That's the whole reason the ATSB was formed! You point out the 23% drop here, but somehow discount the effects of 9/11 later. 23% is larger than EVER before. No Airline planned for this level of a drop. It is just temporary.
The real question is...how much of the 23% drop is 9/11 and how much is the economic recession (which was already in progress before 9/11)? UAL's revenue's were already way down before 9/11. Revenues for 2nd quarter 2001 were down 11.8% for pax and 15.5% for cargo in comparison with 2nd quarter 2000. And the recession (and weakening demand) were continuing in July/August of 2001...again not related to 9/11. The gov't provided compensation for losses immediately associated with 9/11 to all airlines. So now what is the ATSB doing? Providing compensation for airlines that have a poor business plan and poor cost control. UAL and the rest knew another recession would come (the glory days of the late 90's couldn't last forever), yet none of them seemed at all prepared.
I can blame them for failing in it's PRIMARY responsibility, protecting it's citizens from outside forces. BTW, ALPA has been requesting fortified cockpit doors SINCE THE 70's!! The Government TOOK weapons away from the pilots. Seems to me that EITHER ONE of these items would have prevented Sept 11.
All true. Once again though, the gov't did provide compensation to all airlines (though I think you could make a good case that they should have provided more...especially to U,UAL and AMR). Second, the airlines were in charge of security on the ground. Had the morons that the airlines hired to do security done their jobs...you could also argue that 9/11 wouldn't have happened.
CAL would have been BK by NOV, not because they were weak, but because NO AIRLINE PLANS ON LOSING 25% OF IT"S REVENUE OVERNIGHT (the drop was even larger then). Had CAL filed, AMR, UAL, DAL, NWA, U and possibly even LUV would have followed suit. that would have been REALLY good for the jittery post 911 markets. it could have even led to other industries having BKs. Who knows, maybe even Boeing.
Do you really believe CAL would have been bankrupt by Nov? I don't...that was Bethune trying to scare Congress and it worked.
I also think you are mixing the ATSB loan guarantee program with the initial grants the gov't gave to compensate for 9/11. Yes, the airlines needed those grants (though I think a few could have survived even w/o them) and they got them. My problem is with the gov't creating the ATSB. Instead of stabilizing airlines, the ATSB is aiding poorly managed airlines and creating further hate/discontent between labor & management. No surprise that nearly all of the airlines that applied for ATSB loan backing also have the poorest management (US,UA,Vanguard,National,Midway).
Not looking for an edge. The loans aren't free and all those other Airlines could have applied also. I'm hoping that with even smaller concessions that UAL can go get money elsewhere.
UAL may not specifically be looking for an edge but getting backing from the gov't still gives UAL an edge. The gov't's support will allow UAL to get loans at better rates than the other majors have access to. The other majors could apply but really there's no point...the ATSB wouldn't support them. I, too, hope UAL can find a way to take less from the employees and still manage to get outside loans. Keep the gov't out.
It is a cumulative effect. Econ plus and United First Suites are wonderful. but so are Ferraris. Unfortunately, contrary to public perception, I can't afford one. If the public is unwilling/ unable to pay for the extra room or the First Suite, then we should look at selling them something they can pay for. There is a 15% diff in the number of seats on A NWA 400 and a UAL 400. Even our star alliance partners put more seats on the jets. If we are getting enough additional revenue to justify the additional expense, great, if not, then Yes, I would change our seat configurations.
BTW DAL FLYER, What line of work are you in?
I more or less agree with you on that point. Although, the risk of angering FF'ers should be noted. I'm not sure I would dump E+ entirely, but maybe shrink down F/C and put in more E+ seats.
As for what I do, I do work in transportation (not airlines specifically) doing contract work for the Federal gov't...which is probably why I like to see the gov't keep out as much as possible. I know all too well what happens when the gov't gets too involved. I appreciate your responses, even if I don't usually agree with them.