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New PHL-SNA Service

Is there real profit potential here, considering we are essentially dedicating one aircraft to do these daily flights and paying to RON a crew in SNA (and hotels in Orange County ain't cheap, BTW!)? There seems to be a flaw in their logic. Am I wrong? SNA is neither a UAL hub nor a focus city.

These are local 'slots' after a fashion, I think. California is always different, and the FAA let them get away with it. IIRC, it is the result of a lawsuit. I can't remember if it's some kind of gate slot program, but I think it is restrained.
A new, once-daily nonstop round trip begins June 8, 2003, with A319s. Here''s the [A href=http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/030204/dctu036_1.html]press release[/A].
There's a lot of wealth in Orange County.

This is a good choice.

BTW, SNA has enourmously restrictive noise regs. So, essentially, it is slot controlled.

Just like LGB.
I've been limited many times to 90 to 100 pax on the SNA - PIT legs in the A319. PHL will be worse in the summer time.

A320 Driver
Thanks Guru-

I tend to get Orange Co. and Long Beach confused... .yes, 'the settlement agreement' is what I was thinking of. I'm also thinking we've had this exchange before.. deja vu.

BTW, unjustified noise restrictions must not stand! Taxpayers put money into airports with the understanding that they'll be used for aviation.
I think that is why US tried to keep the route running with 757s.

A 737-300LR would also do the job.
The 737 LR was also a performance pig in the summer. The best aircraft is the 757. This can be verified as you drive south on 405 and see DAL,AAL,NWA, et.al, with their 757's parked at the gate.
SNA is slot controlled.

However, it doesn't matter because this "new" PHL-SNA isn't really new. If you'll notice PIT-SNA, which is currently 2x daily, goes to 1x daily in June. All US is doing is shifting the flight from PIT to PHL. Given the stronger O+D of PHL, this move might make sense. However, the move also serves to weaken the connecting power to PIT.
No more 737's out West please. The winter they closed the LAX crew base the PHL red-eye was a 737-300, down from a 757. Talk about ouch. We think that Wolf was trying to teach those LAX based F/A's who didn't move to PHL a lesson. The last 737 at LAX was a 400 for the 1st summer they had the 3pm to PHL, which was strictly O&D traffic.

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