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Us Airways: Jobs Never Part Of Deal


Corn Field
Nov 11, 2003
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Tuesday, February 15, 2005
US Airways: Jobs never part of deal
Incentives based on it, officials say
By Michael Hewlett and Patrick Wilson

A representative of US Airways said last night that the company never promised the creation of new jobs during its negotiations with Winston-Salem and Forsyth County to consolidate its reservation centers here.

But economic-incentive packages endorsed by the Winston-Salem City Council's finance committee and approved 4-3 by the Forsyth County Board of Commissioners last night are based on the company bringing about 300 jobs from Pittsburgh, as well as keeping 850 jobs already here.

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WINSTON.............welcome to our world. If they can lie, cheat and twist the truth........guaranteed they will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's probably not even worth reviving this thread for, but I thought I'd just add the latest news - well, correct that, it's not news that politicians usually like throwing money around as long as it's not theirs. Besides, if the deal goes sour they can always blame "nasty, lying, US Airways" and if it goes good they can take the credit....

Winston-Salem OKs Incentives For US Airways

The city council.. They should all be voted out.. There is no reason to give them any money.. Incentive to what? Lie?

The company got rid of everything in the area except the res center and now they want money to stay!!

Bite me.. The city council should tell the company "Can we get you a truck!"

US Airways is nothing but a collection of liars.. All senior leadership from the Directors on up are nothing but a bunch of crooks and liars.. Every single one of them..

Any city that gives them a dime deserves what they get in the end.