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Mischief In Dealings With The Atsb?

Dear Bob,

I don't believe I've ever implied that I was interested in where you live. Nope.

However, your post above reminds me of a song...

"Some where over the rainbow Blue Birds fly"..Birds fly over the rainbow, why ohhh why, can't I". 🙄

Auntie Em, Auntie Em, I want to go home, I want to go home....

Now...BACK ON TOPIC :angry: Whose being subpoenaed?

Just north of the Cedar Lake arrival to PHL when arriving from the NE. Next time I go over I'll wave.

Ok, Piney Bob, we don't need to go that far. I knew I spelled it wrong, that is why I indicated it so. And we are getting far off topic. I really don't care who lives where and how near and where you live. Makes no difference. I was just responding in a light hearted jesture

to Delldude who happens to make me laugh.

Now back on topic before we are locked out.

I find this topic very interesting and am curious as to why this has all come about. The articles, if I read them correctly really do not indicate what and why this has all been provoked. Any comments????
PineyBob said:
Election Year fishing trip looking for "Dirt"?
Standard regulatory compliance with however the law was written.
Doubt it! I suspect that the last thing the current administration wants in an election year is any suggestion of additional malfeasance by one or more large corporations.

PineyBob said:
Genuine concern on the part of the government that these loans may never be repayed.
This may be closer to the mark. With the already looming deficit at the Federal level, a major loan default would stamp cancelled on the administration's plan to make the tax cuts permanent. So much simpler to find out in advance that they ain't gonna make it; so, you just forgive the loan before it happens. Me? Cynical? How dare you! :shock:

PineyBob said:
What would AMR stand to gain if a powerful Washington Lobbyist who just happens to have the ear and pillow of the Democratic Leader in the US Senate somehow was able to scuttle UA's ATSB loan application? Or call into question US's latest moves? Makes one wonder doesn't it?
What one wonders is how much influence a Dem lobbyist has, period, in a government controlled by the opposition. Beside that, since Bush and Cheney (via the Halliburton years) are both "from Texas", I think that the administration has been doing its best to avoid the appearance of favoritism toward Texas-based companies--Halliburton and Iraq, notwithstanding. Texas has a lot of electoral college votes, but so do Illinois and Pennsylvania.
jimntx said:
...since Bush and Cheney (via the Halliburton years) are both "from Texas...
Which is, of course, unconstitutional. I'm still amazed nobody ever took that one to SCOTUS.
Well, we're on the list...

Agency Subpoenas Airlines Over Loan Board
Saturday March 20, 5:34 pm ET
By Kathy Fieweger and John Crawley

CHICAGO/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Department (News - Websites) investigators have subpoenaed airlines for records related to their dealings with the federal board that oversees loan guarantees to struggling carriers, industry officials said on Saturday.


United, Us Airways, America West. The article said 5 confirmed that they had received subpoenas. Who are the other two I wonder?
One other possibility for the subpoenas could be fallout from Paul O'Neill's tenure at the Treasury Department. He's been a very marked man by the Bush administration since the release of his book. FWIW, O'Neill (former ALCOA CEO and a resident of Fox Chapel near PIT) was against any loans for US.
Well, ATA got the next biggest loan guarantee - $168 million with $148.5 million guaranteed.

The articles also said subponaes went to airlines that did NOT file for a loan - Delta, American, Northwest, Continental, and Southwest come to mind.

For conspiracy theorists, the Treasury Department member of the ATSB voted against the Am West guarantee, was 1/2 of the 2-1 vote against the original United guarantee, and voted against the revised covenants on the US Air guarantee.

PineyBob, Tuckerton Seaport is very nice. It's a side of New Jersey that more people should experience.
NeedForSpeedNFS said:
what are you talking about?? UNCONSTITUTIONAL???
Well, since you don't allow private email, one must respond in the forum. MWeiss is correct. The Constitution of the United States prohibits a President and a Vice-President from the same state at the same time. I don't think Vice-President Cheney ever used a Texas address even though he was the head of Halliburton. His wife, Lynn, held a government post most of that time; so, I'm guessing his "official" address was in Virginia, or Maryland, or possibly at one of the homes they owned in other locations.
If memory serves, it was Wyoming that he used as an "official" residence.


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