Mia - Mvd

FA Mikey

Aug 19, 2002
Miami may lose some of its tag flying to regular non-stop service. On the list being considered right now is MVD.
FA Mikey said:
Miami may lose some of its tag flying to regular non-stop service. On the list being considered right now is MVD.
I've been hearing that alot, and I've also heard reliable rumours that either CNF, ASU, or MVD will be served non-stop from Miami come this winter. The eventual plan is to serve all of three non-stop by 2007. However, I have heard that MVD would be served non-stop from MIA in addition to a tag-on from EZE, because the MVD-EZE flight is a huge cargo money maker for AA. It will be cool to see what pans out. Though, on a side note, Belo Horizonte cannot be served non-stop unless AA acquires more US-Brazil slots.
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Is there really enough passenger intrest for a non-stop Belo? United did it for a while but stopped. I know the cargo to there is great, but is it enough? Does UAL have a slot not in use? They stopped flying both Belo and Rio. Perhaps there is a possibility in a deal with them.
I can't believe today Montevideo is still served with a HUGELY inconvenient stop in Buenos Aires. I don't know if a 767-300ER could be filled daily but the answer may be serving the market 4 or 5 times weekly. A 757 may be the answer, while I'm no fan of 8 hour flights on this plane, nonstop by 757 is better then nothing. AA should outfit some 757 with 767 style Business Class for service to Southern South America & Europe to cities that can't support a 767 like MVD, ASU, Belo, Edi and Birmingham, England. AA has been able to tap a huge market in South America previous opertaors in the area couldn't but there is still a niche market asjing for nonstop flights to Miami.

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