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Midatlantic Staffing Letter

Air conditioned said:
With all due respect to the fine employees at Piedegheny, I would rather fly a shiny new E-170 any day of the week than a raggedy, old (not to mention eardrum-blowing) Dash 8. That just doesn't sound like any fun to me.

If those PDT ex-Mainline furloughees choose not to return, then good for them. That leaves more room for others that would like to. 😛h34r:

That's the kinda thinking that has made this industry go down the crapper! Hey, I will fly that Shinny RJ for less money than the Dash 8 guys! Your thinking scares me!!!! I think that they made a choice on making more money with better insurance and getting 100hr pay credits a month then worrying about flying on a new shinny RJ! Cause when it comes down to it the only thing that matters is that paycheck. The newness of the airplane will ware off in about a mouth, but you'll still get that crappy paycheck.
Hey Mainline management!!!! I will fly your nice new shinny A-330's for Dash 8 rates, can you please sign me up! Can wait to fly on that nice big airplane and get my nice small paycheck at the need of the month. Where can I sign up.

I am not trying to start an arguement, I just hope you see the logic behind your statement. I was just wondering if they were having trouble staffing MDA with those payrates. However I guess not! I know that this company is struggling, I will probably one day be flying at MDA. And I am sure the ones there love there job. I guess I just get a bit pissed when I see the whole industry going down the crapper.

I guess its like the old joke!

A man goes into a bar and he's got crap all over him, he smells terrible, looks really tired!
The bartender asked him, "wow man, what the hell you do for a living!"
Well said the man, I work for the airlines! I service the lavs on the planes!
Bartender, "man, thats bad, can't you find another job?"
The man replies, "what!!!!!!!, and get out of aviation, are you crazy!!!!!!"
Each person makes a decision based on their own personal reasons. As long as they're happy it really does not matter what one decides. I'm sure money is a big issue, but not always the final factor.

I don't think the poster meant any offense, I think they were just expressing excitement over the new toy, the same way most F/As would rather work an Airbus instead of a DC9. Whatever the situation surrounding it, it's a cool unique new plane, and everyone seems to enjoy both working and riding on it. I'm pretty sure that's all they meant.

I do agree that the "I'll fly it for free because it's nice/quick upgrade" is what is ruining the industry. It's been affecting the mainline and w/o pilots for years, and the flight attendants are starting to feel it too. Putting MDA F/As in the same crew rooms as Mesa and friends is definitely raising awareness of just why thier pay is so low- what they are competing with, and who virtually replaced them when they were furloughed. The intermingling of the former W/O crews with the former ML crews at MDA is also raising awareness of what the W/Os are, and who is "part of the family" (and who isn't). That can only be a good thing. I think most MDA F/As probably have a much better understanding of what's going on in the industry than thier still mainline counterparts. Ask most ML F/As what a "scope clause" is, or a "contract carrier" and they probably wouldn't have a clue, while many of the MDA F/As are pretty well versed and vocal about "F/A outsourcing."

We still haven't found out what PDT F/As start out at... mainline furloughees go to MDA at 19 or 17. I don't think that's what a PDT F/A starts at (a mainliner would go to PDT at starting pay.) If they do, that's great... they deserve every penny of it and much more.

Any mainliner that has worked at one of the commuters has the perfect attitude for MDA, as would a "native W/Oer." The only shame is that if W/O F/As go to MDA, they do not bring longevity. They should be able to join the MDA/ML seniority list at the bottom for bidding, but bringing pay longevity. If they had 10 years at ALG, they should be at 10 year MDA pay, in my opinion. Who knows what may change, but the fact that somewhat of a flow-thru has been established is great. Getting everyone on the same team, with the same agenda can only be beneficial to all of the US Group F/As. As someone who's done both mainline and commuter, I think they can each learn alot the from other and bring some respect and parity to the profession, no matter what type of equiptment they work on.
Because in the "real world" these are good jobs, as opposed to the great jobs we used to have.

They will have no problem staffing MAA, I talk to pilots all the time there, they love it except the paycheck (thanks to us), and it is better than what most can do on their own out there.

BostonTerrier said:
Maybe I should have rephrased the question (sorry, my fault).

Given the current fiscal situation "as of today" with US Airways, is it prudent for a reasonable person to accept a MAA position and leave an equivalent paying job and move to an MAA base? <hypothethically>

I was non-revving today and chatted with an MAA F/A in the terminal about this very topic. She commutes from Manhattan, where she has another well-paying job that is flexible, to her base, and put it very simply when I asked her why she came back:

"Why not? Nothing to lose if it goes under, everything to gain if it doesn't."

I think that explains it better than my previous essay.
WSurf said:
Your thinking scares me!!!! I think that they made a choice on making more money with better insurance and getting 100hr pay credits a month then worrying about flying on a new shinny RJ! I am not trying to start an arguement, I just hope you see the logic behind your statement.


I apologize if my post came across as insensitive. I did not intend for it to. I have the utmost respect for all of the employees at the wholly owneds; many are friends of mine and they are some of the best in the industry.
The new E-170 is a great plane, and the passengers really do like it. Unfortunately, the Dash 8s are old and battered, (yet still the workhorse of the commuter world.)

A friend of mine was a f/a for Piedmont for ten years and recently had to quit because the vibrations and noises coming from the props caused her severe ear problems. That part really doesn't sound like any fun to me, so I will stick to that remark. 🙂

It is sad indeed what the industry has come to. It saddens me for us all!
Anyway, I certainly meant no offense or disrespect.
I didn't even realize we were talking about Air Conditioned here- this is an outstanding F/A who will be an asset, and we should all hope that they return to the sky, and soon! :up:
i called the midatlatnic office yesterday and asked about when those classes were goingt to be held and whose going to be in them. they said they were sending out another letter for people that wanted to come back. they have to re bid again for classes just like before. does anybody know about this. when do you think this letter will come and when will we know whose going to class when and whose not. will they tell people before thanksgving does anybody know.> thanks.
also i have an nother question. is it true the flight attedants have a web sight now for the afa for midatlatnic. i heared that they did and does anybody know what it is. maybe i could fine out the info there.>? thanks.


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