Mesa Growth: Follow The Money

Shortly after the failed UAL merger (August, 2001,) I said that USAirways would eventually be bought out by Mesa. I was only half-kidding at the time, but maybe I should learn French and start writing quatrains because I think it's a much stronger possibility now.

Not that I would be happy about it.
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nycbusdriver wrote:
maybe I should learn French and start writing quatrains

:up: :up:

Do you know of the story of Kassandra? Greek legend of a woman who was cursed to know the future. Part of the curse was that no one would believe her dire predictions and hence none of them took any steps to prepare for them or prevent them.

They just went along blithely believing, perhaps, that the Dave's of their day would save them. :shock:

I'm not sure I should ask, but what quatrains might you have to offer about our future at this juncture?

In prognosticative solidarity,

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