I will vote.Unfortunately neither choice is very good. The TWU will not give me my due but will look after only its existing members. The IAM will protect my seniority (it says)but cannot say at what pay rate I will get once a transition agreement is in place. I cannot imagine working side by side with someone who is junior to me and making more money..the company would rather I remain forgotten and invisible....fair and equitable merger policies...Oh that it were true...
goodluck to you. i'd rather see the IAM get kicked out after what they had done to class 2 cities!
I truly understand your plight Outsourcedphx. I hate having to work next to someone that is junior to me, but they get to bid everything before me. That is what the iam has done to me.
As a fsa that was outsourced from PHX. I cant wait until he nmb makes a single carrier determination. I have been furloughed again and regardless of what I am doing I will vote.Unfortunately neither choice is very good. The TWU will not give me my due but will look after only its existing members. The IAM will protect my seniority (it says)but cannot say at what pay rate I will get once a transition agreement is in place. I cannot imagine working side by side with someone who is junior to me and making more money..the company would rather I remain forgotten and invisible....fair and equitable merger policies...Oh that it were true...
If you are eligible to vote your best bet is Twu, doh, not just existing members are being looked out for, its always been all FSA, since the merger was announced. pm me!
A change in representation does not change the CBA.
Thank you for your expressions of good wishes.Im still in a wait and see mode. If there is an election,like all I will try to make a balanced decision,but I am under no delusions.From what I have been able to understand the TWU from past history at AA-TWA,really let their members down. Case in point I have no friends that survived that merger,they were all laid off because they got doh for shift bidding but day 1 for furloughs.The IAM has said they will stand for DOH. I have 18 yrs of hard earned seniority and will not willing cede that. I understand they may bring me back at 9.59/hr,due to the bogus contract that was pushed thru with a couple big screen tv for phl....I will say this and I can come back to the job for 9.59 but I canot come back happy,and that will make for a very sour workplace if I am there with junior people that have 10 yrs that are making top pay of 15.69 or even 17 if PHX moves to hub top pay...it is my hope that the company will see that it is their best intrest to negotiate a fair transition agreement for all employees including class 2 cities that were outsourced.

That isn't completely true regarding the TWU at AA. There was 3 dates given, IIRC. Full DOH depending on where you were, 25% depending on where you were and 4-10-2001 depending on where you were. It mostly revolved around percentage of departures per station compared to AA service. So, apparantly your friends were in a 4-10-2001 station.

That isn't completely true regarding the TWU at AA. There was 3 dates given, IIRC. Full DOH depending on where you were, 25% depending on where you were and 4-10-2001 depending on where you were. It mostly revolved around percentage of departures per station compared to AA service. So, apparantly your friends were in a 4-10-2001 station.

You may be right about the different dates, however these folks all had 20 plus yrs with TWA. and in the end all have been furloughed. Im no fan of the IAM but will have to stay with them since,its my best shot for keeping my seniority,everyone will have to do what is best for them.Havent heard from TWU at all but am convinced they will look after hp emp first

**Edited to eliminate double post only**

They could have transfered/bumped someone from the higher date stations. Sounds like they decided not to do that. Crappy decision to make, but still one they made for themselves and their family.

They could have transfered/bumped someone from the higher date stations. Sounds like they decided not to do that. Crappy decision to make, but still one they made for themselves and their family.
You are correct. Many of the ex-TWAers from the ramp could have gone to other cities. However, they chose not to probably because of the hassels involved in moving and the fact that they did not want (in some cases) to have a 4/10/01 seniority in their new city.
I have 18 yrs of hard earned seniority and will not willing cede that. I understand they may bring me back at 9.59/hr,due to the bogus contract that was pushed thru with a couple big screen tv for phl....I will say this and I can come back to the job for 9.59 but I canot come back happy,and that will make for a very sour workplace if I am there with junior people that have 10 yrs that are making top pay of 15.69 or even 17 if PHX moves to hub top pay...

We could use your experience at Terminal 4. These young doo-dahs they are hiring off the street are a bunch of bumbling knuckleheads. However, if you will have a cr@ppy attitude against your prospective co-workers over something they had no say or control over, please stay away. We have enough toxic people to deal with. 🙂 :up:
We could use your experience at Terminal 4. These young doo-dahs they are hiring off the street are a bunch of bumbling knuckleheads. However, if you will have a cr@ppy attitude against your prospective co-workers over something they had no say or control over, please stay away. We have enough toxic people to deal with. 🙂 :up:
TWU does not want to take any employees senority away! I wish you the best of luck. Maybe you will be @ T-4 with us soon, without losing anything you have earned. pm me
Time will tell. Yes my co-workers and I could bring experience to the new US Airways. Some will return once this mess is sorted out,others have moved on. We are just like you folks,our attitudes will depend on how we are treated.
Time will tell. Yes my co-workers and I could bring experience to the new US Airways. Some will return once this mess is sorted out,others have moved on. We are just like you folks,our attitudes will depend on how we are treated.

We definitely have enough openings on the ramp. Staffing situation is bad now with much OT and not enough rampers wanting OT.

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