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Mischief In Dealings With The Atsb?


Those crazy college kids! Maybe they aren't so crazy.
NeedForSpeedNFS said:
what are you talking about?? UNCONSTITUTIONAL???
From Amendment XII:
The electors shall meet in their respective states and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves
Thus, with both Bush and Cheney residing in the same state, the electors of the State of Texas should not have been able to vote in the Electoral College. So jimntx is close, but it's more that no slate would ever choose to have both members come from the same state, because that would invalidate some electoral votes.

What was unconstitutional was not Cheney's placement on the ballot. It's the inclusion of Texas's electoral votes.

Ronald Reagan could have chosen another Californian for VP in 1984 and still won handily.

I apologize for the digression.
Since we've digressed this far, I'll repeat...

Cheney established legal residence in (IIRC) Wyoming when he accepted the #2 slot on the ticket - long before the first electorial vote was cast. It was covered pretty prominately by the news media at the time.

BoeingBoy said:
Cheney established legal residence in (IIRC) Wyoming when he accepted the #2 slot on the ticket
True, but that's sort of like getting married in order to get a green card. Intent has something to do with determining the legality of one's actions. Yes, it was covered by the press at the time, but I'd still like to see this be challenged.
If where you sleep the most determines residency, few in Congress can be re-elected since most spend more time in DCA than they do in their "home" state. Bush 1 used a hotel room in Texas as a legal residence. It can be challenged but it's most likely a losing cause - as long as the person complies with the requirements of the state they are claiming as "home".

As far as intent - as long as the intent is to comply with the law and not engage in fraud it is my guess it would pass muster.

jimntx said:
Well, since you don't allow private email, one must respond in the forum. MWeiss is correct. The Constitution of the United States prohibits a President and a Vice-President from the same state at the same time. I don't think Vice-President Cheney ever used a Texas address even though he was the head of Halliburton. His wife, Lynn, held a government post most of that time; so, I'm guessing his "official" address was in Virginia, or Maryland, or possibly at one of the homes they owned in other locations.
This forum is fine, If you really want to know, Vice President Cheneys' home state is...........are you ready?????? WYOMING!!!!!!! Please get your facts straight before you try to debate politics(by the way, politics doesn't belong on this thread)GOOD DAY.......MORE LATER 😀
mweiss said:
True, but that's sort of like getting married in order to get a green card. Intent has something to do with determining the legality of one's actions. Yes, it was covered by the press at the time, but I'd still like to see this be challenged.
NeedForSpeedNFS said:
This forum is fine, If you really want to know, Vice President Cheneys' home state is...........are you ready?????? WYOMING!!!!!!! Please get your facts straight before you try to debate politics(by the way, politics doesn't belong on this thread)GOOD DAY.......MORE LATER 😀
I wasn't debating anything. Oh, by the way, I live in Houston and Dallas. Cheney lived in Houston while he was head of Halliburton. He just didn't claim it as his legal residence. I was just pointing out the Texas connection of both.
thats fine... your Texas connection, i mean. What I read was a CONSTITUTIONAL question. You were , as msweiss was earlier about legal residence,correct about the presidency. I was merely pointing out Vice President Cheneys' LEGAL residence. Therefore your, and msweiss' point had no value. Sorry for any miscommunication. GOOD DAY......MORE LATER
NeedForSpeedNFS said:
Not when he ran for VP. Believe it or not, one's residence can and does change over time. I've lived in five states myself.

Yes, I know that he was claiming Wyoming as his state of residence. Nonetheless, it has become clear of late that people with sufficient funds have been choosing states of "residence" for no reason beyond getting around laws. Sure, I'd do better from a tax perspective if I had a "residence" in Texas. Beyond a certain income, you do much better. Doesn't make it right.
PineyBob said:
You all act like this is new and strictly a Republican idea.
I do? News to me. I just dont happen to know the NY state constitution well enough to determine how their laws work WRT electing their representation in DC. The US Constitution gives them a great deal of leeway in making those determinations.

I do however, happen to know the US Constitution well.
I wonder if the 'secret three-way meeting' of another thread could have been U, UA and AWA discussing their involvement in this IG investigation. BTW, this investigation appears to be more along the line of what IG's do, just investigating an employee for breaking the rules... or maybe more serious. We'll see.

Also, BTW, I do recall that Cheney did change something back to WY. Perhaps, it was tax status, residency or voting registration or some such. At least I recall hearing that in the news. Remember he was the candidates chairman of the VP search committee. A lot of folks that live elsewhere try to maintain TX residency for tax purposes... I don't know if their is a relative advantage over WY.
Treasury Department officials declined to comment on the investigation, which was reported yesterday by the New York Times. Montgomery could not be reached for a comment yesterday. Congress created the ATSB after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks to oversee $10 billion in loan guarantees to help stabilize the airline industry. Sixteen airlines applied for the loan guarantees, with six receiving guarantees.

A source familiar with the investigation said it was unlikely that the probe would affect the outcome of any board rulings because Montgomery and his staff did not vote on the guarantee applications. Only board members voted.

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