- Dec 29, 2002
- 7,784
- 456
YES, I have been! Abbaye De Rocs 9.5% Belgian Ale to be exact.
Now before you get all full of yourself AA is what DOUBLE the size of US and posted LESS Profit that US?
On a net dollar basis and a percentage of gross revenue basis US kicked AA arse!
See that's why I drink Belgian Ales!!! For clarity!
PS: welcome to a winner's bulletin board!!!!
C'mon Bob. None of the airline managements took their company into BK twice post 9/11 like U did. No airline furloughed as many as U did. AA didn't go into BK, and sought concessions through the bargaining process; not screwing their shareholders, creditors, and Labor.
I am not in any way, shape or form giving kudos to a company who stripped their employees and reduced them to a wage of "barely making" it...for the sake of bonuses, shareholder value so that senior level managment can become instant millionares.
I think AA is doing well for their employees, business, customers and shareholders. I respect that immensely. Balance is vital.
Yes. there is still an airline, and you still get to fly it..BK laws protect all of that. That's not stellar! And as long as Dougie can keep wages, benefits lower than anyone else keep getting rid of employees who gain longevity, his team will be rewarded with increases in stock options and share price...and the BOD will hand out the bonuses.
And as long as U has the ability to brainwash their employees to believe that their reward for producing a profitable airline is somewhere in "neverland"....they will continue to reap.