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Nuns among six passengers kept off American flight

Thursday, February 12, 2004 Posted: 9:14 PM EST (0214 GMT)

(CNN) -- Four California nuns say they were among six passengers kept off an American Airlines flight in January after crew members complained of a sulfur smell in the cabin and ordered passengers off the plane.

"I felt discriminated very much, because the four of us were taken out from that group, kept us aside, not telling us why we were there," said Sister Tessy Pius, the principal of Mary Immaculate Queen School in Lemoore, California. She and the three other nuns are natives of India and are employed at the school.

The nuns were among the group of passengers held in Dallas, Texas, for additional screening before being allowed to board another flight to Fresno, California, January 2, American Airlines spokesman Tim Wagner told CNN.

At the time, airlines were acting under strict security rules because the national threat level was orange, or high. When the Department of Homeland Security raised the threat level December 21 from yellow to orange, it warned that al Qaeda may use international flights to launch attacks on the United States.

Several flights were canceled due to security concerns.

The threat level was returned to yellow January 9.

Wagner said attendants on the Fresno flight reported something that "smelled like sulfur," and the pilot ordered all of the passengers to deplane. All but six passengers were quickly cleared to re-board the aircraft, and all of those eventually were cleared and booked on another flight.

Pius said she and her fellow nuns were detained for about six hours and their bags were searched. The only explanation they were given was that "the crew members and the pilot did not feel comfortable taking you inside," she said.

Wagner would not go into detail as to why the four nuns and two other passengers were held for additional screening, calling it "a matter of privacy." He said American's captains have the final say over who flies on their planes.

"American Airlines crews are tasked with maintaining the security of the aircraft, and we always prefer to deal with security matters on the ground prior to takeoff," he said.
Its a tough call for the crew!! Don't want to offend anyone but I really like LIVING and BREATHING!! Its very common for terrorists in Israel to dress up as a religious student and go blow themselfs up! Dressing up as a Nun would be quite easy to do.
Point taken but damn people, is it to much to ask for to stay out of the news for 6 months?

And didn't you hear, breathing has been found to be damaging to your health.
Passengers can be given a very thorough search by highly trained people. After such a search, not letting them board the A/C is somewhat questionable.
I saw these babes on TV. They looked pretty damn scary to me! But then, being a survivor of the catholic crutch who still carries the physical scars of the catechism nuns, anytime I see the penguin battle armor, I shudder! 😱

What you call highly trained security still allows a large percentage of weapons, pepper spray, knives, guns ect through security. The quality depends on the location. If you travel through NY you will see the quality is much different than what you will find in the mid-west. I guess the flip side would be if everyone had a weapon then there would be no worries.

The Captain wanted them off then they are off. The left wing news crews should stop focusing on the negative and focus on the positive.
jetdryvr said:

What you call highly trained security still allows a large percentage of weapons, pepper spray, knives, guns ect through security. The quality depends on the location. If you travel through NY you will see the quality is much different than what you will find in the mid-west. I guess the flip side would be if everyone had a weapon then there would be no worries.

The Captain wanted them off then they are off. The left wing news crews should stop focusing on the negative and focus on the positive.
Oh, so anyone who dares to question the godalmighty pilot must be left-wing, is that it? I guess at the very least that makes card-carrying Communists of the TSA employees who have reported drunk pilots. Someone should notify John Ashcroft immediately.

From the article: " She and the three other nuns are natives of India and are employed at the school. I have to wonder...
If these were lily-white Irish nuns with a lilt to their voices and a twinkle in their blue eyes, would they have been denied boarding?
jimntx said:
I have to wonder... If these were lily-white Irish nuns with a lilt to their voices and a twinkle in their blue eyes, would they have been denied boarding?
Of course not! Passenger Profiling is alive and well at American Airlines!

(I have however, refused to sit next to a nun on board before, and was accommodated quickly with a move, no questions asked. Nuns scare the beejeeezus out of me. What those poor old nuns were doing in 1st on my flight is beyond me - must have been a good day with the can~n~tamborine!)
WingNaPrayer said:
Of course not! Passenger Profiling is alive and well at American Airlines!

(I have however, refused to sit next to a nun on board before, and was accommodated quickly with a move, no questions asked. Nuns scare the beejeeezus out of me. What those poor old nuns were doing in 1st on my flight is beyond me - must have been a good day with the can~n~tamborine!)
Well now you're just sounding like a total idiot!

I'm awaiting Garfield's admonishment to you over your crude anti-Catholic bigotry, just as he did when someone uttered an anti-Moslem remark. I'm not holding my breath, though, since he (and you) seem to be typically hypocritical leftists...
WingNaPrayer said:
Of course not! Passenger Profiling is alive and well at American Airlines!

This incident happened in early January - someone must have been squeaking the wheels relentlessly to finally get coverage now.

No not everyone is a left wing leftist but the news organizations lean left and frequently leave out anything good that might support the right point of view to help give an inaccurate perception of things. Nun's or not from India or not if the crew has concerns then the Captain is the final authority of the aircraft. Are we the god almighty no not at all. We are the one in command of that flight and are responsible for the safe operation of the flight and crew..
