Cool, I work on them too. Some of us are interested in hearing when new frames might be joining the fleet and I still don't understand how that correlates to this place being a joke. I didn't mean to say that you can't be commenting on this, and if it came across like that I apologize, but it seems like you're attacking the idea of discussing them.
It's an interesting phenomenon what commonly seen on these forums which one may call
Elevative Disassociation. In plain terms, ED is a cognitive mechanism employed when an individual finds him or herself tied to an entity he or she considers to have a negative perception and association and will therefore deride, disown, and defame said entity in daily activities and online for the purpose of (often unconciously) convincing the self and others that he or she "is better than" that place and is connected to it by present necessity only.
ED generally manifests itself as incessant and consistent complaining, and nit-picking beyond reason. For example, one may complain that there is problem "X" with the interiors of certain 757's, and this complaint is reasonable. The company may then take action to rectify problem "X". For some this will set the issue to rest, but to one with ED it will only provide additional fodder for complaining:
"Sure, problem X is fixed but it should have been fixed a long time ago
🙄 "
"The people that fixed problem X are morons.
"Problem X wasn't fixed to my own anonymous, arbitrary expectations
"Now that problem X is fixed problems, Y and Z are even more apparent and obvious. These morons can't even fix problems without making others worse!
Elevative Disasociatives have never been, are not, and are in fact incapable of ever being satisfied. Constant complaining is necessary for the individual to regularly remind him or herself and others that the airline sucks and lies below his or her worth and ability; this done in turn to soothe what is in reality deep-seated insecurities on the part of the diassociative that he or she has indeed made the wrong life and career choices and is in fact a part of every problem he or she must always bring to the fore for the purpose of blaming others. One may indeed dedicate several thousand online posts and real life discussions to this very brand of complaining. The "rolleyes" emoticon is oft abused
An additional symptom is that although one has considerable experience in a specific airline function, he or she will assume that by such virtue (and often in conjunction with an inflated self-perception of intelligence) he or she is an expert in all facets of airlining, including labor relations, route planning, marketing, purchasing etc. This is known as Elevative Dissassociation aggravated with Rectal Proselytization, and unfortunately there is no known cure.
On topic, I am as well interested in our acquisition of additional 757 airframes and the other changes in the US fleet and the implications of such on our operations and directions as a modern American airline. I will also agree that this forum is a reasonable place for such discussion, and that the topic is one both sound and interesting.