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Next major to go BK will have example made of it?

On 4/7/2003 10:49:52 AM RV4 wrote:

And so, how is cutting wages and benefits and leading the industry into a reverse tailspin going to remove that 20%?​


I am not sure I understand your question. But let me try
The first of the big three to find that middle ground between management and labor will have a much better chance
of not being that "extra 20%".
Delta is way behind in that process as they have just asked their pilots for $550 million. A long battle to begin soon on that one.
On 4/7/2003 12:27:07 PM RV4 wrote:

I thought that Carty said at the townhall meeting in Tulsa that concessions would allow AA to remain BIG and Big Was Good and Big Not Have To Mean Slow.

He wants BIG and low cost.


I am sorry RV4 but I don''t follow what your trying to say.

I am mistified!

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