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Mesa''s US Airways Express FA''s


Oct 22, 2002
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Okay I have a question why is it that the company is so hard on it''s flight attendants regarding the uniform policy and compliance but when I commute to work on on express MESA Airways to be precise, there flight attendants are never in uniform or when in uniform not in in complance with the full uniform. Hat''s off the PSA ALG PED for having professional looking flight attendants. But if I fly on Mesa again and see flight attendants with a plain white shirts and black slacks or a blue shirts and wings or the Male Flight Attendant based in CLT wearing high heel pumps I don''t know what I i''m going to do.
If in the course of a day,seeing a flight attendant in a white or blue shirt is the worst thing that happens to you I would consider the day a success.
I agree USAir330- the uniform compliance should be enforced at mainline, and old uniform pieces should be banned. There is nothing worse than that cream shirt (is it pink, brown, off white, or just dirty?) A new uniform would be the best idea (I have one designed in my head! ) The point about the Mesa FAs was lack of a uniform AT ALL. While ML FAs are creative (ever seen the coat dress- with a belt!!) I have seen a Mesa FA with brown boots, amost up to her knees, with her pants tucked into them. Shes also based in CLT. A ML supervisor would definatly stop them, especially in PHL.
USAirBoyA330 I agree that some of the flight attendants of mainline don''t wear they uniform with pride and has a flight attendant myself I know that their are some flight attendants to don''t wear the uniform corecttly either. but there are supervisors that are the patrol in the gate areas when it comes to compliance checks are their are supervisors that will not hesitate to wrote a flight attendant up for not being in complinance with the uniform policy that is what i''m saying. It seems that some of the affiliates don;t care and I worked for an affilate before I came to mainline.
I have a friend who works for one of the affiliates. She didnt recieve a uniform until two months after she started flying. She had never been fitted for one so it was huge. Most of these affiliates do other contract work too so unfortunatly some decide they like their America West, Frontier, or Delta uniform better and go ahead and wear that on an "Airways" flight instead. They have no pride in US Airways whatsoever, and really why should they. Many of these airlines have little or no supervision. Im not putting down employees of the affiliates, in fact some of them do a great job. However, there is a glaring difference when youre on a PSA, or Allegheny, or Piedmont flight... it seems like there is a lot more professionalism, and knowledge, I would guess that comes from better recruitment and being a part of the company. Lets get those RJs at the WOs soon and get some of these awful carriers off the property. I'm concerned with non-company Rjs becoming such a large part of the network (most of it, really) our customer service will suffer. So mainline was #1 for last year, but its shrinking and laying people off. Im furloughed, and I know Id be so grateful to have a job Id wear the uniform with pride as I always did.

Hard on the Mainline F/A's? The mainline F/A's are always out of uniform compliance as well. Half of the girls never wear a collar-tab. A lot are wearing pieces that went out YEARS ago. I don't know about MESA but I know that we should not be singling them out when my coworkers at mailine can't wear the prescribed uniform either. Some look like they just rolled out of bed! I came from another airline and have friends as most others....the uniform situation at USAirways would NOT be tolerated at ANY other airline.
This uniform is 15 years old and in dire need of being updated. I don't think that's in the cards but I do know they were toying with the idea of woman's scarfs and stuff. But I can just see that now. You will see them tied on shoes...braclets....tied in peoples hair and probably sewn together to make a shawl. But when the company tries to enforce the uniform policy AFA steps in and claims harassment! I think these F/A's need to look up the word UNIFORM....it means LOOKING ALIKE. That's the whole point.
The contract carrier F/As have had nothing taken from them, in fact their companies are rapidly growing at the expense of whats left of US Airways and its subsidiaries. They most likely would have no idea who Jerry Glass or Dave Siegel is, or how many US Airways folks have lost their jobs and taken paycuts.
When I was flying, I always wore my uniform proudly (even though its probably the tackiest one in the industry), because I was proud that it represented US Airways and its great employees. I hope to someday have the opportunity to again, but with each furlough its further and further away, if it ever does happen. I guess thats why some of us take offense to a "lower-cost", contracted employee thats basically got my job (and unlike most, I'd be fine with commuter pay as long as theres a flowback to ML) and cant manage to wear our uniform correctly or at all.
As always Bob, thanks for your support, and your right- dont ever let anyone take your spirit!!!

I work for AA in Miami, and we have a similar problem. One thing is for sure though, Whenever I see a crew from British Airways or Iberia or Lufthansa or KLM and even Air Jamaica, the Flight Attendants ALWAYS look good, and that is usually after a 10+ trip.

It isnt just a USAirways problem, it is a U.S. problem.

Look at Singapore, and Virgin and LTU and JAL and many many others and you will see I am telling the truth.

Thanks again for your business. I appreciate you "selling" US Airways. In fact, you do the best job around here, you need to be on the payroll.

Regarding the uniforms: Good grooming is important. However, the last batch of uniform items I ordered were so below standard, quality wise, I sent them back. The pants looked like they were off the peg from K-Mart. The blouses were sized wrong and way too big. The dress is just plain unflattering without extensive tailoring, and I don''t mean hemming. My tailor told me he''d have to take the darn thing apart and it just wasn''t worth spending money since the quality was poor, in his professional opinion.

Sometimes poor grooming is a sign of depression. I wonder if that''s why we are seeing more unkempt employees.
I would agree that the sloppy look may well be a sign of general fatigue with the companys state and the conditions. However, now more than ever as US is out of BK is a perfect time to regain the pride in the company. Time to break out the polish for the wings . And encourage your fellow crew members to do the same. US has a GREAT corporate image, the classy airline. I will say that this does not apply to everyone. in fact, more than ever I have seen more and more frontline employees wearing the uniform with a smile. Keep up the good work and it will pay off for each of you. just wait, good times are on the way...just need a little patience.

Good Luck to All and Keep Up the GOOD WORK.

ps. The old shirts WERE cream. and the uniform is not 12 years old, they were changed when we became AIRWAYS.
We did NOT get a new uniform when USAir changed to USAirways. We got new wings and buttons. Items were phased out and a white shirt put in but it's still the same uniform we have has since the early 80's.
The new unisex sweater look like "MAMA THELMA HARPER" and on the guys it looks like Mr. Rogers (all due respect). It's frumpy and looks more like we should be mopping the floors in hair curlers!
We are in serious need of a uniform update of SOME SORT. It's should be part of the RE-IMAGE the company keeps talking about. It would do well for moral as well.

I don''t know what department you work in, but I''ve been wearing the same basic uniform since US bought PSA in 1988. We''ve had a few changes in some pieces; new blouses and a sack dress to replace the old belted one. We used to have a cream colored "summer" suit dress that was retired some time ago. And we did get new silver-toned buttons and wings to replace the brass.

The cream and mushroom blouses were phased out and we got the new white "aviator" style shirt. And we do have an option for short sleeves now. The pocket square was dropped and bow-style neck ties were replaced with a tab. Other than that, it''s the same basic navy blue suit. It''s not terribly offensive, I''ve worn worse. Let''s not forget the hot pants in the hot orange and pink!

The latest addition has been a cardigan sweater for inflight crews. It''s your basic navy blue unisex acrylic with the flag logo and a space for our wings.

I don''t mind the current uniform, it''s drab and uninteresting but functional. Originally the quality was much better in the past. There''s certainly worse styles to be found out there.

The uniform is the least of our problems, IMO.
I agree the company needs to overhaul the uniforms if for no other reason than marketing of the airline. Think about it, when PanAm was going stong, they had a uniform that stood out with the white caps and made people take notice. People were in utter awe of a PanAm captain in full uniform. The same goes for the military. There is nothing sharper than the dress whites of a US Naval Officer. Something sharp and original needs to be put out. At the same time, anyone affiliated with US wearing a uniform representing the company must be taken to task for being improperly dressed or groomed while in uniform. Delusions of Excellence was well intentioned but really a joke to all involved.

This goes double for contract Express carriers. Many, through no fault of their own are put on the job without having proper access to the right uniform. CCY needs to chew some @ss in PHX, IND and the like when these carriers drop the ball, there must be financial consequences if they do not, since money is the only language these folks have in common. Mainline employees must set the standard, however. If the uniform sucks, send it back, and complain, complain, and complain to management. But keep your good uniforms in shape as best you can, keep yourselfs well groomed, and keep your pride.

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