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More cities cut from PIT

All I have to say is I am so HAPPY that I no longer fly weekly. Moving to FLL and not wasting my life in an airport or airplane has opened my eyes to the lack of life I had because I was so worried about US and trying to keep myself at a Chairmans Preferred level. No more.

I'm sorry to say this but Doug lied. And if US shuttered it's doors tomorrow I wouldn't shed a tear now. He's ruined what was a good airline infavor of a HP clone. And who says his model was the correct one to emulate?

Certainly not me. I wouldn't say Doug has done anything that any respectable airline should emulate.

And congrats on moving to FLL. That should make anyone happier no matter where you come from. Ironic that I lived in FLL and moved to PHL for US, only to be furloughed 4 months later. Hoping I get back there someday. Enjoy it. B)
Take PSA for example: They owned the west coast
U said nope, we are gonna fly your md80's back east and gave southwest the whole west coast..
PSA was really dominate on the West Coast. They always had OnTime flights. The day US took over PSA flights started to become later and later. Thus for some of my reasoning today as with HP. PS and HP west coast service is a different service that the East has. The East model didn't work out west with PSA and HP's model isn't going to work with East's product. Two different types service levels each require. What works for the west doesn't necesary work for the east and vice versa. Tempe has to implement a happy median or have two different divisions to work efficiently. Admitting that there east and west are two different type of markets is a step in the right direction. On what way they decide, is their option. I would break it down piece by piece. The first thing, is getting in-house issues resolved. Get everybody working on the same page. Pay the employee properly, don't try to cheat them, but fairly. Have some kind of Profit Sharing that helps everyone. If the company is have a good quarter, reward the employee with a good check. If the company is having a loss, then no PS. Fuel dictates alot in the margin, and that being so unpredictable, is really a major issue that the company has to deal with. Happy employees make happy customers. Get performance under control, being on-time, baggage reliability, steady consistant on-board service. Doug admitting they are running a sub-par airline is a step. Does not mean its the right step, just means that where is the next step going to be? Was he full of it or is he really sincere? I know that ALL of you enjoy your jobs, just that you want to make a decent fair wage. I hope that he sees it that way and I hope things turn out for the Best.
If memory is serving me correctly, the great debate over the de-hubbing of PIT about 4-5 years back was largely due to the fact that it cost US so much more per pax to fly through PIT. I believe it was something outrageous like $12 per pax due to high airport costs or something. It was a fraction of that in other hubs such as PHL and CLT (something like $4 and $3 respectively), hence the high fares for PIT.

Am I crazy or does anyone else remember this?
YOUR memory has NOT slipped and don't let the 'BURGHers try to tell you otherwise. Whereas the airport facility is undeniably one of the finest in the world, PIT is NOT and will never be a primary destination for many people. Simple economics doomed this Hub in the era of cost cuttings, just like it did in Nashville and Raleigh.
You can bet the farm, WN will be adding more flights soon. Especially in the Florida market. From past experience, US gives its markets to WN on a silver platter.
WestCoastGuy, you took the words "Silver Platter" right out of my mouth!
I've always used that phrase to describe what HP did in TUS.
I swear to God, they handed the market to them on a Silver Platter and WN ran w/it.
What if PIT thru a party for all the true LCCs and nobody showed up?
I read somewhere( I apologize for not having a definitive source so take it for what it is worth) that SWA had no immediate plans for further expansion there. If someone from SWA who reads this can help out w/ some info. I think they had other cities to go to first.
If you ask me, and I've said it since the west coast giveaway, (remember the west coast shuttle that was referred to as a literal gold mine) that launched Southwest into what it is today......

I think there is a major mole in US Management that is actually secretly working for Southwest, and is so deeply embedded, that they have been able to convince former and current US upper management to walk away from mass markets, like they are put under some spell, and once US gives up the market Southwest is right there to scoop it up....

Just look at the examples, and there are many.....
With regards to USAir giving away California to WN:

Don't you think a little of this had to do with cost? I mean, back then, USAir was a veeeeery high cost airline. High labor costs, high operating costs, full service with regards to food, etc....

So while it is easy to say that USAir just "surrendered" the West Coast to WN, that is not entirely accurate (same for BWI). I am sure they wanted the route structure, or they would've passed on PSA. Unfortunately, the economics of operating against WN was a losing battle. They gave it away on a platter, but it wasn't just because they were out to randomly dismantle California. Times changed; WN found a whole slew of employees to do the USAir job a LOT cheaper. Foreshadowing of things to come? 😱

Silly USAir/PSA people. You should have agreed to 3 concessionary contracts back then, then you could have competed more effectively. :blink:
Or, more accurately, "Project pull out of markets because our labor/ operating costs are too high to compete." Nothin' personal, it's just business.....

No duh...Colodny didn't want to face the unions and deal with reducing costs--instead, he would keep fares super high, service good, and hope that it all worked out--until 9/11 when the industry was turned on its head.
No duh...Colodny didn't want to face the unions and deal with reducing costs--instead, he would keep fares super high, service good, and hope that it all worked out--until 9/11 when the industry was turned on its head.
Bingo. Real easy to say USAir cut and ran, but I can't see the employees giving up work rules/ pay back then to keep the LAX/SFO shuttle to compete with WN. Colodny chose to run over dealing with a potential firestorm, like it or not. Good or bad? You be the judge.... :huh:
The 10 cities seeing a reduction in service are Albany (from three to one), Erie (from three to one), Newark (from four to one), Indianapolis (from four to two), New York's LaGuardia Airport (from six to five on weekends), Chicago's O'Hare Airport (from three to one), Philadelphia (from 10 to eight), Providence, R.I., (from four to two), Syracuse (from two to one) and Toronto (from three to two).
So, now the idiots in Tempe are reducing flights to PHL ??
They downsize a base from 3000 F/As and 1600 pilots and don't bother to wonder how those folks are going to be able to commute to work ??? DUH !!!

While I know that not everyone who used to be based in PIT lived in PIT, a large majority did live there and still do....and they wonder why the dependability rate and sick call rate in PHL is so high ???

I had one F/A tell me that cash cow pays for his commute on Southwest PIT-PHL R/T every week....how sad is that ???
So, now the idiots in Tempe are reducing flights to PHL ??
They downsize a base from 3000 F/As and 1600 pilots and don't bother to wonder how those folks are going to be able to commute to work ??? DUH !!!

While I know that not everyone who used to be based in PIT lived in PIT, a large majority did live there and still do....and they wonder why the dependability rate and sick call rate in PHL is so high ???

I had one F/A tell me that cash cow pays for his commute on Southwest PIT-PHL R/T every week....how sad is that ???
Are you serious? Maybe we should put hourly B767 service on PIT-PHL for employee convenience. :blink:

Airlines do not operate flights/ routes because of the amount of commuting personnel. Don't believe me? Talk to the LAX/SFO/SAN girls.

If memory is serving me correctly, the great debate over the de-hubbing of PIT about 4-5 years back was largely due to the fact that it cost US so much more per pax to fly through PIT. I believe it was something outrageous like $12 per pax due to high airport costs or something. It was a fraction of that in other hubs such as PHL and CLT (something like $4 and $3 respectively), hence the high fares for PIT.

Am I crazy or does anyone else remember this?
Nope....you're crazy...... 😛

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