I'm a CP, and I can tell you right now that I don't have the time to carry cards with me to hand out to a happy face.
I myself will continue to send feedback to CA whever someone does the job especially well. But how do we pax make sure that someone gets recognition for the A&B program without our coupons?
best wishes
Barry, I will PM you my addy and rather than throw your A/Bs in the trash, you can mail them to me B)
Personal feedback that you send in makes it to an employees file, and there is a seperate recognition program (at West) that rewards certain #s of positive feedback letters received.
For the A/B program, an employee will need an A/B card.
Its really very simple, most FFs keep them in their briefcase. All you have to do is hand one to the employee.
How time consuming is that?
Thanks for recognizing good service.
And the A/C mechanic that works in the hangar is going to get a chance how? The thousands that never come in contact with the travelling public are going to win money, HOW?????????
It will be nearly impossible for a mechanic to be involved in an opportunity to provide above and beyond customer service to a FF who is carrying his A/B cards with him.
This program is for employees who have contact with FFs.
Its been a very popular program with the Elites over the past few years.
Mechs shouldn't feel too bad, tho, cuz FAs and agents could kiss ### 24/7, earn 100 A/Bs, and still not see anything for their efforts.
Anything lottery based is not too encouraging to me, personally.