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US EAST Domestic Partner Benefits

The specifics of the benefit package are adopted by the company and codified in the Plan Document. Employees have the right to see that at any time. What employees do get is a Summary Plan Description which summarizes what's in the Plan Document in simplified language. Domestic Partner benefits are up to the employer to adopt and the rules, other than IRS rules about who is a dependent, would be stated in the Plan Document and SPD. Additionally, most airlines are self-insured, meaning they are not subject to state insurance mandates. They can basically design their own plan since they are paying for it themselves.

As I recall, there was talk about two years ago (I don't know whether it was adopted) of U requiring spouses of employees who could get insurance at their own work to take it--that they could not get on the U insurance. Companies can do it. It can be crappy because, what if the insurance offered by the spouse's employer stinks? I used to work for a company that had HORRIBLE insurance--$2000 individual first dollar deductible, then 80/20 coinsurance in network up to a maximum of $20,000 for an individual out of pocket costs all for a single premium of $150 per month! Rx was part of this--so prescriptions were at full cost and out of pocket! We had an employee whose husband worked for one of the supermarket chains that had that requirement. She had to take our terrible coverage. She got pregnant and basically the whole thing was out of pocket! Some "coverage"! Needless to say she got herself another job with real insurance.

So, if you don't have the SPD, ask for a copy of it (unless you want to read the 100+ page Plan Document). Again, they are required to give you this (by ERISA) and it has to be in plain language.

HR Diva
Do tell; what made you go "straight?" :lol: :lol: 😛h34r:

Lets' see...guilt, shame, discrimination, the roll back of any hard work in the GLT communitity, a current administration that is in bed with the far radical right that endorses the hate and destruction of gays and lesbians in any way whatsoever...all the while masking it behind the love of Christ..you've heard it..love the sinner, hate the sin.

So I can't understand why on earth someone may hide back in the closet when you have a country giving into the fears of GLT by Bush to somehow distract everyone from his abysmal mess in the middle east/ Iraq. The teacher who got suspended for saying there are similarites between Bush and Hitler got it right.
Judging from what I read and hear in the media no one is "distracted from Bush's abysmal mess in Iraq". It's on each network from sunup to sundown. Each and every day.

I don't ever recall Bush denigrating any group of Americans regardless of race, religion or sexual orientation. Hell, he calls Islam a religion of peace.

Hitler exterminated 12 million Jews. His plan was to exterminate all races except his Arian race and rule the world. We stopped him.

Bush (America) is in the Middle East in an attempt to stop Hitler-like Islamists who have the same design on ruling the World. Does anyone remember 9/11? I wonder how Osama and his merry bunch feel about GLT folks? Think the Islamic fanatics would be giving benefits? Maybe they'd allow you to choose your method of execution. But I highly doubt that.

To compare Bush to Hitler is just plain ignorant. Anyone who does just doesn't understand history or who Hitler was. I certainly don't agree with everything going on in Washington. But there is no one there, no one, who is even close to Hitler or what he stood for.


But this is what Liberal minded folks do each and every time they disagree with a Consevative position. Rarely do they argue the differences of opinion factually or academically. They insert emotional (generally irrational emotion) concepts and name calling, ala Bush is like Hitler, and the intelligent debate ceases.

Of course, the Conservative becomes homophobic, racist, judgemental, intolerant and insensitive if his position is not the same as the Liberal. Liberals throw those adjectives around like bean bags. Silly if you ask me.

The above post is typical of that position. Bush supports all gay rights with the exception of gay marriage. A postion that many Americans agree with and a positon just as valid and truly felt as folks who support gay marriage. But because of his position he is like Hitler and homophobic. Of course, he is neither. He just holds a different position than theirs.


But this is what Liberal minded folks do each and every time they disagree with a Consevative position. Rarely do they argue the differences of opinion factually or academically. They insert emotional (generally irrational emotion) concepts and name calling, ala Bush is like Hitler, and the intelligent debate ceases.

Strange, and I thought I put that link on there to stop the comparisons of Hitler to Bush (or anyone for that matter).

Of course, the Conservative becomes homophobic, racist, judgemental, intolerant and insensitive if his position is not the same as the Liberal. Liberals throw those adjectives around like bean bags.

And conservatives aren't guilty of the same? Come on.

Silly if you ask me.

Nobody did.

Speaking of judgemental, for someone that doesn't know me, you sure were quick to label me a liberal. For all you know, I could make Pat Buchanon (sp?) look like a socialist.
I didn't label you anything. I posted an opinion. That's what these boards are for. I guess I should wait until someone asks before espousing an opinion eh?

But you did make my point for me.


Domestic partners deserve no less or no more than married partners. Straight or gay should have nothing to do with it.

Judging from what I read and hear in the media no one is "distracted from Bush's abysmal mess in Iraq". It's on each network from sunup to sundown. Each and every day.

I don't ever recall Bush denigrating any group of Americans regardless of race, religion or sexual orientation. Hell, he calls Islam a religion of peace.

Hitler exterminated 12 million Jews. His plan was to exterminate all races except his Arian race and rule the world. We stopped him.

Bush (America) is in the Middle East in an attempt to stop Hitler-like Islamists who have the same design on ruling the World. Does anyone remember 9/11? I wonder how Osama and his merry bunch feel about GLT folks? Think the Islamic fanatics would be giving benefits? Maybe they'd allow you to choose your method of execution. But I highly doubt that.

To compare Bush to Hitler is just plain ignorant. Anyone who does just doesn't understand history or who Hitler was. I certainly don't agree with everything going on in Washington. But there is no one there, no one, who is even close to Hitler or what he stood for.



I appreciate your opinions but I would appreciate it if you would NOT call people's opinions ignorant.

I DO remember 9/11 and lived in NYC at the time and was there. I am all for getting Osama, but your guy even admitted no relation between Osama and Iraq.
He misslead this country and in MY opinion CAUSED the increase of what you call Hitler-Islamics. Had the ass in the White House acted like a president and not a cowboy, we would not be today the most HATED country in the world.

But I won't be able to change the mind of bush supporters, mustless pilot bush supporters.

And what the hell does the middle east or Iraq have to do with the topic of providing DP benefits? At least Iraq's parliment requires a % of woman...FAR more advanced than our congress.

Oh I forgot, we are right, the rest of the world is wrong.

And what the hell does the middle east or Iraq have to do with the topic of providing DP benefits? ....

Exactly what I was going to say. Political discussions can be happily debated in the Water Cooler. This is however about US Airways Domestic Partner policy.