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More cities cut from PIT

I dont know if you're crazy or not....but I do remember PIT landing fees be incredibly higher that CLT and PHL.
the more ya fly the lower the fee. I think it was a combo of both doing it to each other. The county should have NEVER made the deals with US the way they did. US I agree cannot sustain a HUB there but is cutting service a little deeper than they really need to. Cutting the PHL flights? Hmmm southwest ALWAYS operates in loser markets. If we cannot compete head to head with a TRUE LCC then USAirways shouldn't tout that they are an LCC. The certainly are not. It sucks for the folks in PIT but it is what it is. Growth from other carriers will be slow and the employees of US will slowly move as they are made to. I wouldn't leave if I didn't have to.
I'll give you a B. PIT's cost per enplaned passenger was compared to CLT, with the comparison being about $10 to $4. PIT's cost was never compared to PHL, most likely because the comparison wouldn't have the same impact - PHL was as or more costly per enplaned passenger.

A couple of other things also weren't mentioned. PIT's cost per enplaned passenger had risen from about $6 to $10 because of two factors - the drop in air travel after 911 reduced the number on enplaned passengers over which basically fixed costs were spread (this was true at all commercial airports to some degree including CLT and PHL) and US had already cut back flights at PIT resulting in a further drop in US' enplaned passengers (which raised the cost per enplaned passenger even further for US).

PIT-RSW (this is mainline)
PIT-MHT (again)
PIT-SEA (also mainline)
PIT-PBI (also mainline)

PIT-SYR seems to lose 2 frequencies, from 4 to 2. PIT-ORD loses one daily mainline, leaving one plus 2 RJ's. PIT-ALB, PIT-YYZ, PIT-EWR, PIT-PVD, and PIT-MDT all lose one daily frequency with three remaining. PIT-ERI goes from 3 to 2. SEA may only be for the winter(like past 2 years), everything else seems to be gone for good. With this, US is down to 137 departures, 36 mainline. Doesn't seem like enough traffic to supprt most of these routes, but I am surprised PBI and RSW aren't doing well.
Isn't PIT-LNS also getting cut? Why is LNS an EAS airport anyway? MDT is only 20 minutes away and 1/2 the population on LNS is Amish. Bring in some RJ's into RDG, closet nearby airport is at least 1 hour.
PIT is basically in the same boat as other cities like STL. A pretty decent sized city that used to enjoy a lot more service. They just opened a new runway that was built to help reduce delays back when this was the center of the world for TW. AA absorbed them basically stapled their employees and reduced service dramatically. There's a lot of ex TW employees at the agency that I work for.

RDU is kinda another example, but AA closed that hub pre 9/11, but they basically built C terminal soley for AA only to be dehubbed.

I tend to think that these hubs could work if the airline wanted them to but US tends to not put much effort into innovative industry changing thinking. For some reason FLL flopped as a focus city but NK can for some reason make it work.
Here I sit...
Broken hearted...
Tried to fly...
But my planes, departed...

So here I wait...
With baited breath...
While my friends at southwest...
Take all of the rest...

We may be dyin, but we aint DEAD...

Just a thought...
For some reason FLL flopped as a focus city ....

Gosh..that now seems so long ago..how quickly we forget the failures of this management. As I remember, Parker and friends forgot to check if Customs could handle the new "mini hub." They could not, and the operation collapsed under it's own poorly planned weight. That is my take..anyone else?

For some reason FLL flopped as a focus city ....
Gosh..that now seems so long ago..how quickly we forget the failures of this management. As I remember, Parker and friends forgot to check if Customs could handle the new "mini hub." They could not, and the operation collapsed under it's own poorly planned weight. That is my take..anyone else?


I'm not saying that Doug's performance as of late has been stellar by any means, but the whole FLL operation was planned, implemented and collapsed before the merger.
I'm not saying that Doug's performance as of late has been stellar by any means, but the whole FLL operation was planned, implemented and collapsed before the merger.

It's not DP's fault for this one...U has always made mistakes... Blunders...

Take PSA for example: They owned the west coast
U said nope, we are gonna fly your md80's back east and gave southwest the whole west coast..

Then of course there is piedmont, which had the florida shuttle...
U said nope, were gonna fly other routes instead...

FLL was just another one of the many mistakes this airline has made...

Just my opinion...
I'm just saying that FLL works for NK, WN can make PIT work, albeit not as a hub,BWI was once huge for US now WN basically has new terminals that it operates out of. It seems to me that it's more a matter of poor management for PIT and FLL not working as hubs/focus cities. not blaming Parker for FLL either, the new US is just a failure to actually define what it wants to be, if it were a true LCC PIT/FLL could work.
I don't always agree with you hula-flyguy, but on this we are in complete agreement. While I do feel for those f/a's affected by the PIT pulldown, I do not feel for the city of PIT collectively, who always complained about high fares, lack of competition and the dominance of the old US Airways.

As another poster says (with the same moniker) - "Be careful what you wish for". To the city of PIT - It looks like your wish has been granted, don't cry about it now.

Oh please, don't get me started. In it's short existence in PIT, WN has managed to become the #2 carrier. Explain that one?!

You say US gave PIT what it wanted with lower fares. BULLSH!T. The only fares they lowered where on routes with direct competition with WN. WN gave frequency of flights whereas US didn't once they started eliminating flights. So then you're required to take connecting flights, which if you bother to do some homework you'll find are ALWAYS more expensive. And even though you have to connect with every other airline that serves PIT you can find somewhat cheaper fares, if you're a smart shopper and do some comparison.

So US didn't do any favors for PIT. They wanted that hub gone and they're getting their wish. From over 500 flights a day at it's peak to less than 150 now?? That's a slap in the face to those of us in PIT that helped to keep US flying.

All I have to say is I am so HAPPY that I no longer fly weekly. Moving to FLL and not wasting my life in an airport or airplane has opened my eyes to the lack of life I had because I was so worried about US and trying to keep myself at a Chairmans Preferred level. No more.

I'm sorry to say this but Doug lied. And if US shuttered it's doors tomorrow I wouldn't shed a tear now. He's ruined what was a good airline infavor of a HP clone. And who says his model was the correct one to emulate?

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