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N828AW HP Retro In Service with Photo's

And thanks to Steve at www.visitingphx.com as he gave me a heads-up email telling me that 828 was in the air but did not know where she was headed. I played the odds that she might show up in LAS so I head down to the airport. She was already there sitting at a gate next to the Diamond backs 757. She pushed after twenty minutes and I got this shot..


Hope you like it..

Dave Budd
828 is in PHX right now, 0230 local/0930 zulu.
Despite the engine cowls not being grey, it still looks good>
Dave, awesome photo, glad you where able to get such as nice shot on day one of service.

Perhaps someone on here with access to 828's routings could give folks a hint to where she is flying today ?


I didn't know that they would use the old paint scheme. Looks nice.
Well with this aircraft being a surprise maybe just maybe they are planning some other retro aircraft. Don't everyone get their panties in a twist. I don't think the can do any of the older US schemes on the airbus though as someone mentioned. It would be grey right?
Thanks Ron..

We're headed out this morning to see if we can spot her again..

Wish us luck!!


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