New JFK-LHR shuttle

Yes, Mr Pedantic, we all know that. Anyone who's passed thru JFK has seen the downsized T8 instead of the much larger terminal that was part of the original design. Nevertheless, the building might be expanded.

When construction workers add square footage to a building, it typically results in "expansion" of the building, regardless of whether or not the additional space was part of the original design.

Name calling just because you were corrected. Sad. What an Ego. And who made you the spokesman for everyone? "We all know that".

Someone who hasnt been through JFK would probably not know that the terminal was never completed and would think that an expansion, as the term implies, means adding on more than what was originaly planned.
If we're going to play semantics, did the terminal get a certificate of final inspection from the building inspector?

The project isn't stalled, like many projects thruout the US. It's fully enclosed. It's completed as per the building permit. The original design was de-scoped.

If they're going to get new permits from the City, it's an expansion.