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Mgt Comp.. Is anyone this gullible??

They got some guys from--target or shopko--one of those filing bank. For just the same thing--taking money before filing. Look it up!!
On 3/1/2003 2:36:51 AM drifterreno wrote:

They got some guys from--target or shopko--one of those filing bank. For just the same thing--taking money before filing. Look it up!!
Nicely said Dea!

Next time I see you at Starbuck's in the terminal, its on me!


Thank you, Zeph! Can we still afford Starbucks? Come on down to my plane and I'll make you a cup of coffee from my own, brought-from-home supply!
Cavalier writes:

Most people have been looking to leave this dying shell, or wishing they will get the ax, or they would liquidate and put everyone out of misery. If the steps taken is how corporate America saves a company from extinction, then it’s no different than a dying man being able to go with dignity and being saved from the prolonged vain attempts at saving his life only to die in pain instead of at peace.

PITbull writes:

Cavalier--Where have you been?!

I want to express that what you have stated above is correct for many, and I can attest. I can see how one could make such an analogy.

A part of me wants so badly to believe, that once we are OUT of BK that things will improve for us. Not because this management thinks of the employee, we all know better here on the inside of U. But because we will have more "leverage" to demand, not ask, for improvements to our contracts. What we gave this co. to survive was enormous and all OUTSIDE of Sec. 6. We went into our agreeemts and took pages out. When the time is right, we will open our agreements and demand more wages and improvements and use every means we can to get it.There will be no more! We all have contracts; and they will be honored! Every piece of language.

The jury is still out on this management. They have told me personally, give us a chance to get out of BK...

Ok, then. O-K.
On 3/1/2003 1:08:15 AM PineyBob wrote:

Frankly I don't see an ethical breach here! Management need some help on lowering cost and saw a weakness and the opportunity to exploit it, which they did, BIG TIME! Bottom line PITbull management covered you and yours in F.U.D and you caved. (FUD = Fear Uncertainty Doubt! Oldest sales technique out there to discredit competition) If you didn't like the deal you could have made US the next Eastern, for some reason you chose not to.

Suppose this whole thing turns around and Chip's wild "unique" tranactions take place and in 2008 when it comes time to redo the contracts US has 10 billion in revenue, is the #4 airline and leads all airlines in profit performance with a record profit the last 2 years of 1.5 Billion dollars/year, a clean balance sheet and a ton of cash on hand and the company is screamed bloodly murder because of the "Greedy Unions" is it unfair then for you to press your advantage in the same agressive manner that management is now doing to you??

OF COURSE IT ISN'T UNFAIR! This is business people not friggin Sunday School! And it's alot like making sausage, not very pretty, but the potential for some tasty results!

Just remember PIT, luck changes the sun doesn't shine on the same dogs ### every day! hang in there.

I did 14 segments so far this year with 16 booked for March already. I'm doing my part, you guys do yours and we'll all get through this!
AND THIS TOO:Those three recto-cranial inversions had a contract. Just like you have a contract. The company honored their contract pure and simple. So if we wish to apply a uniform standard to both labor & management then we have to honor W &G's contract the same as we would honor the AFA's or IAM's contract. I don't like what happened either, but if you take the emotions out it was part of their pay deal.

Bob I have not been posting here because frankly it is plain depressing reading about this entity called a company. You are back and forth on your stance. This company raped the workers in ALL groups and yet because you read that is how corporate America operates, it's ok. Well it's not! Everyone I work with, MANY, no longer feels the same about their employer and how can one blame them. Most people have been looking to leave this dying shell, or wishing they will get the ax, or they would liquidate and put everyone out of misery. If the steps taken is how corporate America saves a company from extinction, then it’s no different than a dying man being able to go with dignity and being saved from the prolonged vain attempts at saving his life only to die in pain instead of at peace. The moves the leadership have pulled both past and present will forever leave a foul odor and a big stain that all remaining employees will have to see and smell daily.
On 2/28/2003 1:23:21 PM mrplanes wrote:

But he said NOTHING about it did he geo? Not when it happened. Not in the above statement. Not when it was brought to light. Not ever. And that, in itself, is the problem. He won't address it. And that leads me to believe he is not the leader I had hoped for. Imagine for just a moment how Herb Kelleher would handle the situation.

My sentiments exactly mr, had ALPA not brought the $35 mill into light do you think Dave would have said anything about it? Not!

Even though Dave had no say in Wolf and his gang of thieves getting that money how could he not know it was morally wrong?

He couldn't do anything about back then but he can do something about it now but hasn't.
On 2/28/2003 1:17:43 PM Dea Certe wrote:

I swear, all I want in life right now is to see Wolf, Gangwal and Nagin do the Perp Walk on CNN. Or Fox. Or better yet, CNBC. Any channel.


I'll go one better, Id like to hear that the 3 amigos were SOLD to the guy with the most cigarettes.
[img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/11.gif']

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