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A Photo I want to share Part 3

One of the nicest memories I have of Piedmont was before the merger with US, we would board the flights at the gate. The crews were always super nice to us and at the end of boarding, the lead F/A was always concerned about getting her "Spin List". The aircraft was always spotlessly clean and smelled fresh. Even the old 727's had a nice smell about them. A big difference from the old grey US fleet. I was not a "Piedmonter", but enjoyed very much the family feeling they gave to us. As an old PSA'er, it was a big difference from the feeling we got from the USAir family. They quickly wiped those smiles off our faces and took our colorful uniforms and turned us into the "Funeral Director" look. But we all have our memories, good and bad. 😀
Sorry it was not more clear and was intended as humor, so maybe this will help.

It would have been nice to have that paint job placed on a Boeing Aircraft!!!!.....And still owned, operated and flown by the folks from PI.

Or put another way, a once great airline was destroyed by the "great northern efficiency", much like we are now seeing from the folks in the castle
Boy does the PI photo bring back memories. PI was a wonderful company to work for. Thanks for the photo!
Ok, I was tired, it went over my head....sorry it get it now....lol

It's 16 years ago and people just won't let go. Hopefully, you won't get to ever work with a diehard you know who. Anyway, it's so ovah...the planes are red, the bird is dead. I admit the birdie looks nicer than it ever did before on that Airbus. Groovy.

What’s a “Spin Listâ€￾?
Nice picture, LGA !

Special Information List.....same thing as the flight manifest or paperwork we give them now (as best I can remember).

Agree about the pix. Very nice.
It's 16 years ago and people just won't let go. Hopefully, you won't get to ever work with a diehard you know who. Anyway, it's so ovah...the planes are red, the bird is dead. I admit the birdie looks nicer than it ever did before on that Airbus. Groovy.


It's been a few more than 16, and I do work with a few of the diehards. Yeah, it can get to you sometimes, but you know what....what comes goes around comes around, and it's startin to come around.

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