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New Employee- How hard is it to use your flight benefits

Travel benefits remind me of when I lived in NYC and had Broadway right up the street. It was nice because it was there if I wanted, but I rarely took advantage of it.

I agree that even with all the full flights you can still USE the benefit, but flexibilty and patience must rule the day. Also, you must learn to travel in the off season. Even then, the airlines have brought capacity pretty much to demand, so flights go out 85%< full.

ZED fares are really great interline prices between various airlines. The list is long and pretty impressive. You get them by going to our counter.

ID90's are offered by almost all airlines. Some offer ID95's. What these provide are 90%/95% off the full fare. You are still considered a non revenue passenger and always go after the paying passenger and the employees of that airline.

With US Airways, you are offered free transportation. You may choose either the married plan, the domestic partner plan, or the register traveler plan. With this, everyone has a chance to have someone special on their travel benefits. If you have kids, they fly free as well until 21??? Someone with kids help me here. Parents and inlaws fly with a zone charge. In addition, we get 8 companion passes a year. They are also charged according to zones.

I would weigh in a few things. Are you living in a hub? If so, this makes nonreving easier. If not, I would reconsider.

Good luck on your decision making.
DO NOT , I repeat, DO not work for this pain in the A@@,sad, pathetic loser of a employer.

you will STRUGGLE financially.
If you want to work for an airline so you get travel bennies, go to SWA, CAL, DAL...............
SWA, CAL, and DAL didn't have full flights this summer? At AA all employees with less than five years have to pay a service charge for every leg. USAirways' flight benefits are actually very good compared to the rest of the industry. Finding seats is an issue everywhere during busy times.
'fess up!

Have you ever had to call in sick (or swap shifts with someone) for the job that provides you with these great benefits because you were stuck somewhere?

Once, about 10 years ago. Took the red eye pdx-las-phx on a Sunday night. That was foolish to begin with but the las-phx flt was underbooked by 50 the day before. Got to las and was bumped. My family spent the night at the airport and we ended up getting out in the morning las-sna-phx. It was an adventure for my small children. (now grown)

If you do get stuck overnight and are too cheap to pay for a hotel. Check out this web site:

In my opinion, the responses above are not accurate. Flying free is a great benefit and I do it all the time. I would make Platinum if all my non revving was for revenue tickets and I rarely get bumped. It takes a little bit of planning and flexibility. Granted, flights are fuller now than before and I occasionally will cancel a trip due to flight loads, but the secret is not just showing up for a flight and being surprised. You need to plan ahead and select times and dates where your chances are better.. Took my family of 5 to Kauai in July with no problems but I planned ahead and selected dates inbetween the heavier booked dates.

I am not saying it is not possible. I have traveled all over the system with my domestic partner during "off" travel times. Italy in Feb was actually very nice, but remember to bring pants and jacket. However, during peak travel season, which is March, May-September, and November - December, I have found it easier and less of a hassle to buy positive space tickets. This is not a job to take just for the travel benefits. Most other airlines pay more for the same job.
IF you were me, would you use non-rev or zed if your were going CLT-PHX-CLT in early Oct?
IF you were me, would you use non-rev or zed if your were going CLT-PHX-CLT in early Oct?

I would definately non rev for two reasons. One, early Oct is not a busy travel time and two, travel between two hubs, you have tons of options if the non stops are full. Example- you could fly clt-ord-phx, or clt-dfw-phx or clt-bos-phx or any number of combinations. Something will be wide open.
Hello all,

I think I have the option of taking a part time position with US Airways, but would only be interested if you can actually use flight benefits. I've heard that with airlines going to smaller jets and reducing flights it is very difficult.
Despite the poor pay I would want this job if my wife and I can use the flight benefits, domestic and international.
Is it more difficult to go international? I know it is more difficult during the vacation season- but we don't mind going off season. Thanks

Also- I've read a lot of posts on here about flight benefits and don't know all the terms you use such as ZED, ID 90...

It used to be that there were a few days out of the week that were excellent for non-rev travel. That has been reduced to Tuesday (if you are lucky). There are a lot of other factors to consider. Where you are considering working, how many flights that station has per day, and what kind of counter-to-counter agreements are available (that is freebees with the other carriers serving the airport you are considering working at). We all have horror stories pf being stuck somewhere or spending the night on the hard floor of a terminal somewhere...face it, it does happen. With planning and back up passes and the willingness to start the journey EARLY in the day...it can usually work. Have a Plan B, Pplan C, and so on. I have been successful in a majority of the trips I have taken over the years. HERE IS THE SAD PART... If you want to work for US Airways, good luck! You probably won't have any money to spend once you reach your tropical destination...the pay here is next to poverty levels. just my .02
Flight benefits are not a great reason to take this job, but they are a great tool (when you learn how to use them) I for one, live and work in CLT... I was born and raised in PHL (where most of my family resides) with me having a place to stay in 2 hubs makes it easy for me. Everyone is not in this situation, but as someone stated earlier if you live in a hub the opportunities are endless on how to get from one place to another.

but if u are taking the job for a benefit... MAKE SURE YOU USE THE SWAPS

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