New Info About Psa?

:angry: I think psa will be your new express carrier out of about 45 cities and mda will go up against lcc s in the big airports.
I know for a fact that we have mechanics at PSA going through ground school right now for the CRJ-700 in DAY, that's probably a pretty good indication that they're coming although they still haven't announced anything yet of course. Like everything else, I'll believe it when I see it.
Saw a job posting today (climbto350) for PSA mechs indicating the crj700s.

J4J Captains only a few hundred down the list (maybe 500 or so of 1800+). It's a lot more feasible to be perpetually junior if you're in the left seat making a reasonable wage!

BTW, how are the reserve pilot lines built typically? Is it possible to have a lhome life if you're a commuting reserve?
PSA Reserve, one word: JOKE!

10 days off, no more no less unless you can scam an extra day off in the blend.

Hot Reserve: up to 10 hours sitting in the Airport watching while scheduling calls out other reserve pilots to cover trips.

Call out: 1:15 and not a penny more unless you are in PIT which has 1:30 because mainline won't share their crew room over in the main concourse.
PSA reserve is hell! Only ten days off and you can count on getting junior manned once every month or two. They always nail you with the junior man on your last leg of your last day. To bad if you had plans for your day off. You're flying.

Also commuting to reserve is near impossible. To get maximum utilization out of the reserves, scheduling always gives you a 5:00 am reserve time on the first day and on the last day they give you reserve until 10:00 pm. There is no commuting in on the first day of reserve and commuting out on the last day. You have to fly out the day before and leave the morning after. That's if you're lucky and they don't junior man you. I commuted to reserve for three months and averaged six nights in my own bed per month.

Also, you have to be mentally prepared to dead head anywhere from 5 to 12 legs per week. My personal daily record is five dead heads in one day. My all time record is 18 deadheads in two weeks. All that dead heading gives you a lot of time to contemplate your life and the bad decisions you have made.

PSA reserve in a young single person's game. You have just enough time to do your laundry, pay the bills, and then get back to work. Sorry for the bad news.

These guys -- not only the PSA pilots but also the J4J pilots at PSA -- are just worried about their jobs, making a decent living and hopefully providing for their families in the ever-dismal world of the US Airways feeder and you come out with a gem like, "I'll be surprised if PSA is not sold".

Thats real nice. Give them something else to worry about.

You're a real piece of work. How about thinking about these "Unique Corporate Transactions" in terms of peoples LIVELIHOODS rather than just another stepping stone towards your own financial security.

You're a real piece of work.
Over a year ago Dave said he wanted to build up "something" and then IPO it. PSA will not be sold to Mesa, but I wouldn't be surprised if sometime during the next year or two if PSA is spun off as it is the only entity at Group making money and growing.
DD, you may be correct.

Orenstein and Seigel spent the weeekend together discussing Mesa and U's synergyand from the tone and appearance of JO on Tues. morning, he wasn't bouncing off the walls like he is before something big is about to pop. So I've been told.

Nothing agaist Mesa, as you guys take a pretty good beating most of the time anyway, but Dave isn't going to sell his only candle in what is a very dark room at the moment. JO and Dave may have spent some "family" time together, but this is business. We all know Dave himself has said he wants to see only 2 or 3 Express carriers in the future at USAirways. I think you are seeing the plan slowly develop into action. Two WO's are being merged and the other two are being built up. Mesa most likely will stay a feeder of USAirways, but everyone else except for maybe Colgan will be gone in a few years. Its tough to predict what will happen beyond today, but the safe bet is PSA will not be sold to Mesa.
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Could not agree more. PSA has moved into PHL seamlessly over the past few months in preparation for the upcoming domicile, and the tides are in motion as we speak for an emergence in CLT. PSA with their aggressive hiring, best be sure NOT to hire out of desperation and create a staff like that of our contract carrier that is leading in the polls as the "worst". If they maintain their current quality, they will go far. they are slated to hire 450 more FA's by DEC. And don't start with the furloughs at mainline either. They have every opportunity to apply at PSA and get one of those spots over there. I know we give Express a bad rep. but if it is "flying" they "love" there are job opportunites over there for them as well while maintaining "s3" and originial hire date commute privilages.

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