Someone offer Gordo the CEO position now, maybe he loves challenges. The employees of USAirways deserve better than the employee bashing,no-clue group we have now. Act quick before its too late.
If you seriously feel this way, then everyone should contact their representative on the Board (I'm still waiting for an address from CWA for Magdalena) and check out this website. It provides a contact for Dr Bronner from their website so it isnt personal info. Just remember that the people at RSA arent the ones involved with US, just the top. RSA Contact With respectful and professional appearance, you could ask for him to rethink his appointment of Dave and crew. It won't do any good to get him po'd at you so if you do contact him, please keep it classy and professional and not like some of the posts here or on yahoo. That isnt going to anything for your cause.
As you can see I don't post very often, but I read everything posted very consistently. But I feel that this is a topic that I must address.
The reason Siegel was brought in was because Wolfe had lost all credibility and trust with the employees. We weren't going to follow him anywhere. Seigel then was brought in and had a great opportunity to restore morale and put his stamp not only on the company but on the entire industry. The employees were looking for, starving for, real leadership. We bought into his "Sincerely Dave" letters. We bought into his heavy-handed threats of bankruptcy and liquidation for pay and benefit cuts, not once but twice. We wanted to be led. We just didn't realize it was going to be to our own slaughter.
Siegel is young. He could have been here for twenty years and garnered the admiration and respect of everyone, and been one of the giants of the industry by reshaping this company and industry into his vision. Instead, greed reared its ugly head and as employees, we were only in the way of management's focus on what they could get for themselves. We were not considered assets but liabilities.
The reason Siegel has to go now is for the same reason Wolfe had to go: the employees won't follow any longer. Period. His credbility is gone. If the BOD cares about the suvival and prosperity of this company, which at this point I am not convinced that they do, then they must tell Siegel and his band of merry managers to step down so that they can find someone who wants to lead and not just line their pockets. We need a REAL leader.
I cannot help but agree that our current management needs to go.
From my perspective I have seen little to nothing that denotes actually running an airline.
Many of the choices . if not all of the choices made to date have not only worsened things for the passengers that fly us...but it has completely alienated it's employees at every turn in the road.
Siegel is more interested in setting some new anti-labor reform act...instead of handling the day to day issues of running an airline.
I see every move being some strategic ploy Vs. something tangible to see and actualy believe in. What you can actually see is negative !!
I think U is nothing more than a case study to's a look at what I can do to people hopes that he can feather his cap for grander things in the corporate world.
Imagine if dave gets his way with us...and inspite of him , whom is left does turn this place around slightly. Dave will be the hero of the corporate world...and free to pull the same stunts at an even larger company.
Eventually...people like Dave are going to re-vamp the world as we know it...and we will have no middle class left in America. Give into this guy all you want...but you will be aiding the complete decline of our country in an alike manner.
The effort to have him ousted will most likely come from ALL the unions, hopefully in concert with each other. The groundwork is being laid and it will be just a matter of time before we get it done. Siegel squandered a unique opportunity to rally the troops. The sad thing is he truly has no clue he has done anything wrong! That is a huge part of the reason he must go. Along with a flawed business plan and no clue on the operation of an airline like U he has no idea of the importance of a motivated and loyal work force. We don't need to get angy. We just need to get rid of Siegel. And we will. Then we will beat the LCC's at their own game. The east coast belongs to USAirways and we must do all possible to keep those pax unlike what Siegel is doing now. We will succeed when he is gone. Until then, don't get mad. Help your union get rid of Dave.
Yesterday I was watching PBS and saw a segment on Alabama. Dr. David Bronner of the RSA was being interviewed in regards to his contributions in turning Alabama around. N mention of U was made BTW.
Bronners key moves have been to bring larger businesses to Alabama...yet stealing from other states and even countries with the incentives or far lower labor costs in which these corporations has previously paid. Does this spawn any interest from any of you? does nothing for me !!!!
Bronner is also trying to market Alabama as a low cost alternative to retiree's whom would usually seek residence in Florida or the southern parts of Texas.
Bronner has been instrumental in increasing Alabama's tourism as well. Golf is also becoming a much bigger draw there. Figures show Alabama's tourism exploding from 1.6 billion in annual 6.2 Billion currently.
Now we have USAirways in this mix. As stated , Bronner has sought to get low cost labor to perform 3rd party work on U's Airbus fleet...but at the expense of the tax base and employees located in CLT , PIT...and lest we not forget TPA.
Bronner may be good for Alabama , but his support of Dave Siegel and his evil doers is not good for U or the cities we serve and live in.
Many will's better to have a little bit of something than a whole lot of nothing. I have to conclude that a little bit of something is precisely what we are enjoying is the affore mentioned cities we work and live in.
My perspective is this. I have no desire to continue working for a company that has de-valued my contributions....along with attempting to hurt the community in which I live....I don't plan to change , yet they need too. I have already altered my life in support a few times...but that well is dry.
I have no vested interests in Alabama...nor do I plan too. Dr. Bronner may be a wise investor in terms of properties...but he is certainly no judge of character...and shows little regard for people by keeping Siegel in power.
Yes Dr. Bronner...this is indeed time for a change.
In sports, a fake is designed to freeze your opponent that critial second it takes to initiate your attack.
Dave was the fake. He NEVER intended to be new and improved; he was wheeled in to execute "plan B."
The employees, being a civil lot and yearning for leadership, were willing to give Dave a chance - I counselled "give the man some room to work."
The powers-that-be knew this would be our reaction, and took full advantage.
Dave has ridden the concession pony as far as it will go. The powers-that-be knew this, too.
At this stage, a possibility emerges. Dave is disappeared, stage right. The doc says, I feel y'alls pain. A new CEO, let's call him Franklin, emerges to lead us to the promised land. In his initial address to we troops, he says, "just call me Frank...."
Deja vue?!?
Just 'cause you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get ya!