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More VP's Leaving

So you let the money sponges go? Great move, should save 5000 jobs. How many VPs does an airline really need?
Not privvy to anything other than what was announced. Historically, Cargo was part of Operations, with Brooks having reported to Bob Baker, Ralph Richardi, and then Tom Del Valle.

If they've really moved to Finance, it's an odd place. Then again, maybe 22 year old from McKinsey or BCG put together the PDF you're looking at, and didn't know the difference...

Well, as of today, May 4, 2012 the position of Cargo is still under Sr. V-P Finance. If it was an error by some 22 year old, no one older has seen fit to correct it. Perhaps, you should contact some of your buddies and let them know they are doing it all wrong.
So you let the money sponges go? Great move, should save 5000 jobs. How many VPs does an airline really need?
Good point. That can also be asked of managers and supervision.