I knew I would bring you out of the U crackes! You still can't keep from lurking on here to see what i'm up to??
I know all about Exec contracts (that remained UNTOUCHED) during BK. You have some nerve coming on here and spouting about Media, when you couldn't defend U's unscrupulous ways if you drew blood. Only alternative for the company was a merger or acquisition. With all the laborcuts, and two BK, they couldn't make it alone or get any investors to pull thier butts out of BK. And the only way for exec compensation was to "sell" a merger to the investors.
Yea, got your MO.
As far as JG, he was never a step ahead of me...he was always watching the tracks I made. Without a judge in BK, U nor Jerry G would have stolen 50% of what they took. They needed the judge as the "trigger guy". And with TWO majors in BK, (and one just emerged) U won't have the lowest labor cost structure for too long...how predictable was that??? I think I wrote it to all of you execs back in late 2002. Amnesia got your tongue?
I can assure you as sure as I know Doug P. will recieve his bonus 10 fold regardless of any profit performance from U, that the company will have to cough up some cash for the f/a agreement (and I don't mean moving some money from one item and adding it to the other or some non-rev BS), or there will be NO ratification from U East who are the majority regardless of the west kool-aide drinkers.
DP and JG should be glad I went for greener pastures for the next 15 years of my working career instead of this sorry-assz company, othewise DP's reputation would have slid a few notches in the media.
And, as I saved the company much money by a VFLR proposal, I also negotiated to come back on it with a "recall" just to bust up the execs paradise.
Now, wouldn't that be something? B)
And in case you are wondering...I've got a nice big E-list of the East f/as...
Tell JG kisses and hugs from his favorite pain in the ...