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More moneymaking ideas- who thought this up?

I guess many of you do not work in baggage. I think it's about time, do you know how many damage claims we take, because the passenger buys a suit and uses the cheap nylon bag that the store put his suit in as a garment bag stuffed, then he gets torn close inside destroyed and we pay for it. Those boxes clearly ask the customer to reuse on their return trip, either their left laying around baggage claim are or found all over the place. Lots of cardboard used to make one of those boxes, would like to know the cost of each box, also remember the charge to have them shipped to US. Save a tree......
The garment bag idea is absolutely brilliant. The passengers are going to love it. I also like the idea about eliminating music. Another passenger favorite I'm sure. I liked the proposal about charging for bathroom access on flights too. When management reads that one, I'm sure they'll say "Now why did'nt we think of that!" Here's one more for management: seat cushions. That's right...seat cushions. They are easily removable so they all should be removed just prior to boarding. If a passenger wants a cushion for their tushy, they will need to pay an extra $10 per segment. Passengers need to remember that their fare only includes the structure of the seat and not the cushion. Since I'm thinking like US management, do I qualify for a bonus?
well dl tried to charge for garment boxes once but quickly change their minds a year or so again hopefully U will follow
Talk about "Bitting The Hand That Feeds You " no wonder this company is in the shape its in...what a bunch of fools!!!!Keep on pissing off the customers Dave, they will gladly go elsewhere.....fools!!
heres an idea, how about removing all the seats in general and simply strapping the passengers to the floor, heh. heres the best part, U can still market themselves as a FULL SERVICE airline.

Heres an idea, if the major airlines want to charge fares like major airlines, how about separating your self from the LCC's intead of trying to become them. why not go all out...Music, free garmet bag boxes, and how about this...FREE MEALS!!! can anyone remember back to the flying cafateria days... full meals on PIT-ORD flights. ohh well, times have changed, but its just an idea.
On 3/7/2003 12:30:42 PM tadjr wrote:

Effective Mar 11, all garment bags are to be checked in a garment box or signed for with a limited liability waiver. Good news is we have boxes for this, bad news is its going to cost you $25 for one! Yikes. I am truly embarrassed to work for this company again. Whoever keeps thinking up these "ideas" needs to get out of the office once in a while. We keep dumbing down the airline, nickel and diming people and the whole time we're getting worse on policies than the very airlines management is screaming are eating our lunch. Wonder why?! [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/15.gif']


This is what is called "passenger concessions".
He has already has.
To: HopeThingsWill Be Ok ..

Great Post! ... serves to demonstate that with an operation this size and with such diversity ... one cannot possibly comprehend the complexities.

I, in carefull reflection, think it all started with Peoples Express! Remember them??? They brought the Bus & Rail customers to the Airlines. And those folks are sharp! Learned quickly how to overbook popular flights and then enter the " free roundtrip flight + $200 if you will wait an hour or two for the next flight"! And milk the " damaged Bag" claims! I have been retired for 8 yrs, and have forgotten the "excesses" of our Corporate past. But I do recall that we wasted incredible monies ... and that came out of employees pockets!

I was always very proud of each and every (Mohawk, Allegheny, USAir, US Airways employee that I ever worked with, and that is meant to include Lake Central, PSA and everyone in what I enjoyed at my retirement as the USAir Family. I doubt there is a more dedicated group of Employees.

I hope that posts such as yours will prevail on this Board so that they will bring harmony and understanding to such stressful times.

Blessings to All........
Glad to see someone else understands, and has been there. I feel the majority of the employees complaining or either junior or their passengers. Do you remember the days when we had fly the USA passes, folks from India would line up at each state to claim their damage, that they had claimed at their other previous twenty states for that twenty dollar check, finally US, would not sale the passes anymore because we were paying them to travel on us. Plus they would all ask for meal vouchers, because the food we served did not fit their diet......Yes Thanks Peoples Express, you should be very happy to be out of the Airline Business, the airlines have created many monsters, and I mean monsters. If it's weather, first thing out of many pax mouth, put me up and I demand calling card, breakfast, lunch and dinner and I refuse to stay at the Hotel your going to try and put me up in.........But the Airlines created this and their trying to change, but passengers don't want to hear it. Had a women with dirt on her bag, came up to claim dmg, advised her normal wear....She advised me last time that had happened, couple of years ago, we gave her fifty dollars for cleaning......this time I really hope and feel the candy store is closed...
I guess to some folks I am junior, especially in my city, but I dont think 18 years qualifies as inexperienced. I have no problem with the limited release on the flimsy garment bags or charging for a box (not many carriers have them any more), but I think $25 is a little out there. Also part of the problem is yes, passengers demand, but the company continues to give. Even if the rules are clearly marked, no this, no that, they call someone and complain loud enough and they get. Why bother having the front line people try to enforce the rules created from above, when above doesnt go by their own rules?
tadjr, no I would not say you are junior, but the Company is starting to make smart moves about money we shell out for no reason. Prime example, now we put limited release on soft sided golf bags. I had a person brag to me that he got po on the golf course, bent one of his golf clubs and just claimed damage with the airline and they purchased him a brand new one. I'm sure this has happened more than once. Also hearing Consumers isn't giving away as much. If you look in folks reservations, it's the front line people that give more than they should.
Question... if we accept the $25.00 garment box and it arrives damage do we supply a replacement box ... or at least a "loaner" box
The boxes have been a sore spot for years. Remember when we had Ideas that fly. My team fould out the morons spent $1.25 for the little hat boxes and $1.10 for the garment boxes. We found a company that would make boxes for us just UAL has, where you could fold your bag over and protect it. I was only $.90 shipped with our logo. But the Genius in charge, Big Al Crelin, would'nt even try to save money. Duhhhh Al
If we do charge , it should only be $3.00 max.But we should offer twice the bev svc on the flights and install the pay toilets.(Just kidding with the last line though)

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