Miami Bid Sheet, Yikes Who Dreams This Crap Up

Can you go to the company and demand to be qualified on the 37? Or, contact APFA and ask them to get involved with building lines?

At UAL, all flight attendants are qualified on all airplanes we fly, so this doesn't happen to us. Obviously, it's not a fair way to build a line. AFA gets our trips from UAL and they have a team of f/a' who put them together each month (God bless them for that). Although we have less days off anymore, they(f/a volunteers) do try to match up like trips together as best they can. Maybe you guys could talk to APFA and see if this is an option. Good luck to all of you in Oct.
Fly said:
Can you go to the company and demand to be qualified on the 37? Or, contact APFA and ask them to get involved with building lines?

At UAL, all flight attendants are qualified on all airplanes we fly, so this doesn't happen to us. Obviously, it's not a fair way to build a line. AFA gets our trips from UAL and they have a team of f/a' who put them together each month (God bless them for that). Although we have less days off anymore, they(f/a volunteers) do try to match up like trips together as best they can. Maybe you guys could talk to APFA and see if this is an option. Good luck to all of you in Oct.
As far as I know, AA is the only remaining airline that keeps two separate flight attendant corps--one domestic and one international. As a domestic flight attendant (until furloughed 01Jul) I could not be qualified on any aircraft used only in international or not flown on originating trips from my base unless the training was part of the basic flight attendant initial training course.

At my base, DFW, there were still people with as much as 12-15 years seniority trying to trigger for 777 and or purser training but couldn't get it because people with 20-30 years were taking all the training slots. At the same time, I got qualified on the 737 during initial training because I might be assigned to a base where it was used; and there are still senior flight attendants at DFW trying to get into the training when it is offered (which ain't often) because the 737 was not used in DFW until June of this year.

The company insists it would "cost too much" to cross train all flight attendants on all a/c.

P.S. We can't expect AApfa to go to bat for us. Their arms are all in a sling from patting themselves on the back over how they saved the company from bankruptcy and limited the July furloughs to ONLY 3000+ (which brings the total to date to over 6100).
All this is testament to the AA way of keeping check on its f/a unity. All union stuff aside-mgmt sees weakness in any type of comon thread amognst its f/as..There are gold and silver wings...there was A scale and B sacle...there is domestic and international..and now there is God knows what..The whole time mgmt wrings its hands with delight as they know all to well...that divided...we fall....
Sounds like a real clusterf@ck at AA right now...As much as I resent what was done to us by you guys ("gold" wings in a drawer since Oct 31, 02) I (unlike a lot of us) do have empathy and sympathy for you guys...I hope the company and the union get a clue.
TWAnr said:
There was at least one union whose scheduling committee regularly met with those who constructed the lines and actually had input and influence over how the lines were put together.

Being that I posted this, the name of the airline and the union are obvious.

Couldn't find a smiley with tongue-in-cheek? LOL.
FA Mikey said:
APFA's involvement up to now has been the building and maintaining of work rules. I don't know of any flight attendant union who has direct access to building lines. I think it all comes down to work rules which used to maintain a certain quality of life.
Sounds like your union negotiators let you down yet again. In previous contracts you have negotiated various work rules yet the APFA has failed to implement contracts that spell out with sufficient specificity exactly what AA can do to you and what they can't.

Apparently your contract is too vague on the subject. That isn't AA management's fault.

And now that AA is building lines that are are nonsensical (in your view) yet are consistent with your contract it is somehow AA's fault??

Crew schedulers can't be held to a "that wasn't what was intended" standard. Don't like the trips they design? Then complain to those who negotiated (somewhat poorly) on your behalf.

I draft negotiate and draft contracts all the time. When my client is unhappy with the contract it sure isn't the fault of the other party to it - it is my fault since I was supposed to be watching out for them. You have been screwed by your representatives. Take it up with them.
FWAAA said:
Sounds like your union negotiators let you down yet again. In previous contracts you have negotiated various work rules yet the APFA has failed to implement contracts that spell out with sufficient specificity exactly what AA can do to you and what they can't.

Apparently your contract is too vague on the subject. That isn't AA management's fault.

And now that AA is building lines that are are nonsensical (in your view) yet are consistent with your contract it is somehow AA's fault??

Crew schedulers can't be held to a "that wasn't what was intended" standard. Don't like the trips they design? Then complain to those who negotiated (somewhat poorly) on your behalf.

I draft negotiate and draft contracts all the time. When my client is unhappy with the contract it sure isn't the fault of the other party to it - it is my fault since I was supposed to be watching out for them. You have been screwed by your representatives. Take it up with them. can not negotiate to the letter, of a day to day fluid operation-come on..
in your situation if you make a deal with your client-and tell them you will do your "best" and make "every effort" to complete it in a timley and effecient manor.

...their idea and your idea of what that may be might be different...
You may complete a deal with your customer with in the guidelines of what is agreed upon..

The spirit of the agreement-or the intention-and the letter are two different things-and
were recognized as such when entered into..there is no question here to who is taking advantage of the situation-as a professional you should know is just it just plain bad business..

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