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New lanyards

Here we were having a perfectly fine exchange of trash-talk and insults and you had to play the grammar card.

Come on boo. I expect more.
Cool that you feel you can advance you feelings. As I can do the same. I value your feelings. Our enemy are the executives, which, I think, is my point. Were there any kind of integrity in the executives, suicide would be rampant. They have no integrity. How do we force the cretins to go away?

As an aside. When I set the parking brake in the mini-bus, the "in" time then gets set. So, I must stay off the parking brake until any first door is opened. If it causes problems with your operation, I am sorry. Blame the un-safe freaks in tempe.
Don't know about the mini-bus but on the 75/76 logic has been added that if the brake is not set and the doors are opened and engines shut down the acars will kick out either touchdown, intermediate stops between touchdown and the gate or the time the aircraft stops at the gate.


Let's get back to the topic of this thread!
It is fabulous that the company spent this amount of money on mandatory lanyards! NO ONE IS TAKING HEED NOR IS EVERYONE WEARING THEM! TOTAL JOKE IMO. Just saying....
Employees are wearing them. The only ones not wearing them are the bitter easties.

Just saying too.
Actually, they do.

But please, keep pulling unsubstantiated stuff out of your backside if it makes your world go around.
Attention fed up USAPians.

In order to continue to show your outrage, USAP HQ has asked that you wear your lanyards inside out.

If this move doesn't get you a contract, nothing will.

That is all
Don't know about the mini-bus but on the 75/76 logic has been added that if the brake is not set and the doors are opened and engines shut down the acars will kick out either touchdown, intermediate stops between touchdown and the gate or the time the aircraft stops at the gate.



Opening the doors with the brakes not set? Doesn't sound safe to me (unless you've run off the end of the runway or ditched in the Hudson).

Oops, sorry Forced Landing.

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