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Aug 21, 2002
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I heard the other day in PIT hanger 5 Sheet metal department they hired a new supervisor. He is a laid off mechanic from Northwest and just so happens to be the Sheet metal shop's senior supervisor's (and sometimes acting manager) son. So much for nepotism. I heard others didn't even get to interview.

-Hopefully he will work out for the guy's back in the shop area.
Pitguy, welcome to the Piedmont way of doing things.

What about here in CLT they fired a foreman in offsite, the foreman who was kept died a week later so they brought back the one they fired. Also the west coast regional maintenance that they fired was brought back to CLT as a line foreman.
LavMan said:
Pitguy, welcome to the Piedmont way of doing things.

US Air pretty much took over the key decisions of Piedmont in 1987 after the buyout was announced and instituted a "mirror image program", culminating in the final merger on 8/5/89.

Correct me if I am wrong Lav, but don't you have a hire date of 1989?

If so, I suggest you know nothing firsthand of the "Piedmont" way of doing things.

I would also suggest that PIT hiring decisions 14 years after merger would have no semblance of the "Piedmont" way, since anything PSA or PI has been eliminated.

Piedmont wasn't perfect, but most of us loved the Speedbird days, as the good folks at PSA loved their smiles and Alleghany/US Air employees loved their company. If you weren't there, you wouldn't understand. It was a different time and culture, at all three carriers. We actually had some management we respected and some leaders. This could have been one heck of an airline, but sadly it didn't turn out that way.

The denigration of others and of a past you have no real experience of is immature and childish, IMHO.
I worked in TPA and the station manager hired everyone from his church and the children of current TPA employees, I was there I worked along side these people.
So what's so bad about hiring his son??? If he is qualified for the position, I would do the same, and I doubt very much that noone else was interviewed.

If he was of another ethnic culture you would probably be complaining that he got the job due to equal rights or some diversity program.

By the way I started at Piedmont and I miss the old days.
I started in TPA in 86 and am still here. The secretary of the manager was from his church back when I was hired, and maybe someone else went to his church, but I dont recall a huge hiring from his church or of peoples kids. Many of the people who were here when I started are still here and I dont know of any "kids" or his church people that are around. I'm not saying there weren't any, but not a great deal. In fact, most of the people didnt really care for him, if its the same guy we're thinking of...
When I was hired they hired 8 people, 6 of them kids and relatives of current employees, and yes Brenda was from his church and what about his daughter getting on full time with Delta and Delta station Manager's daughter getting hired full time at PI and the operations manager's on at Delta getting hired on at PI.
I feel this may be one reason why the company does not have a large portion of talent at the lower and middle management ranks. I have not meet this newly hired person and they may be great in this capacity, but at the same time it is disheartening to see other qualified people not even get an interview. Being closer to the situation than others it is easier to see some of the shortcomings of this process.

--When looking for a winning business team one should look further than their own families unless your goal is to hire your family and not the best person for the aforementioned position.

--If I was at the top of this heap I would not find any humor in one of my managers putting his own agenda ahead of the companies.

(--Delldude: It is the one that looks like Kenny Roger's. Not the one that just retired. Unsure of his name though.)
its nothing new we had a dionsaure in plant maintanance whose son got hired as a mechanic in boston the so called mechanic couldnt even tie his shoes without tripping and then to make matters worse they made ,this guy a foreman and thus began the back stabbing to the mechanics so much for where you came from, seems he got aluminuim sandwiches at the end ot his shift gee I wonder why, then this guys dad would go in the maint mgrs office and bad mouth his fellow mechanicsto make his son shine but he got his as mamngment the big lay off, the mechaincs that he stabbed are still there there is justice and yes i have to agree with lav man about this topic
Interesting response, jetmech. 🙂

My point was never to imply that nepotism doesn't occur. My earlier post related to a cheap shot that was irrelevant to the current PIT situation. Nepotism is rampant in the airline industry as a whole and probably in most businesses that don't specifically set limits on family hires. It will never go away, it's natural to try and give your friends and family help. I suspect the complaints about it are more often rooted in jealousy when someone can't give their friends and family the opportunity they see others getting. This is understandable. Hiring should be on merit and not politics, but it often is not "what you know", but "who you know" that helps one in the door. That's just reality.

Although in the case of US Airways, getting your family hired may be a sign of dysfunctional family relationships and or the "misery loves company" syndrome. I wouldn't buy tickets on the Titanic for anyone I cared about.

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