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More low cost competition for US Airways in NC

I'm sure people will love 156 seats on a A319 that's 6 more than Jetblue has on a A320. Seat pitch must be worse than our RJ's. Not to mention constant harassment by the FA's to buy stuff. Think WN attracts the trailer park crowd, I can only imagine the crowd on these flights, bums heading south for the winter. They are already pulling out of several markets lets hope this company fails. Did I mention $65k for a A319 Capt how sad.
And there's the old standby Southwest Airlines which started with three airplanes and three cities.

I guess people forget that SWA almost failed in its first five years, recovering only after they copied the operations and culture of a carrier that now makes up part of USAir.
I guess people forget that SWA almost failed in its first five years, recovering only after they copied the operations and culture of a carrier that now makes up part of USAir.

Oddly enough, headquartered in the city we are now discussing with regard to SKYBUS. :angry:

SKYBUS got lots of play on the local news here (High Point) yesterday. This area is hungry for real service. Time will tell.
I can recall back when I was in EWR in the 80's. we had 4-5 Nonstop Mainline flights to GSO which all did pretty well. For s short while DL even jumped on the bandwagon with 3 flights. Sad to see how things have gone over the years. I know GSO had Mainline service to LGA & BOS as well along with many others that I can't think of at the moment. What has/is taking place in GSO, has happend in countless other stations on the system, and this is why our marketshare has gone down the toilet. Give up one small station at a time, only to have someone else take the passengers. :down:
Oddly enough, headquartered in the city we are now discussing with regard to SKYBUS. :angry:

SKYBUS got lots of play on the local news here (High Point) yesterday. This area is hungry for real service. Time will tell.

PSA was headquarted in GSO?
The track record for new entrants is poor, so US could roll the dice and hope SkyBus is just another (take your pick failed airline name). However, SkyBus, like JetBlue, has a large amount of startup capital. And there's the old standby Southwest Airlines which started with three airplanes and three cities.

And..... There are at least 2 senior executives at Skybus who also held senior positions with WN.
So, they may know a thing or two about how to run an airline.
Pace operated the Hooters Air flights for them as basically a charter operation. They were in ABE for a while, but didn't last very long.
I'm surprised to see GSO-BUR service.

Same. Depending upon where you're headed in the LA basin, I'm not sure how much a time-saver this nonstop will be, vs. driving to CLT and flying nonstop to LAX. And that's assuming you're not making connections. People who are unfamliar with LA may assume it makes sense to fly into BUR and out of LAX to make a connection if they can save a few bucks. NOT ADVISABLE!!!
Oddly enough, headquartered in the city we are now discussing with regard to SKYBUS. :angry:

SKYBUS got lots of play on the local news here (High Point) yesterday. This area is hungry for real service. Time will tell.

SWA used PSA as a template to start up and operate from. The operating manual of PSA was purchased by SWA to gain easy approval from the FAA. At the time (Pre-Deregulation), the two airlines may as well of been a million miles apart geographically. I'm sure neither airline felt they would ever cross paths for competition of travelers.
Same. Depending upon where you're headed in the LA basin, I'm not sure how much a time-saver this nonstop will be, vs. driving to CLT and flying nonstop to LAX. And that's assuming you're not making connections. People who are unfamliar with LA may assume it makes sense to fly into BUR and out of LAX to make a connection if they can save a few bucks. NOT ADVISABLE!!!

It's a big time saver if you live in Greensboro.
It's a big time saver if you live in Greensboro.

Yes, if your destination is the San Fernando Valley, Hollywood, or the West Side.....but if you arrive at 4PM and you're headed down to Orange County.....fuggeddaboudit! 😉
OOOOHHH please dont tell me another airline coming to GSO ... hmm remember the last one was COLite remember them who wanted to service yes .... yes aganist WN... no body cares about WN anymore. and CO wanted to make GSO a major hub as CALLITE. and come on we have Skybus .. get over it.. have you gone on their website they try to sell you a timeshare. so many armchair airline folks out there .. im not one of them i dont have one foot on JUPITER 🙄

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