Air conditioned said:With all due respect to the fine employees at Piedegheny, I would rather fly a shiny new E-170 any day of the week than a raggedy, old (not to mention eardrum-blowing) Dash 8. That just doesn't sound like any fun to me.
If those PDT ex-Mainline furloughees choose not to return, then good for them. That leaves more room for others that would like to. 😛h34r:
That's the kinda thinking that has made this industry go down the crapper! Hey, I will fly that Shinny RJ for less money than the Dash 8 guys! Your thinking scares me!!!! I think that they made a choice on making more money with better insurance and getting 100hr pay credits a month then worrying about flying on a new shinny RJ! Cause when it comes down to it the only thing that matters is that paycheck. The newness of the airplane will ware off in about a mouth, but you'll still get that crappy paycheck.
Hey Mainline management!!!! I will fly your nice new shinny A-330's for Dash 8 rates, can you please sign me up! Can wait to fly on that nice big airplane and get my nice small paycheck at the need of the month. Where can I sign up.
I am not trying to start an arguement, I just hope you see the logic behind your statement. I was just wondering if they were having trouble staffing MDA with those payrates. However I guess not! I know that this company is struggling, I will probably one day be flying at MDA. And I am sure the ones there love there job. I guess I just get a bit pissed when I see the whole industry going down the crapper.
I guess its like the old joke!
A man goes into a bar and he's got crap all over him, he smells terrible, looks really tired!
The bartender asked him, "wow man, what the hell you do for a living!"
Well said the man, I work for the airlines! I service the lavs on the planes!
Bartender, "man, thats bad, can't you find another job?"
The man replies, "what!!!!!!!, and get out of aviation, are you crazy!!!!!!"